Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Inoue's Wish

“What a misfortune to encounter such an ability.”

Taking a few steps back, he cautiously distanced himself from Suzuki Kusu. DonQuixote looked at the scar on his shoulder and revealed a bitter smile.

Retracting his arm, Suzuki Kusu held the knife with both hands, her feet shook and his body rushed towards DonQuixote.

“Why did the other side suddenly become so full of fighting spirit, this is bad!”

Don Quixote’s body swayed and avoided Suzuki Kusu’s attack. Even now, he didn’t want to directly fight with Suzuki Kusu. He just kept dodging, as if he was really waiting for the result of Muyang’s battle.

The knife swung down, and as expected, it hit the air, but there was no surprise on Suzuki Kusu’s face. The hand holding the knife changed, and without any hesitation, the knife cut horizontally to the side.

Puff —

A blood mark appeared in Don Quixote’s abdomen again. He was scared and took a few steps back. His speed was fast. Even if Suzuki Kusu knew where he was going, he couldn’t keep up with his speed.

“This is really bad, I almost died.”

Thinking back to the few slashes that had just landed on his body, Don Quixote’s eyes were filled with happiness. If not for his speed, he wouldn’t have known how many cuts he would have been cut into. But even so, there were still many wounds on his body.

“damn it, this guy is really hard to deal with. It’s already like this, is there still no way to deal with it?”

Holding Zanpakuto’s arm, Suzuki Kusu unconsciously added a bit of strength. Her heart was also very unsettled. She didn’t expect that after using this rare ability, she still couldn’t knock down this hollow. Did these years of comfortable life make her regress to this level? It seems that she really should exercise.

However, she had to get rid of this guy first.

Suddenly putting Zanpakuto back into the scabbard, Suzuki Kusu held her scabbard in one hand and the hilt of his saber in the other. Her body showed a relaxed posture. She slowly walked towards DonQuixote.

“Danger! Danger!”

Seeing Suzuki Kusu’s posture, DonQuixote felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. This feeling was many times stronger than when Suzuki Kusu used the ‘Moon Reflection’.

Damn it,

Why isn’t the battle over at Nnoitra? I don’t want to fight with such a dangerous woman!

Although he tried his best to suppress the tension in his heart, Don Quixote’s body couldn’t help but take a few steps back. The instinctive sense of crisis drove his body to constantly retreat.

Ka —

Unknowingly, Suzuki Kusu had already walked to the front of Don Quixote. Her fingers that were holding the scabbard pushed upwards and made a sound.

A few blade lights appeared beside Don Quixote at the same time, locking all his escape routes.



Putting the saber back into its sheath, Suzuki Kusu felt her legs go soft. The Saber Drawing Art just now seemed to be easy, but it had to be performed six times at the same time. When she drew the saber, she also had to spy on the opponent’s mind and analyze it. She had to kill him in one blow. Because after using this move, her body would be in a state of exhaustion for a few seconds. If she couldn’t succeed. The one in danger was herself, but fortunately, she succeeded.

“How unfortunate, my body has been cut in two.”

A voice suddenly came from behind. Suzuki Kusu’s relaxed body suddenly shook, and all the muscles in his body tensed up.

“What! How is this possible”

Slowly turning her head, Suzuki Kusu’s eyes suddenly contracted.

What appeared in front of her was the body that had been cut into two. This level of injury was not something that could be ignored no matter how you looked at it. However, this guy in front of her had this kind of injury and was still talking with an indifferent face.

“Oh no, oh no, big sister, you are so tense. It is not easy to be cut like this. At least keep my main body together.”

The body was cut into two by Suzuki Kusu from one side of the head. DonQuixote did not seem to feel anything, keeping the head and the part of his right hand on the ground. His eyes were still talking to Suzuki Kusu, as if he was not the one who had just been cut into two pieces.

This guy actually doesn’t have any other emotions. He doesn’t have the slightest feeling towards his body that was cut into such a state. He actually doesn’t have any other emotions towards me who cut him into such a state.

Standing up and recovering his emotions, Suzuki Kusu opened her eyes wide and looked at the guy in front of him. At the same time, she activated her ability to read the other party’s mind. However, this was the result she received.

How is this possible? He was hacked into such a state, yet he didn’t have any resentment. Is this guy really fake? Even a saint wouldn’t do this, right?

However, it really hurts. Well, although I said it was painful when I wasn’t taught a lesson by the old guy, it was still painful.

The lower half of Don Quixote’s body on the ground stood up automatically. He walked to the upper half of the body and picked it up. No matter how he looked at it, it was very abnormal. It made Suzuki Kusu, who was looking at it, feel a chill.

“Really, my body has been beaten like this. I don’t want to fight anymore. In this case, there is no reason for Neutrato blame me.”

Holding his body, Don Quixote reluctantly put it together. There was a trace of thought in his eyes.

Super speed regeneration! Although the speed is very slow, it is not worthy of the word “super speed”, but it is indeed regeneration.

Staring at the slowly recovering body of Don Quixote, Suzuki Kusu tightened her grip on his knife. Since he couldn’t kill him once, let’s do it again.

“Ah… Ah… no! Don’t attack again. Sister Shinigami, I told you, don’t fight with you anymore. Look at my body, I can’t fight at all. Do you have the heart to attack such a person?”

Seeing Suzuki Kusu’s action, Don Quixote trembled and said in a panic. He subconsciously waved his hand, but the body that had not been connected was almost broken again.

“No matter what your identity is, what your body is now, the enemy is the enemy. This has been confirmed the moment you blocked my way. It will not change because of anything.”

As he said that, Suzuki Kusu closed her eyes again, putting on a fighting posture.

“This is…!”

At this moment, the bodies of the two people who were confronting each other trembled slightly. His Reiryoku, whoich was colliding on the other side, stopped.

“Has Nnoitra lost? It’s so fast. Who is the enemy?”



“Hey, Big Sister Shinigami, now I have no reason to fight with you. The person who forced me to participate in the battle is already dead. How about we stop here? Moreover, your original purpose is just to save people. If you don’t hurry up, the Reiryoku of Shinigami over there will disappear completely.”

“This time I will let you go. If we confront again, I will definitely cut you under the knife.”

Knowing that the other party was right, Suzuki Kusu just hesitated for a moment, then put away Zanpakuto and quickly rushed to Rukia.

“Phew —That’s great. I picked up my life and thought I was dead.”

When he saw Suzuki Kusu leave, Don Quixote who had been holding on suddenly fell to the ground. He was afraid that Suzuki Kusu would kill him without caring about anything. After all, he couldn’t escape from Suzuki Kusu’s ability. She should know his situation and almost lost her fighting power.

“Did you think you’re safe??”josei

A playful voice suddenly sounded in Don Quixote’s ear.

All the hair on his body stood up. Don Quixote turned his head stiffly and looked at Muyang standing next to him. His heart was desperate. When his body was at its weakest, he met this guy. It seemed that he was really dead this time.

“Lord Shinigami, don’t kill me, I am just an insignificant weakling. Killing a weak guy, you don’t even need to think about it.”.

Looking at Muyang, DonQuixote put on a pitiful look and begged. The guy in front of him had killed the #5 Espada, Nnoitra in a short period of time. He was not injured at all. Even his clothes were not damaged at all. It was too terrifying!…

“Although I don’t know who you are doing this for, I will not force a guy like you who has no fighting spirit to fight. Goodbye, interesting Arrancar.”.

Looking at DonQuixote with a deep meaning, Muyang’s body flashed and disappeared from where he was.

“What a scary guy. Although he doesn’t have the ability to see through other people’s thoughts like that female Shinigami, but I feel that he has seen through it. It’s really a bad feeling.”

“Ah? You have been seen through? What? What? Being seen through by a man? It’s really strange!”

Don Quixote shivered and stood up. He didn’t know when his injuries had recovered.

“I think it’s better for me to run away now and find a safer place to stay. Fighting or something is not suitable for me.”


“The battle is over, Mr. Kimura is the winner, and Ms. Suzuki’s Reiatsu is rushing to Kuchiki-san, that’s great.”

Orihime felt familiar Reiryoku in the distance, and her face showed a hint of relaxation. If she made any of Kuchiki classmate sacrifice because of coming to save her, she would be ashamed to death.

“But, Kurosaki, he…”

Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo who was fiercely fighting with Grimmjow in front of him, Orihime on the well unconsciously clenched her hands. Even if Kurosaki classmate defeated Grimmjow in front of him, there were still other Espada. Would he be okay?

“Come on, Kurosaki! It doesn’t matter even if you can’t win, but don’t get hurt again, Kurosaki!”

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