Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 500 Hope Of Regeneration

Chapter 500 Hope Of Regeneration

The field of biotechnology that the old chief had been looking forward to for a long time finally ushered in a major breakthrough.

Once this technology was released, it would be on par with Life First and Life Second!

Life First and Life Second focused on future development, while the Biological Regeneration Agent focused on allowing people to live in the present. Life would be better, and they would live without regrets!

When the old chief learned that Wu Mo was researching the Biological Regeneration Agent, he ran over to check on the project in surprise.

"Wu Mo, can you really make a medicine that repairs physical disabilities?" he asked with bright eyes.

The old chief saw the jars, as well as bottles, in the laboratory, and he was shocked.

" That's right," Wu Mo replied with a smile." The Biological Regeneration Agent will allow a person to recover their damaged limbs in a short period of time. Even permanent scars can be instantly healed. The principle behind it is the use of biological regenerative cells for cross-border growth."

"Cross-border growth?" The old chief was very curious when he heard this new term.

"It refers to cells of different attributes being in different areas of the human body. They can grow and differentiate in both directions," Wu Mo explained. "As long as we reach this level, any organ in our body can be differentiated."

"Oh, Wu Mo, isn't this technology the same as cloning a human body?"

The old chief frowned in surprise.

Human cloning was banned worldwide for ethical reasons.

However, Wu Mo's current research on the Biological Regeneration Agent made it seem like he was trying to clone a new body

Wu Mo shook his head and smiled. "No, Chief. This has nothing to do with cloning. A clone is a new whole, while the Biological Regeneration Agent makes an incomplete individual perfect. There's a huge difference between the two."

The old chief finally understood what was going on after he heard the simple explanation.

He nodded and smiled. "Wu Mo, develop this Biological Regeneration Agent as soon as possible! There are many outstanding soldiers in the army who've become disabled as a result of arduous missions. They retired with lifelong regrets. Using this medicine to repair their bodies will be a great comfort to their minds and bodies!"

Wu Mo's original intention of researching the Biological Regeneration Agent was not only to serve the ordinary people but also to give the brave soldiers in the army a new lease on life.

The huge investment required for the research of the Biological Regeneration Agent gave him some pressure, but after he saw the impact of Life First and the popularity of Life Second, he was full of confidence.

The research process was long and boring. It was no surprise that Wu Mo missed his family and his beloved Shen Qingya.

He secretly decided that after the Biological Regeneration Agent or the war mech came out, he would take a short vacation for himself and spend time with his girlfriend.

During his free time at his parents' house, Wu Mo listened to them talk about family matters and learned about the physical injuries that some relatives, as well as friends, had sustained.

These stories made him even more determined to research the Biological Regeneration Agent. He wanted to heal the wounds of those who had fought for their lives to realize their dreams.

Late at night, Wu Mo returned to the research base instead of resting.

He had already developed the habit of sleeping late, and he was most awake at this time.

Biological regeneration technology was a unique field that was completely different from cloning technology. It focused on the different evolutions of an individual.

He finally understood the principles behind the Biological Regeneration Agent. It was as if he had seen a ray of hope.

Wu Mo heaved a sigh of relief as the development of this Biological Regeneration Agent was about to be completed.


He knew that the first agent would be released soon, and the first test subject would be a soldier from the army.

This soldier was over thirty years old, but he still retained his youthful vigor.

He had gone on numerous difficult missions in the army. Not only was he tenacious, but he had also left a permanent mark.

Wu Mo was looking forward to the Biological Regeneration Agent to bring new life to this soldier. It would allow him to embrace the future that he had lost.

Everyone called him "Young Master" because he was handsome.

This handsome young master had many military achievements. However, on the eve of his promotion, he accidentally fell from the fifth floor during a special mission. As a result, he injured his leg.

The doctor told him that they needed to amputate it to save his life. The young master reluctantly accepted his cruel fate and later wore a prosthetic leg.

Even so, his days in the army were already in the past, and he was no longer part of the special elites.

The young master still had many options in his career, but he was a proud soul, so he ultimately chose to retire.

Nevertheless, his outstanding performance and military exploits in the past compelled his higher-ups to let him stay on the base temporarily in a semi-retired state.

Wu Mo had been deeply moved by the young master's experience. Therefore, he decided to let him be the first test subject of the Biological Regeneration Agent.

When the young master heard the news, he was so excited that tears streamed down his face.

He found it hard to believe, and his heart was filled with anticipation. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he would cherish it.

Worse came to worse, the agent would just be ineffective. Besides, he had gotten used to the uncertainty of his life a long time ago.

The excited and uneasy young master headed to the Institute of Special Biology. There, he met his senior officer and the old chief whom he had not seen for quite some time.

The young master saluted them solemnly and walked into the research room.

A group of military officers and senior generals looked at the young master. They were proud that he had the opportunity to undergo the Biological Regeneration Agent experiment.

However, the young master did not know that Wu Mo's regenerative agent would not be taken orally but applied to the wound.

Although his wound had already scabbed over, the special biological factors in the agent could penetrate his skin and enter the bloodstream to promote biological division and regeneration.

This process would undoubtedly be painful, but for the chance to be reborn, this pain was insignificant.

In the biological research lab, Xu Wanqing and a few assistants conducted experiments on the young master with Wu Mo's guidance.

Looking at the young master's clenched teeth, Wu Mo's heart ached. What kind of pain was this once iron-willed man suffering from?

The Biological Regeneration Agent still needed to be improved, and as the first test subject, the young master had to endure the pain of this process.

After the test, they put him under observation for seventy-two hours to ensure that there were no abnormal reactions.

Soon, the laboratory door opened, and Wu Mo and his assistants walked out.

Everyone gathered around nervously.

The old chief and the officers were all concerned about the young master's condition because the army's honor was dependent on the success of his trial.

Wu Mo told everyone that the young master had successfully absorbed the agent and his body was not rejecting it.

Everyone was relieved when they heard the news.

However, several waves of sea monsters appeared while they anxiously waited for the results.

These sea monsters underwent a mutation and began to attempt long-range attacks.

They lifted huge rocks and threw them at the patrol ships and frigates.

The military had been on high alert to prevent the monsters from mutating further.

Seventy-two hours passed, and the exciting moment finally arrived! The young master slowly walked out of the observation room, and everyone looked at him in surprise.

Although the young master was still wearing a prosthetic leg, the expression on his face revealed nervousness, fear, and joy.

These conflicting emotions were intertwined, and they revealed the young master's current mood.

Someone went up to him and asked with concern, "How are you, Young Master? Has there been any change?"

The young master nodded and quickly sat down to remove the prosthetic leg. He revealed the shocking changes that had taken place in his limb.

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