Bite Your Fingertips

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: You give me a hug

Zhang Yueshan and Dream-Ge were immersed in calculating Class A’s overall team points.

On the third day of the sports competition, all the singles events had ended. After the relay was finished, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony would take place.

Dream-Ge’s legs were spread apart as he held two pieces of paper in his hand, which contained his records over the past three days. His handwriting was messy, so only he could understand what was written.

“…Second in men’s 100-meter freestyle, first in women’s 50-meter freestyle… Tennis— second… Men’s standing long jump— third…”

After reading category by category, Dream-Ge hurriedly leaned to see the numbers Zhang Yueshan had written on his draft paper. “Class Rep, how about you? Have you figured it out? What’s our total score? Can we get the award?”

Zhang Yueshan pushed away Dream-Ge’s face and head with his hands while saying irritably, “Stop twittering. I just finished half of the calculation, and with your roar, I forget everything!”

Dream-Ge covered his mouth and responded in a muffled voice, “Okay, then you hurry and compute! This is related to the welfare of the common people!”

Chu Yu, who was sitting next to him, tried to recall. “I forgot as well. Up until high jump, it was 231 points.” He turned his head and asked Lu Shi, “Lu Shi, are you counting?”

Lu Shi was holding a pencil while answering questions. Only when he heard Chu Yu’s question did he speak, “Overall score— 579.”

Writing the number on the paper happily, Zhang Yueshan sighed. “Everyone worked hard. This score is 30 points higher than my estimate! Our award’s very promising!”

Dream-Ge was also excited. “Class Rep, can our overall score get first place? Can it?”

“It should be? This score’s very high.” Zhang Yueshan wasn’t sure.

“It can.”

Lu Shi wrote ‘B’ in front of a multiple choice question and explained, “If there’s another class monopolizing first place in men’s 100-meter freestyle, second in women’s 50-meter freestyle, first in tennis, second in men’s 3000 meters, first in women’s 50-meter sprint, wait,” Lu Shi said in sequence according to the order of Dream-Ge’s reported events, and finally concluded, “Then, their highest overall score is 571.”

“Less than us!” Dream-Ge hit his knee with his fist. “Then do we just have to watch out for the final relay results?”

Zhang Yueshan calculated. “Yes, but even if our relay results place at the bottom, we can still keep the top three with the total score!” He dragged his sigh, “Ai, why’s it so difficult to not get the award?”

Dream-Ge also followed after and sighed, “Ai, it’s too difficult!”

Chu Yu, who was holding his comic book, poked his head out from beside Lu Shi and also sighed, ‘Ai’ saying, “Rep, Dream-Ge, you two are going to get beaten for talking like this!”

Zhang Yueshan used the pen in his hand to point to the little red rocket banners that were still fluttering in the wind. “School Flower, say, who’s going to be beaten up in the end?”

Class A ultimately earned third place in the relay running event and successfully kept first place with the team’s overall score.

An award money of 10,000 yuan was in the bag.

In the classroom, Zhang Yueshan stood on the podium, took out the money in the kraft paper envelope, and coughed twice to clear his throat. “Students, quiet! For these three days, everyone worked very hard and did their best. The school was very considerate of us, and there will be no classes tomorrow. So, to reward everyone, we—”

Dream-Ge snatched his next words. “Gonna party! Celebrate!”

Zhang Yueshan glared at him and said solemnly, “Gonna what party? We’re going somewhere to hold class activities.”

The change of environment was from Jianing Private to a party villa on a mountain in the suburbs.

The application for use of the school bus had been submitted to the school in advance, and the 30 or so students of Class A took the school bus halfway up Qingming Mountain.

Dream-Ge was impatient and took the lead in jumping out of the bus with his basketball that he couldn’t leave behind.

When he stood on the lawn in front of the villa, it took him a few seconds before saying, “Damn, it turns out that our class’ cultural and entertainment committee member isn’t only a top student, but his family is also awesome! Looking at the pictures before, would you think the scenery here was this beautiful? Unfortunately, there’s a lack of a basketball court.”

“I remember the last time I visited, there was a basketball hoop in the house, which lets you enjoy shooting two or three-pointers.”

Chu Yu had been here before when his friend had had a birthday party.

At that time, knowing that he was present, Yang Yuchan had offered a 15% discount.

Reportedly, this villa was bought by Yang Yuchan’s parents as her birthday gift. She felt that it was a waste, so after completing market research, she came up with a plan and directly converted it into a party villa for rent. It was also equipped with professional staff consisting of a party planning team and butlers. It was very popular.

This time, after Zhang Yueshan found out about it, he went to discuss it with Yang Yuchan. Then all members of the class voted and the class activity plan was passed—

If they received the award at the sports meeting, they could rent this villa for one day and let everyone play together.

In any case, one’s own fertile water didn’t flow to outsiders’ fieldsKeep the goodies within the family (or classmate, or close friend)., and Yang Yuchan also gave the lowest discount.

The villa was located in Qingming Mountain, with the Qingchuan River winding in the distance. The natural scenery was its biggest selling point.

There were a total of four floors, and the overall design was very atmospheric due to the empty luxurious hall, full glass curtain wall, and the visible continuous vegetation and mountains outside the window at a glance. It had just rained and there was lingering mist in the mountains and forests, which made people feel refreshed and relaxed.

On the basement floor was a KTV and billiards room. On the first floor there were xboxes, projectors, and board games. There were swings and well-equipped barbecue grills on the terrace.

As soon as they walked in, everyone sighed that the place for this class activity was very well chosen.

After stepping into a familiar place, those who enjoyed singing went straight to the KTV. The game console was soon occupied. Dream-Ge forced Fang Ziqi to accompany him to shoot for the basket again and again, while the girls sat around the rectangular dining table and started playing board games.

Zhang Yueshan shouted from the kitchen whether anyone would like to handle the food and roast skewers with him, but no one paid him any attention. In the end, he could only write down their student IDs and draw lots; whoever was picked would go into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Chu Yu’s student ID was also pulled out.

He wasn’t unhappy, but rather curious about everything. After walking around in the kitchen, Chu Yu rolled up his sleeves and thought that it was time to show off his knife skills!

However, after witnessing Chu Yu’s level with the kitchen knife, Zhang Yueshan’s heart was alarmed and his body jolted. With a pale face, he hurriedly pushed the person aside. “School Flower, you just sit on the plastic stool and put the cut ingredients into the barbecue stick, okay! If you use the fucking knife twice, I suspect you won’t be able to keep a single finger!”

Chu Yu protested, “Let me practice my knife skills again!”

Zhang Yueshan expressed firm rejection.

Ideals were beautiful, but reality taught one how to behave; the barbecue was made, but if it wasn’t raw then it was burnt. Fortunately, they brought a lot of snacks, fruits, instant noodles, sandwiches, and cooked food. The group of people made a racket and barely ate their fill.josei

Because it had been raining heavily, it got dark early.

There were no neon lights on the mountain, no hustle and bustle of cars and other vehicles, and outside the windows were pitch-black, only the sound of wind and rain could be heard, as if here was isolated from the rest of the world.

In the large living room, Li Hua, who was holding a bowl of fruit salad, suggested, “Such a good opportunity, it’s a pity to miss it. Everyone, let’s tell ghost stories!”

Zhang Yueshan responded to his deskmate, “Agreed!”

Dream-Ge was a little timid, but felt that he wouldn’t be a real man if he didn’t join, thus he also agreed. “Come come come, pull the table!”

As soon as a few girls heard the others were doing a ghost story telling, they hurried to the KTV downstairs at top speed with their snacks.

Chu Yu anxiously watched the others evacuate the scene and also wanted to leave with them, but thought that if he too evacuated in seconds, his face would be somewhat in a difficult position.

He quietly grabbed the corner of Lu Shi’s clothes and asked in a low voice, “Lu Shi, are you afraid of ghosts?”

“Are you afraid?”

“How could I be afraid!”

Chu Yu subconsciously denied, but after two seconds, he lowered his voice again. “Actually, I’m… a tiny bit scared.”

Lu Shi rubbed Chu Yu’s nape with his hands. “Hm, I’m here.”

On the other side, Li Hua had already turned off the lights in the living room. There were only two small wall lamps with limited illumination in the entire living room.

His speech slowed down. “No one is allowed to go.”

Dream-Ge laughed. “My god, this atmosphere is so good, it’s really suitable for telling ghost stories! So exciting!”

More than a dozen students sat around the table.

There was an inverted flashlight placed on the middle of the table, barely acting as a candle.

No one spoke.

Zhang Yueshan inquired first, “How about we play a game? What kind of ghost stories do you have at the bottom of your box, tell it and in the end, we’ll vote to see who has the most terrifying and scariest? How’s this?”

Chu Yu was crazily complaining in his heart; what a broken game, why would he want to participate?! But maybe he was so scared that he managed to squeeze out a little excitement, so his words turned into, “Okay, I approve!”

Fang Ziqi raised his hand. “I’ll go first, I’ll just throw a brick to attract jade抛砖引玉: Use worthless things to lead to valuable things. Or, it can be a humble opening remark..”

“This is a real thing, it happened in my junior high school. The cause of the incident was a long haired girl. It wasn’t known what happened, but she had jumped off a building…”

Fang Ziqi suppressed his voice very low, spoke slowly and indistinctly, creating a very scary mood.

“…One day, Lin Jie opened the dorm room door and suddenly found that a girl with long hair was sitting on her lower bunk, her back facing her while combing her hair with a comb. She stood at the doorway and dared not move, wondering if that person returned, did she, did she not—”

Under the dining table, Chu Yu tightly grasped the corner of Lu Shi’s clothes, almost tearing the fabric.

Lu Shi glanced at him sideways, stretched out his hand, and let Chu Yu hold it.

Fang Ziqi exaggerated the mood to the extreme. Just when Chu Yu wanted to shout at the ‘The female ghost must be back to seek revenge’ part, Fang Ziqi suddenly said, “The girl sitting on the lower bunk turned her head and asked with a smile, ‘Lin Jie, look, does my new wig look good?’ It turns out that that girl was Lin Jie’s twin.”

Absolute silence.

Fang Ziqi was very satisfied with their reaction and laughed out loud. “Hahaha, I wasn’t talking about the paranormal, there are no ghosts in it at all!”

Dream-Ge slapped the tabletop with a ‘paapaa’, furious. “Scram scram scram. Fang Ziqi, you wasted your father’s feelings!”

Fang Ziqi held back his smile. “Isn’t this just me throwing a brick to attract jade? Come, come, come, it’s your guys’ turn!”

Chu Yu squeezed Lu Shi’s hand and continuously gave himself psychological building—

I’m not afraid of ghosts. How could I be afraid of ghosts? I need to consume human blood now. Maybe I’m even from the fifth generation of a vampire family or something, ghosts should be the one afraid of me!

Thinking this way, he became fearless for three seconds.

But only for three seconds.

After listening to the second story about a malicious spirit’s murder, Chu Yu leaned against Lu Shi, shivering.

“I’m sleepy.”

Zhang Yueshan looked at Lu Shi. “Lu-Shen, you’re sleepy? Today was indeed tiring, why don’t you go and rest first?”

“Mn, you guys have fun.”

Lu Shi looked at Chu Yu. “You?”

Chu Yu acted as if he’d been granted amnesty and hurriedly said, “Ah, now that you say that, I’m also a little sleepy. I’ll go with you!”

Dream-Ge tried to stop them. “Don’t ah, School Flower, Lu-Shen. The mood is so good, don’t leave, I still haven’t told the story at the bottom of my box!”

Chu Yu thought to himself— I’d be fucking crazy to stay and listen to ghost stories from you guys!

But his tone was still relaxed. “Y’all have fun, I’ll go upstairs first to sleep for a while and then come down when I wake up.”

Chu Yu finally let out a sigh of relief when they got to the third floor where the boys were assigned to stay.

Recalling something, Chu Yu reached out his hand in an attempt to pull Lu Shi’s left wrist, a little worried. “Did I squeeze your wrist just now? I used too much strength, is it red?”

Lu Shi instinctively retracted his wrist.

After discovering this little detail, Chu Yu didn’t ask any more, pretending not to notice. He naturally changed the subject. “That ghost story told by the Study Committee Member, although it was a plot twist in the end, it was still terrifying! I will never participate in such storytelling activities again!”

Everyone had gathered downstairs to play, and all of them intended to play all night. Few people wanted to sleep, so the rooms upstairs were empty.

Chu Yu was picky and patiently chose an interior decoration that suited his preferences and aesthetics.

Lu Shi questioned him, “Staying here by yourself?”

Chu Yu wanted to very firmly say, “Of course, it’s no problem for me to stay here by myself!”

But he was very self-aware. “Of course, it’s impossible to stay here by myself!”

Two people slept in one room.

The room Chu Yu chose was a Mediterranean sea themed with a light blue tone as the overall color, and two single beds in it.

The curtains weren’t closed. Raindrops hit the glass windows, issuing crisp ‘pipa’ sounds.

After taking the fastest shower and rushing out of the bathroom, Chu Yu quickly lay down on the bed and tightly wrapped the quilt on himself. Only then did he feel a slight sense of security.

Seeing that Lu Shi was going to turn off the lights, Chu Yu quickly stopped him. “Wait a minute!”

Lu Shi paused.

Chu Yu closed his eyes tightly before saying, “Okay, you can turn off the lights.”

With a ‘pa’, the lights went out and the whole room sunk into darkness.

Chu Yu, who was wrapped in a quilt, tried several ways to hypnotize himself, but the effect was very mediocre.

With his good memory, he started to involuntarily and automatically complete the ghost story he’d heard just now in his mind, and also equipped it with environmental special effects and sound effects— very smoothly scaring himself that he dared not move.

Outside the window was the endless sound of rain, making the room quieter in contrast.

Chu Yu clutched the sheets, thinking that life was too difficult.

If he closed his eyes, there would be horror images in front of him.

When opening his eyes, he’d feel that there were ghosts hidden outside the window, under the bed, and even under the table.

No more, no more—

Chu Yu jumped up in a spurt of energy, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed. He dashed to Lu Shi’s bed like a gust of wind, and then tucked himself in.

After lying down, he felt that his face was really lost, so Chu Yu broke the jarThoroughly see things to the end. Finish what you started. and said, “Don’t talk, you… you give me a hug.”

An arm stretched out and held him in an embrace.

His nose filled with a familiar scent.

Chu Yu felt a bit more at ease.

Recalling something again, Chu Yu opened one eye and cautiously asked, “A-are you Lu Shi?”

You’re not a ghost, right?

“En, I am.”

Lu Shi’s voice carried a trace of a smile, yet Chu Yu didn’t mind—

Smile all you want, it’s okay, I can bear it.

He subconsciously arched in Lu Shi’s arms, adjusted into a good sleeping position, and closed his eyes to sleep with relief.

The next morning, the daylight was dim outside the window.

The heavy rain fell all last night, and there was no sign of it stopping.

When Lu Shi suddenly woke up, he found that Chu Yu wasn’t there.

Sitting up and pinching the space between his brows, Lu Shi guessed that Chu Yu must’ve been worried about waking him up. When he left the bedroom, he didn’t even put on his slippers.

The villa was quiet, most of the people inside couldn’t hold on and fell asleep after finding a place. There was only Fang Ziqi, Li Hua, and Dream-Ge by the long table in the living room gathered together to play games.

The three didn’t sleep all night. Their faces were all tired and their eyes bloodshot. They were obviously extremely sleepy, but it seemed they were still competing. They were determined not to sleep, and vowed to achieve the feat of staying up all night.

Lu Shi asked, “Where’s Chu Yu?”

“Lu-Shen, you got up so early?”

Dream-Ge yawned, his eyes couldn’t be opened and his voice was hoarse. “Chu Yu and Class Rep went out, saying that they were going to the back of the mountain to find some wild matsutake and would return to stew soup. Study Com, you went the wrong way again, you’re a mid laner, mid lane, don’t blindly run into the top lane…”They probs playing on the game console.

Rain water flowed down the glass curtain wall, blurring the mountain scenery.

Lu Shi walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a bottle of mineral water from it.

He lowered his eyelids and unscrewed the light blue bottle cap with his fingers, carrying two points of cold and impatience between his brows.

The moment he unscrewed the mineral water bottle, Lu Shi’s heart abruptly tightened.

The light blue plastic cap broke off from his fingertips and landed on the marble floor. It bounced and made a few consecutive ‘ta’ noises.

The next second, a loud ‘boom’ exploded in the mountain forest, causing even the glass windows to tremble.

The author has something to say: Here’s a heart-shaped ghost exorcising talisman~ michu!We’re finally back on track QAQ

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