Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 267

Chapter 267: Fire Mages

Another day went by like that, and Gerald fought here and there, lending a hand where he could. He wasn't a benevolent saint to be helping everyone around him, however, lending a hand to push back the increasingly common breaches in the defense was still something he could do.

He was currently sitting by the fire in the early morning hours with his team and eating a meal while telling them of the situation.

"…and that's basically what's going on right now. Last I heard a few thousand soldiers lost their lives already."

Faint sounds of explosions were going on in the background, and shouts of men and beasts mixed among the sounds of battle.

"That's impossible! How could the Empire use the monsters to attack? That's so cruel, how could they ever do something like that!" Elly cried with red eyes.

"Those bastards from the Empire! I knew the Red Sun Viper sect was up to no good! I just wish I could meet the Emperor face-to-face and beat his ass!" Sera shouted in anger and attacked the air before her as if it was her mortal enemy.

The others also voiced their agreement in angry voices.

Gerald silently nodded in approval when his ear twitched and he quickly flew up. Another breach happened not far away and monsters spilled into the city like a flood.

He quickly put his hands together and then fire ignited at his palms. Greater Fireballs, one after the other, shot out in quick succession, blasting them to smithereens.

Reinforcements quickly arrived and pushed the remaining Goblins back until a new equilibrium was established.

Gerald nodded in satisfaction and then returned back down to comfort Elly as if nothing happened. "Don't worry, we'll get these monsters, and then we'll beat the Empire to show them not to mess with us. We just need to hold on for a bit longer!"


"Yes," Elly answered and quietly cried on Gerald's shoulder. She was a proper good-natured soul, just trying to help everyone, so a war like this was really hard on her, Gerald could understand that much. He didn't push her more than necessary.


In a dark, gloomy place, somewhere deep, deep underground… Wait, actually no.

In a well-lit hall in a palace on top of a hill… The throne room.

"Grandmaster Spark!"

The King enthusiastically greeted the guests that just entered the hall. It was a group of men, both young and old, about twenty at a glance, dressed in expensive-looking, thick red robes, with strips of black leather and ornamented with gold and jewels.

At the front was a silver-haired old man leaning on his staff as a support. However, that was anything but a normal walking staff.

It was a straight and hard wooden shaft with a beautiful red gem on top, and lines of gold running along the grain. The wood around the gem seemed as if it was naturally grown, almost as if they were the roots of a tree that grew around it.

The old man straightened his back and looked The King straight in the eyes.

"Your Majesty!" The man slightly bowed, and The King returned the gesture in kind.

"Thank you for coming on such a quick notice, Grandmaster!" The King's spokesperson spoke and waved to the servants. They quickly came carrying tables and chairs, and in a few short minutes, a feast was presented to them.

"Please, sit! Have some wine, it's the best part of the last year's harvest, sweet and rich with flavor," the spokesperson gestured.

The men didn't decline and sat down, taking bites of delicious beast meat and drank cups of good wine.

"The King would like to apologize we couldn't escort you into the capital, however as you can see it we are quite in a predicament. He hopes you didn't have too much trouble." josei

Grandmaster Spark smiled and waved his hand, "It's no worry, Your Majesty. We knew what we were getting into before accepting."

Spark and his entourage came from outside the capital and carved a bloody path through the sea of monsters to reach it. They were here on an important mission that would decide the fate of the Kingdom.

"The Monastery now stands unprotected, so I'm afraid we won't be able to stay here for long," one of the red-robed men said in a booming voice, to nobody in particular.

The spokesperson wanted to say a few words, but The King gestured him to leave it be. He instead said, "Of course, dear Masters, it is understandable your time is limited. So how about it, how quickly can you set up your spell?"

Now it was the Grandmaster Spark's turn to speak. He stood up and symbolically patted the dust off his robes. "A day should suffice, Your Majesty, however, the Mana here is thin, and I'm afraid the spell could fail… It might require many more resources for it to go smoothly."

"I see." King Robart III understood what the man meant. They wanted a bigger reward, or he had to release the seal. Both options were uncomfortable for him.

'Whatever, I can just slow down my cultivation for a few years… It's not going to affect me too much.'

After a moment of contemplation, he came to a decision. "Very well, please enjoy your meal while I get things ready." He turned to one of the special men by his side and extended his hand. "My scepter!"

The man quickly bowed and disappeared, returning with a long and narrow metal case soon after. He opened it and presented it to The King with extended arms and a bow.

"The famous Scepter of Verrant!" One of the Mages gulped audibly at the look of the scepter.

It was a two-meter-tall staff made entirely of gold and with lines of sky-blue mithril running along the shaft. The top of the scepter was split into six parts like branches of a mighty tree, with six colored gems inside each branch.

Each of the Elemental crystals was the size of a chicken egg and masterfully cut to refract light like a diamond. It shined rainbow colors on the ground below.

"The only six Elemental gems of high grade in the Kingdom in one Magical Artifact! A dream weapon for any Mage, the ruler's scepter! I can't believe I had the chance to personally see it!"

The Master Mage speaking was shaking in excitement like a young fangirl even though he was already over fifty years old.

His colleagues rolled their eyes at him, but they had to admit, the sight was truly breathtaking. It was well worth it to trudge through hordes of filthy monsters.

The King walked forward to the steps leading to the throne and pressed the scepter in a small indentation on the floor.

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