Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: 10th Division

Have you heard, Shinji? 

A short white-haired man with dead fish eyes lazily asked as he kicked the yellow long-haired young man lying in front of him.

“Huh?” Hirako Shinji uninterestedly asked as he lifted his face slightly from the table without: “Heard what, li’l Kana?”

“Stop calling me that. It sounds weird.” The white-haired Shinigami obviously didn’t like that nickname. “You should have at least heard about it, right? About out new Captain.”

The white-haired Shinigami said as he furrowed his brow.

“Ah, of course, I’ve heard something like that.”

Although Hirako Shinji still had that listless look on his face, he sounded solemn. He clearly wasn’t as indifferent as usual when it came to this matter

“I wonder what kind of Captain we will get. Usually, the new Captain is selected from Gotei 13, but I have not heard about anyone qualified to be Captain. Could it be a Captain from somewhere else?”

The white-haired Shinigami laid his head on the table, lost in thought.

“Knock that off, will you? It’s really annoying.” Hirako Shinji was starting to lose his patience. “It’s just a rumor, that’s all. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we’d have a new Captain. And even if someone was appointed as our new Captain, that’s the high-brass’ decision. You nagging here won’t change anything.”

“Cut me some slack, would you? Can’t you at least sympathize with your senpai?”

“You little…!” Hirako Shinji was so annoyed at the guy in front of him for flaunting his seniority.

“Hm?” They saw a hell butterfly flying toward them, and the white-haired Shinigami reached out his hand. A moment later, he suddenly turned towards Hirako Shinji and said: “We actually got a new Captain, and he told us to assemble for a briefing.”

“Tsk, you better wipe that annoyed look on your face once the new Captain arrives. Besides, our Division may be better now that we have a Captain.”

“Tsk, you are one to say. That look on your face is clearly not a happy one.”

“It’s all because of you. You really are a bad influence.”

“Stop making stuff up! You just want to push the blame on others, bastard!”


The white-haired Shinigami and Hirako Shinji were surprised when they pushed the door open as everyone was already there, and they were the last ones to arrive.

“3rd Seat Murai, 4th Seat Hirako!”

Everyone in the room immediately greeted them.

“3rd Seat Murai, is it true that we’ll have a new Captain?”

“So the rumor goes, but since Lieutenant summoned us here, that rumor must be true.”

The room suddenly became noisy as it became the topic of their chatter. After all, the 10th Division has been in a state without a Captain. It has always been their Lieutenant Ida Seiji who handled the 10th Division’s affairs, and now someone suddenly stepped in as their Captain. Although it would be beneficial for the Division to have a Captain, it was still a bit difficult for them to accept, especially since they didn’t know anything about the new Captain. 


As the sound of footsteps grew more distinct, everyone in the room went silent as they realized that it must be their new Captain


As the door opened, all attention was drawn towards the door. The moment everyone laid their eyes on the person that entered the room, the look on their face changed, especially Hirako Shinji’s. His reaction, in particular, was priceless

“Hi, everyone, I’m Muyang, and I will be the 10th Division’s Captain from now on. Pleased to meet you.”

“Wh… It turns out to be Lieutenant Kimura!”

“You fool, you mean Captain Kimura, right?”

“This is amazing. That means Captain Kimura become a Captain in merely 5 years after graduating!”

“Seriously? Are you saying that Captain is a peerless genius that was born once in 100 years?”

“Well, at least I have never heard of anyone who became a Captain as fast as Captain Kimura.”

Even though the Division Members were surprised at the beginning, they almost immediately accepted Muyang

Even though they were surprised at the beginning, they almost immediately accepted Muyang as the 10th Division Captain. Ida Seiji couldn’t help but glance at Muyang in wonder. That just went to show how famous Muyang was among Gotei 13. Although he only used to be a Lieutenant before, Muyang might be on par or better than Captain when it came to fame. A prodigy always stood out, after all.


Hirako Shinji was clearly annoyed as he clicked his tongue when he saw Muyang, who was wearing Captain Haori, standing in front of him. 

Muyang glanced at Hirako Shinji and smirked because his reaction was priceless.

The rest of the Division Members were still talking about Muyang, but thankfully none of them seemed to be dissatisfied with Muyang being their Captain. Muyang was relieved as there shouldn’t be any problem regarding his job as a Captain with such a positive atmosphere.

“Clap clap.”

Muyang clapped his hands to draw everyone’s attention and immediately said: “This is my first time as a Captain, and I still have a lot of things I don’t know; and, I don’t know about you guys that well. I believe that getting to know each other is important if we want to work together from now on.”

Muyang then turned around and said to Ida Seiji, who was standing behind him, “Lieutenant Ida, can you find the right time to hold a banquet so that we all can get to know each other better? Well, it’s mainly for me, though.”

Ida Seiji responded with a faint smile on his face: “Of course. I think we can hold one tonight.”

“Thanks.” Muyang nodded and turned around once again and said to the rest of the Division Members in front of him: “As you heard, the banquet will be held tonight, and I expect everyone to attend. Now return to your respective post! We can’t dawdle around for too long.”

“Ah, I almost forgot. 3rd Seat and 4th Seat are to remain here as I want to know about our Division’s current condition.”

After every Division Members saluted Muyang, they left the Assembly Hall and returned to their respective posts. Meanwhile, Muyang smiled at the displeased Hirako Shinji and said: “Haha, looks like I’ll be your Captain from now on, Shinji.”

“Understood, Captain Kimura.” Hirako Shinji said politely, but he sure failed to conceal his annoyed face, “You really are such a douche! I had a feeling this is gonna happen and even asked you once and you said that you didn’t know anything about being appointed as a Captain!”josei

“Haha, I was thinking of surprising you,” Muyang said with a laugh.

“You’re just nasty!”

“You actually had a hunch, though, haha.” Muyang just laughed but he did feel bad not telling Hirako Shinji about it.

“You really are such a…” Seeing Muyang smiled without a care, Hirako Shinji could only sigh.

“Oops, I’m sorry for leaving you out, Murai.” Muyang then turned towards Murai Kana, who had not said a word. “You haven’t said anything so far, so what do you think?”

“It’s alright. I was just wondering about who our new Captain would be, but after seeing you, I was relieved. I believe the 10th Division can strive toward a better future under your leadership.”

Muyang was a little taken aback after being complimented that straightforwardly at first and then said sincerely: “Of course, I will definitely try my best to lead the 10th Division toward a better future!”

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