Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Warrior's Guild, Part 2


The front doors of the Warriors Guild were heavy and they squeaked when Gerald pushed them open. They could definitely use some oil.

Inside was a giant hall, with small windows near the ceiling. There were a few chandeliers hanging up there, illuminating the place.

No one paid any attention to Gerald as he entered. People were too busy talking to each other and discussing the past missions, trading tricks and experiences, and in general trying to acquire more information that could benefit them in the future. josei

The place had a lively feeling to it.

Most people were gathered on the left side, around the wooden board, where all the newest missions were displayed. Most of them were searching for the easiest and most profitable job they could find.

Of course, there were a few weirdos, that only looked for really specific kinds of work, such as the gathering of herbs, escorting, or simple patrol missions around the city.

On the opposite side, Gerald saw a familiar figure. Sera was sitting on a bench all by herself.

It could be that when the first time they met, his head was filled with too much new information to notice, or it could be that her messy hair, torn clothes, and blood covered most of her natural beauty.

Either way, only now Gerald noticed that she was, in fact, quite an attractive girl. She had beautiful long light brown hair, a small nose, and big blue eyes with golden color around the middle.

The tight clothes perfectly highlighted the roundness of her perky chest, pulling his eyes to roam up and down her body. The tight leather pants couldn't hide her round and smooth backside, instead, giving even more emphasis to her hips and strong thighs.

Gerald compared her body to the girls from Earth, and at least from his experience, he knew that such a physique required years of training in the gym with a strict diet and a generally good lifestyle. With all the junk food and simple pleasures of the modern world, having such a body was basically just a pipe dream for many young women.

While admiring Sera, Gerald finally noticed that something was wrong. Her eyes didn't have the luster from a few days ago and her face looked gloomy and absent.

Gerald came closer and woke her up from the dream world, "Hey, you alright?" he asked.

She didn't even notice him coming closer, that's why his voice startled her, but when she saw him standing before her, it seemed to improve her mood.

"Oh, Gerald! Did you finally decide to join the Guild?" she asked him with great interest and hope in her eyes.

"I am not completely sure about that, yet. Anyhow, I wanted to check it out at least," he said. "Why the long face?"

Sera gave him a long sigh before she spoke. "As you know, I lost my comrades. Most people in the Guild already know what happened, and they are now avoiding me. They say that I'm cursed and I'm bringing bad luck."

"No one wants me in their party, and now I can't even go out for a hunt," she complained.

"Why not? Can't you go alone?" Gerald asked her.

"No way, it's too dangerous. Even the more experienced warriors don't like going alone in the woods. There were too many accidents and weird attacks lately." Sera explained. "Now I can't even make money. And above all, I'm bored!" In the last part, she almost screamed.

"Okay, okay I get it," Gerald tried to calm her down. "Why don't you do less dangerous jobs in the city for a while? I heard that working as an alchemist apprentice is an option."

"Are you kidding? You want me to work in the herb gardens and take care of the flowers all day?" She looked at him like he just betrayed her. "No way! That's the job of old people. I want to be free. I want to go on adventures and have fun."

Suddenly Sera's eyes shined and she looked into Gerald's eyes with the nicest smile she could muster, saying, "Hey, here's an idea. How about you and I form a team and go on adventures together, what do you say? It's going to be so much fun! "

"No." Gerald spat the answer out of his mouth as soon as she finished her question.

"N- No? What do you mean, no?" She looked at him with a perplexed expression. "At least consider it. You didn't even think about it for a second!" Sera was visibly agitated.

"I already told you I'm not even sure if I'll join the guild, and even if I did, I definitely wouldn't start with hunting missions. And as you said yourself, it's dangerous to be alone in the woods at this time." Gerald calmly explained his thoughts to Sera.

Sera was just staring at him, not knowing how to respond to his rejection. "B- But... " She was nervously twiddling her fingers in front of her chest, trying to come up with something to say. "Ah! I know, you have really strong Fire magic, and you are so amazing with it. I'm sure we will be fine with that. Hm, yes, that would be great!" Another smile appeared on her face, as she felt that she could convince Gerald to help her.

"Ahh, yes. The Fire magic. That's something I wanted to talk about." Gerald's face turned serious as he lowered his voice. "I would prefer if you wouldn't talk about my affinity with Elements."

When she heard that, Sera suddenly tried to avoid his gaze and turn her head around like she didn't hear anything. She had that guilty look on her face.

Gerald pinched his nose and sighed, "You already told someone, didn't you?"

"Just my friend. I just told her, and no one else, I promise!" Sera tried to defend herself.

Gerald rolled his eyes and said, "Alright, where is she?"

Sera extended her arm and pointed to the end of the hall, "It's Luna, she works here at the Guild."

Gerald followed her finger with his gaze and saw her pointing at the front desk.

There was a young girl, and judging from her appearance, her age was also similar to Gerald's. Her hair was chestnut-colored, with a few strands of light greyish-green color. She also had big silver-green eyes and she was constantly smiling, showing her white teeth.

She was currently busy talking to a middle-aged man, giving him more details about his new assignment. Gerald decided to wait until she was done to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Sera sneaked behind him and threw herself on his back hugging him around his shoulders. "Hehe. Hey, come on, let me join you on an adventure. It's going to be fun," she whispered in his ear.

"What the hell! Get off me!" Gerald tried to shake her off.

"Hey, new guy! Hands off my girl or you will regret it!" A loud voice came from the front door and it attracted the attention of many people.

The owner of the voice was a chubby teenager, wearing leather armor with a few metal pieces. Different ornaments and a family crest on his chest showed that he was probably a son of some noble family. Behind him were five strong men, much older than him. They all had an indifferent expression on their faces, probably his personal guards.

Gerald glared at Sera. It was obvious that she hugged him on purpose to provoke that guy.

But she ignored Gerald and retorted, "I'm not your girl, Adelard. Get that through your thick skull already, " Sera quickly refuted his claim.

"Don't talk nonsense. I know you just lost your teammates and now nobody wants you." Adelard spoke in a mischievous tone. "But I'm generous. As long as you become my girlfriend you can join my group and enjoy the easy life."

His words were magnanimous, but Gerald could easily see a lustful look on his face. Another problem, just what he needed!

He tried to avoid the tension between them as he ignored the conflict and started walking towards the front desk, where he could talk to Luna.

Suddenly Sera jumped to him and hugged his left arm and stuck out her tongue towards Adelard in a provoking manner. "I already found my new teammate and he is way better than you! Be careful when you go into the forest. I heard that fat children are first to be eaten," Sera continued to taunt him.

Adelard's face was now completely red from anger and humiliation. He already grabbed the handle of his sword, ready to attack. But unexpectedly a strong hand landed on his shoulder and when he turned around he saw one of his guards lightly shaking his head.

"Hmph!" Adelard snorted and saw all eyes in the room watching him, waiting for his reaction. He stomped on the floor in anger and then turned around and left with steam coming out of his nose.

His guards quietly left behind him.

The warriors in the Guild all felt it was a shame they didn't get to see a good show.

After they left Gerald finally freed his arm, "Damn it, woman! What's your problem?!" Gerald was fuming. Because of her childish games, he now had a spoiled rich kid, full of unstable hormones, holding a grudge against him! Now he definitely had to join the Guild to be safe in the city.

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