Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 396 Arriving At The Central Plains

Chapter 396 Arriving At The Central Plains

Wu Mo was quite optimistic about this top-secret project not because it was fast but because it was safe enough.

After all, it was built underground, so it was quite difficult to destroy it.

However, safety was relative.

On the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races, many races could move underground. However, with the defense line before them, non-humans who were adept at underground attacks would not approach so easily.

Therefore, it seemed that the safety factor of their trip just increased.

Even so, Wu Mo did not have any intention of letting down his guard. He was not impatient at all when it came to the strict inspection process there. He gave his full cooperation and completed the inspection.

At the same time, his mind was preoccupied with other thoughts. 'If I were the enemy or a foreign tribesmen, what would I do to ruin the conference?'

He frowned slightly, and no less than three or four methods of attack instantly appeared in his mind. They were all quite feasible.

The non-humans had always held the strategic advantage on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races. As long as they did not provoke the humans, the humans would not provoke or attack them either.

Under these circumstances, many humans living in extreme poverty would often lose hope or simply join the foreign races in despair. It was nothing new.

The lower-class civilians of other nations beyond the Nine Provinces were the most active. There were hundreds of large and small rebel organizations that had been feeding off human society like maggots attached to bones.


The Nine Provinces might be better, but it was not by a large margin.

Wu Mo still remembered his first encounter in school. It seemed like he never suffered any unfair treatment, but as a blacksmith, even a momentary loss of strength could have put him in debt and danger.

This showed that even though the Nine Provinces had the best and safest environment, it was not as stable and harmonious as it appeared. It would be no surprise if there was a hidden rebellion.

If the non-humans managed to mobilize these people, they might not be able to enter the Super Loop. However, there would be openings at the exit, their hotel, and the path leading to the conference's venue.

If he were in their place, it would be easy to find an opportunity to attack with help from spies.

Nevertheless, the thought did not fill his eyes with fear. In fact, there was even a hint of anticipation.

He naturally could not forge any heaven-defying equipment in just two short days, but he had no trouble equipping himself.

The extraordinary system of this world relied on the equipment that was forged to absorb and release energy.

Humans' use of spirit energy was just a transit, and how one effectively used spirit energy during the transit process made a difference. The higher the efficiency, the stronger it would be.

Therefore, the equipment that Wu Mo had forged for himself was barely Tier 3, let alone Tier 5. The materials used were not expensive, but he was confident that their power would undoubtedly give the foreign races a huge surprise.

Of course, this was under the condition that a foreign tribe would actually appear. Otherwise, it would not be useful for the time being.

He decided that after this exchange conference ended, he would take a look at the front lines and even participate in some battles. Only then would he be able to forge better equipment.

Not long after, everyone boarded the train to the Central Plains.

They sat in a private carriage and were escorted by the army along the way. It was indeed very safe.

Wu Mo did not waste the eight hours he had in the vehicle. After taking a nap, he read the Tier 3 magic array guide he had bought to deepen his understanding.

However, this time, he did not take out the book to read. Instead, he entered the Divine Forging Space through his consciousness and read it there. On the outside, it just looked like he was sleeping with his eyes closed.

Xu Wanqing attached great importance to this exchange conference, but she could not focus on work at this time. The intense excitement made it hard for her to calm down.

She had originally wanted to chat with Wu Mo and exchange some experience in equipment crafting.

Unexpectedly, he had fallen asleep so quickly, and it would be impolite to disturb him at this time.

In contrast, Gan Yun, Liu Ze, and Chen Qingbai were in high spirits as they casually chatted about topics of interest.

Xu Wanqing was puzzled. Why did it seem like Wu Mo did not get along well with others? He fell asleep the moment he sat down.

She had no choice but to chat with the other three.

After a while, there was nothing more to talk about, so they could only close their eyes and rest.

Guan Hu had been following them closely and keeping an eye on their carriage. Even in the safe carriage, he remained tense and constantly paid attention to their surroundings.

To invade the human world, the foreign races had put in a lot of effort over the years. If something went wrong during a moment of carelessness and the participants died as a result, he would not be able to atone for it with ten thousand deaths.

Just like that, eight hours slowly passed. Wu Mo woke up just in time as the train started to slow down.

"Huh? They're all asleep?"

However, just as he finished speaking, Xu Wanqing, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly opened her eyes and looked over. The resentment in her eyes made Wu Mo almost believe that he had abandoned her.

"Ahem! Are you awake?

"I didn't fall asleep at all, okay?" Xu Wanqing said speechlessly. "Do you think everyone's the same as you? Do you think everyone can sleep soundly at a time like this?"

Wu Mo did not know how he offended her, but he shrugged and said, "It's an eight-hour journey. Why didn't you sleep? There's no equipment here. It's not like we could've forged things and made blueprints."

Xu Wanqing was speechless, and she could not be bothered with him. She turned to look out the window.

They had been flying underground earlier, so there had not been any scenery for them to see. Now that they had entered the platform, they could see some buildings outside and many busy-looking people.

Not long after, the train stopped, and everyone got up and walked out.

Guan Hu had already gone out ahead of them to be on the lookout.

Even here, he did not let his guard down.

Wu Mo took a deep breath and followed the crowd as everyone slowly got off the train.

They were in the Central Plains, and the flow of people here was obviously much denser than in the White River province. It was completely different from the White River province. The Super Loop had just been completed there, and it had not been fully activated.

It was obvious that it had been up and running in the Central Plains, but the buildings looked very new. The Super Loop had probably been fully activated not long ago.

Zhangsun Long, Lone Wolf, and the other cultivators followed the participants closely to prevent any accidents.

Although Wu Mo did not let down his guard, he could feel that security was tight once he arrived.

After all, they were not the only group of blacksmiths around. Blacksmiths from other provinces had also rushed there via the Super Loop. If anything happened, the Central Plains would lose face.

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