Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 214 Five-Star Test

Chapter 214 Five-Star Test

In their eyes, aside from Wu Mo, no one else had a chance of passing the test.

Even Wu Mo, whose forging ability was comparable to an experienced blacksmith, only had a slight chance.

After hearing the elders' words, all the youths from the academy started to contemplate.

They knew well whether they could pass the five-star test or not.

However, some of them were curious and wanted to give it a try, while others felt that there was no possibility of success. It was better to leave now and not waste everyone's time.

"I'd like to take the five-star test." Wu Mo took a step forward and said with a calm expression.

The surrounding people were instantly shocked and even more afraid.

"I... I'd like to take the test too!"

Not long after Wu Mo spoke, Jiang Zhou, who was wearing a dark green suit with gold threads, stepped forth with his fists clenched.

Wu Mo subconsciously glanced at him and found that this person named Jiang Zhou had lowered his head and was deliberately avoiding his gaze.

"Hehe, interesting. Since there are two people who would like to take the test, let's continue."

Ai Bo waved his hand, and the two invigilators immediately nodded and proceeded to prepare the test materials.

The remaining five students backed off completely. Jiang Zhou was already the most powerful one among them.

Even Jiang Zhou was no match for it, so they would only be embarrassing themselves if they went ahead.

In the end, only Jiang Zhou and Wu Mo participated in the five-star ranking test.josei

It did not take long for the invigilator to return to the testing area with two sets of materials.

As for those who did not participate in the five-star test, they stood aside and waited.

"For this test, as long as you meet the following requirements within the time limit, you will pass.

"Condition 1: Complete the enhancement process for a piece of Rare-grade equipment within half an hour without damaging the equipment.

"Condition 2: The equipment must be of Premium grade or above after the enhancement.

"Condition 3: After the equipment is forged, it needs to be worn for a test. You will only pass the test if you manage to move 100 meters within 6 seconds of activating the equipment's effect.

"Are both of you clear about the rules?"

Elder Ai Bo swept his gaze across the two of them as he spoke with a solemn expression.

"Yes, Sir!" Jiang Zhou and Wu Mo said in unison.

"Then let's begin."

The elder moved the timer, and the two of them swiftly went to their work area.

Wu Mo drew open the curtain and saw some boots on the table.

It was a light blue pair of long boots. Their surface was rough, and the upper part of each boot was inlaid with a gemstone of poor quality.

Even with the gem, the boots were only of Rare grade.

It was apparent that this equipment had been poorly made on purpose.

Furthermore, since the equipment was completed, it could no longer be destroyed or reconstructed.

Therefore, to increase the quality of the equipment in the enhancement process, the only reliable methods were to increase the magic circles, add runes, sharpen the weapon, use scrolls, and embed gems.

Since the equipment itself was already embedded with gemstones, the last method was no longer feasible. Sharpening was also a unique weapon-strengthening method.

In addition, the equipment that needed to be enhanced was of Rare grade. It could not withstand too much heterogeneous energy, so Wu Mo could only choose between the magic circle, runes, or scrolls.

However, the materials provided by the guild were very simple, and he could not draw a magic circle as well as add runes.

The only way left was to use an enhancement scroll.

The use of enhancement scrolls was the most unpopular among all blacksmiths.

Although it required fewer materials, it was incredibly cumbersome, and the workload was higher than that of drawing magic circles and adding runes.

With that said, the previous tests had already tested most of the blacksmiths' abilities, from material purification to temperature control, from casting a prototype to the completion of equipment.

He had basically gone through all of them, and all that was left were enhancement scrolls, as well as some knowledge and abilities that he did not usually use.

Wu Mo did not know much about the production of enhancement scrolls. Fortunately, he had read enough books and notes in the Research Department in the past few months.

Although he had never drawn them, he still had a lot of theoretical knowledge.

Coupled with his rich experience in drawing magic arrays and runes, it was equivalent to having a sufficient foundation. All that was left was innovation.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Mo walked to the work table and spread out the light yellow forging paper.

He closed his eyes and recalled the content he had read before, drawing it out in his mind.

After all, the workstation in the testing area did not allow him to backtrack indefinitely like the Divine-grade Forging Space.

Since the guild had only given him a single piece of forging paper, he could not make any mistakes.

In his mind, he first made the initial outline of the enhancement scroll. Then he would do whatever was needed until it was fully developed.

However, this process would take a long time. In addition, there were different types of enhancement scrolls, and not all of them were suitable for this pair of boots.

After giving the matter some thought, Wu Mo decided to use a Tier 2 enhancement scroll, the Stride Scroll.

It was an enhancement effect that could effectively increase the distance between each step. Compared with other speed-type enhancement scrolls, it was more condensed and did not require any extra steps.

Furthermore, the effect of the increase was not low. As long as it was used reasonably, it would not be too difficult to achieve the effect within six seconds in a 100-meter distance.

After making the relevant plans in his mind, Wu Mo immediately picked up the forging pen.

Once he covered the tip of the brush with supplementary materials, Wu Mo put down the first stroke with a confident face.

Then, he entered a state of full concentration and continued to draw.

The difficulty of creating a Tier 2 scroll was not too high. It was similar to runes and magic arrays.

However, the three would repel each other to different degrees.

Therefore, even if the equipment was of Divine grade, it was impossible to add magic arrays, runes, and enhancement scrolls to the equipment at the same time.

If he were to force it, he might lose control of the three energies and even destroy the equipment.

As such, ordinary equipment could only be attached with one type. Only anything of Epic grade and above could withstand two additional effects.

Wu Mo had learned about the scroll for wider steps that he was currently drawing from a master blacksmith's notes.

It was just that at the time, he thought that it would only be useful under normal circumstances.

After all, he had spent a long time practicing creating magic arrays and runes to the point where he could control them like his arms. There was no need to add a third enhancement method.

Now, however, he realized that his original idea had been incorrect. It was indeed difficult for the shortcomings of only knowing a subject partially to reveal themselves in daily life. The impact would be more apparent in exams or tests.

Time passed by, and the remaining five people standing outside did not dare to make a sound.

In fact, they all knew that Jiang Zhou had no chance of passing the five-star test.

They had never really learned much about an enhancement scroll when they were in their institution. Other than seeing it in textbooks, they did not usually use it.

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