Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Light Magic

The white sphere bathed the room in soft light, and Gerald was watching with great expectation and interest, however, nothing else happened.

"Eh? Is that it?"

"What do you mean? Is it not enough for you?" Elly pouted, a bit angry at Gerald. 'Maybe I was wrong to think he was different! Just like Cot, he is unsatisfied with my magic, as if he can do better! Hmph!'

"Well, that light is pretty nice, but don't you have any combat spells?" Gerald questioned, unconcerned about her changing facial expressions.

"I have a few Earth spells that are used for combat, but I don't know what-"

"No, no, no! I'm asking you if you have any Light combat spells?"

"Eh?" sound came from Elly, who made the most confused look possible.

Listening to the conversation from the side, Trevor felt a pressure building inside him and had to intervene, "What do you mean Light spells used for combat?! How can you fight using light, that's ridiculous!"

"Is it?" Gerald lifted his eyebrow watching him sideways.

"Of course!"

"Is that so?"


"Hmm..." Rubbing his chin, Gerald observed Trevor for a minute. "Wait, you are actually serious… Now that's interesting!"

Trevor almost blew off his top, "What the fuck is so interesting about me? Stop spouting nonsense if you have no clue how Light magic works!"

"Hehe, hahaha!" With Gerald suddenly bursting into laughter, both Elly and Trevor became increasingly confused.

"What is so funny? Do perhaps know something we don't? Can you even use Light magic?!" Trevor shouted, being at the limit of his patience.

"Of course….not!" Gerald almost said something he shouldn't. As such, he gave an innocent smile, "I'm just spouting nonsense, as you just said!"

Trevor gave him a deep look and then turned around, "Hmph, fucking weirdo! I don't want to be your friend anymore."

After the guy left, Elly turned to Gerald with complex emotions, "Do you really not know how to use Light magic?"

"Didn't I just say that?"

"You lied, I saw it! You definitely know something about it!" She didn't trust his words at all, as his actions didn't coincide with the words spoken.

"Do I really? I don't know about that…" He suddenly appeared to have lost all interest and picked up a book he dropped before and casually sat down, reading.

Elly frowned and also sat down in silence. It was not her nature to be pushy, but the words Gerald spoke at the beginning and his excitement seemed to be genuine.

She knew about Illusion magic as it was elite-rank magic, but that was only because she was from an elite family. Normal people couldn't know about it, and based upon the fact that even Trevor, a talented mage who was an apprentice of a Bishop, didn't seem to know about it, that should still be the case.

Then there were also a few words that she didn't understand and the fact that he called it 'combat magic' just didn't give her peace of mind. She looked at him with squinted eyes, 'He definitely knows something more, I just have to figure out how to make him talk!'

"Hey, um, Gerald…" she began quietly.


"I agree with that guy, Trevor… Light magic can't be used in an aggressive manner. It's great as supporting magic and can be combined with others to create healing magic, but it definitely can't be used to hurt or destroy!"

After her short speech, she sat quietly and observed Gerald's every move.

He didn't react much, he just gave her a passing glance and then smirked slightly, blew air out of his nose, and turned his attention back to the book at hand.

'He just scoffed at me? I knew it!'

Elly was now even more convinced he was hiding some big secret. She has seen that look before and it was usually before one of her elders answered a stupid question of hers. It wasn't something they did consciously, instead, it was a natural reaction to a ridiculous question or the lack of understanding of magic she put forth.

As a knowledgeable young lady, she was often left to figure stuff on her own, usually with limited information. As such, a misunderstanding of a subject was often the result of this type of learning.

"You're awfully quiet… You better not be thinking about doing anything stupid," Gerald casually commented without ever removing his eyes from the pages.

"Please teach me your secrets of Light magic!" Elly suddenly blurted out.

Gerald lifted his eyebrow and looked at her stupefied, "What? Where did that come from?"

"Please! I am constantly being made fun of because I barely know a spell or two… I'm willing to learn more, and I know you know much more about Light than me!" She spoke with conviction, but there was also a tinge of desperation felt in her voice.

"I think you should reconsider your words… How can I even teach you if I'm younger than you? Not to mention that I don't know what you are talking about, it would be awkward for all of us!"


The girl fell to her knees and gave him a pleading look, "Please! I'm willing to be your disciple and listen to your orders!"

"Sigh~" Gerald helplessly rubbed his eyes, "You are a crazy one, you know that? Okay, let's say you become my student… What will your teammates think about it? I don't want to be the source of a conflict."

Jumping back to her feet she quickly went to explain her situation, "It's not a problem at all! I'm not a true member of the Mad Weasels, I just tagged along for the last month. Even if I decide to leave suddenly, it won't affect them at all!"

Right after her explanation ended, the office door opened and the important figures stepped out as the discussion and planning just ended.

"We'll talk about it later. Let's go and see what's the plan for the beasts first!"

Gerald, and a few others, didn't participate in the discussions since there was nothing to add. He was one of the youngest, weakest, and least experienced warriors, so he was fine with it. He was not the one doing the heavy lifting, after all.

"Simply being a guide is easy and stress-free. I'll let those meat-heads do all the work and then take some small advantages for myself!"

Going in for a final discussion, they were informed of the following plan:

The Bishop would spread the news of the Minecrawler King and organize the warriors outside in a single giant group and lead them to clear out the way.

Meanwhile, the Dark Lions and Mad Weasels would bring heavy weaponry and metal chains to bring down the beast. Dark Lions were experts in taking down stronger opponents and were prepared for such a situation. And although the beast this time was somewhat out of their reach, they should still be able to bring it down with double or triple the manpower.

The warriors led by the Bishop would be the ones distracting the hundreds of Minecrawlers, while the elites would take on the King.

"It's a decent plan… I just hope it works as it should," Gerald murmured.

"Let's go! We need to prepare the gear! If anyone has any experience hunting Wargs, you are welcome to join!" Dark Knight announced with his powerful voice.

"Huh? Why would you go and hunt Wargs now?" Gerald asked.

"Heh! The kid doesn't know! Are you sure you should play with the big boys?" Appearing out of nowhere, Cot once again had something to say, although it was not really productive.

"Shut up, Cot!" Elly berated him once again. Then, turning to Gerald once again, she spoke her thought, "If I understood correctly they want to refine the Warg's toxic body fluids to make a poison for the Minecrawler King."

Gerald thought for a while and then nodded, "That makes sense… I was wondering how they would kill it, but I guess this could work."

The few that decided to go on a hunt followed Dark Knight and his team while the rest took the day off. Gerald, in the meantime, went to the restaurant and ordered a warm meal and then went to find a sunny place to rest.

He took out a notebook and ink and started writing down his ideas for Light magic.

From the books that he received from the Bishop, a few touched on the topic of Light manipulation theory and spell formation, but in his eyes, they were severely lacking.

"If people don't even know what atoms are, then it's no wonder that their Light magic is so freaking weak! How could they possibly know about photons?" Realizing how severely lacking their knowledge was, he decided to do something about it. Also, talking with Elly gave him a few ideas for Light spells and so he immediately decided to put them to paper.

Although many of them were not all that suitable for fighting beasts, mainly Blinding Light and Illusions, since most animals relied on smell and hearing to fight, they were still extremely useful against humans, who relied mostly on sight. josei

"Invisibility, lasers that can burn through everything, mind-bending illusions… The possibilities are almost endless!" Having written many dozen pages during the day, Gerald found himself daydreaming about the different possibilities this branch of magic would bring.

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