Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 381

Chapter 381: Mock Trial

Before Gerald was led out of the Howling Abyss, they gave him back his clothes and even force-fed him a potion to get him moving again. Even his silver hand was brought back and fixed back in its place on the little stump that remained of his left arm.

When standing trial for his crimes, as Gerald later found out, he had to appear dangerous and savage, like a proper criminal, not a poor beggar on the edge of death. That would be too shameful for the Emperor's friends to see. josei

Also, if they wanted to place him in chains, having just one hand turned out to be quite a challenge. So they gave him back his gear and even washed his face a bit to get some life back into him. He was even fed a delicious potion that imbued him with energy, like some sort of stimulant. He suddenly felt alert as if he just had a cup of strong coffee.

He kept mum for the entire time, keeping the Ring carefully hidden under his tongue while actively suppressing the RVC from filling him with excess Mana. If he wanted his plan to work without a hitch, he needed to be patient.

As they brought him out of the guardhouse and back onto the surface, the warden was already waiting for him, together with an armed entourage of mean-looking guards and a carriage.

"Good news you little shit!" the warden greeted him with enthusiasm. "It's nearly time for your trial, let's go!" He aggressively shoved him forward while taking over the chain that went around Gerald's neck, wrists, and ankles, and pushed him towards the carriage.

"Hopefully they'll let me take a few souvenirs to dissect after they will be done with you!"

After forcing him to climb up on his own, an action which was exceedingly difficult with all the iron weighing him down and limiting his movements, they also covered his head with a sack and tied it around his neck.

The entire procession of horses, soldiers, and guards made their way towards the Royal Court somewhere in the city. Gerald had no clue where they were as he refrained from using any magic, even his Magic Eyes, in case anyone noticed his actions. As such he was completely blind. The carriage was also rocking back and forth on the uneven cobblestone road so that he couldn't even tell which way they were going.

Finally, after what felt like forever for him, but couldn't be more than twenty minutes in reality, they arrived at their target.

He still couldn't see through, so the warden, judging by the man's voice, forced him to walk as they entered in what sounded like a massive open hall. Gerald could hear many hushed voices coming from all sides as they entered the building.

They led him over a hard stone floor until they came up to a wooden… thing, a podium or something similar, to which they chained him down to.

Then the sack on his head was removed with one aggressive pull, exposing him to the bright lights of the court hall as well as the eyes of hundreds of curious onlookers from various nobility.

"Silence in the room!" came a powerful shout, accompanied by heavy strikes on the wooden table. "The court is now in session!


The courtroom was packed. Not only on the inside, but a crowd of curious people also gathered around the white limestone building in which the famous criminal was being held.

However, what people knew was just what the rumors told them. And that was that the criminal that kidnapped their beloved princess was captured and held for trial in the presence of the Emperor himself. It was a rare opportunity to see their ruler up close, and many didn't want to miss it.

The reality couldn't be further from the truth, though, but those people didn't know any better, and as such, the negative emotions in the air were quite high as they demanded cruel death. If it weren't for hundreds of soldiers keeping the peace, they would probably storm the court already.

The hall inside was exceedingly large, about 30 by 50 meters, and seated hundreds of people in a semi-circle where the rows behind were higher than those at the front. It looked more like an auditorium than a courtroom.

Two massive pillars of white stone stood in the middle, keeping the high roof in place. Chandeliers made of gold and silver decorated and illuminated the wide-open space, with massive windows made of tainted glass throwing some color into the otherwise monotone white room.

Steps made of thick dark wood led up to a raised platform with the judge and a throne with the Emperor himself higher up behind him. From his vantage point, he could see the entirety of the people in there, and similarly, they could all see him. He was always above them and in their sight, as well as always in their mind, reminding them who was the ruler of this nation and keeping them in their place.

Gerald, on the other hand, was the ground floor, right at the bottom, while chained to two waist-height pillars of black granite, half a meter across. The chains allowed for barely any movement left to right, and even if he just wanted to scratch his nose, he had to bend down to do so. His hands were basically locked in place as the four metal restraints were locked to the top and bottom of the pillars.

"Order!" the judge shouted and used his wooden hammer to beat down on his table. Gerald had to strain his neck to look up, but even then he could barely see the man from shoulders up.

The room quieted down and the prosecutor stepped onto the scene, beginning with the charade.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome!" he began. He then turned towards the judge and the Emperor behind him. "Honorable Judge! Your Majesty! The accused standing before you here today, named Gerald, has committed a most wicked crime of all! By kidnapping the youngest princess, Emillyinn Vell, he had broken the most sacred bla, bla, bla…

Gerald completely ignored the man's rambling nonsense and instead focused on the people around him. There were many guards on the inside. A quick glance gave him the feeling there were at least a hundred on the inside, and who knows how many more on the outside.

The public gallery was filled with nobles or rich folk, judging by their lavish clothes and jewels. Quite a few of them appeared angry, however even more had expressionless faces either because they didn't care, or they knew more than the rest and were there just for holding up the appearances by being here.

Emperor Vell was even further back behind the judge, but due to his height, he was clearly visible even to Gerald who was on the ground floor. Though he really had to strain his neck to see him in full.

The man was quite massive, probably over two meters if standing straight, and had massive shoulders and chest. Even though he was covered by many layers of fancy clothing that took a lot of volume, it was still clear he was a great specimen of a man. Though his eyes were less than friendly as he looked at Gerald with a piercing gaze.

The latter felt uncomfortable being looked at by him as he felt the man could completely see through him. But that was just how he felt. If the Emperor could really see it all, he surely wouldn't let Gerald pretend to be helpless during this trial. However, nothing happened. The prosecutor kept rambling on about laws and traditions and how Gerald's actions were akin to a declaration of war between nations, and other nonsense like that.

It was not at all surprising they would do something like that. As far as Gerald was concerned, they just needed a scapegoat to begin the invasion of Myrtana. And he would be damned if he let them abuse him like that without punching back at least a little.

At first, he wasn't sure what he should do, but after listening to all the lies and insults, he felt like burning the city to the ground!

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful he was, that was an unrealistic wish, however, doing enough damage to delay the invasion for a few months should be possible. Even better if he could quickly take out the Emperor himself.

However in the middle of the trial, bloody scammers didn't even get him a hearing, a commotion erupted at one of the side doors into the courtroom.

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