Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Temporary Soul

“Okay, that’ll be all. You guys will have to learn things as you go. If there’s anything you don’t understand, just ask your senpai here. I believe everyone will be happy to help our new recruits. Well then, dismiss!”

After formally introducing the new recruits to every other Division Members and briefed about several things they had to pay attention to, Muyang dismissed the assembly and ordered everyone to return to their respective posts.

“Captain, yesterday’s paperwork is done.”

Murai Kana handed a pile of documents to Muyang as he yawned.josei

“Mhmm” Muyang took a glance at the paperwork in Murai Kana’s hand and praised him, “Well done! I know you won’t let me down.”

Murai Kana didn’t seem the slightest bit pleased even after Muyang praised him. After all, the paperwork kept Murai Kana up for the whole day that he couldn’t even sleep a wink.

“If that’s all, then I’ll take my leave.” Murai Kana was so exhausted after working all day, and he was determined to find a place to make up for it.

“Wait a minute, Murai!”

Muyang immediately stopped Murai Kana before he could leave.

“Is there anything else you need, Captain?” Murai Kana turned around helplessly with a listless face.

Muyang kind of felt bad as he saw the look on Murai Kana face. Murai Kana clearly seemed exhausetd because he left all those paperwork to him.

“Well, I happen to have something to do at the 12th Division today, so I’ll be counting on you for the paperwork to you just like yesterday while I’m away.”

“Wha…!” Murai Kana was frozen stiff for a while after hearing Muyang’s words. He was already at his limit after working for a whole day yesterday, and only god knew what would happen to him if he had to go through the same thing today.

“Captain, I…”

Before Murai Kana could finish his sentence, Muyang patted on his shoulder and said as he looked at him with earnest eyes, “I believe you can do it. Do your best, 3rd Seat Murai!”

Seeing Muyang’s trustful eyes, it was so hard for Murai Kana to refuse that he subconsciously nodded.

Since Murai Kana nodded, Muyang beckoned Hirako Shinji to come with him and they hurried toward the 12th Division.

It wasn’t until Muyang and Hirako Shinji left that Murai Kana could finally react. The nostalgic sight of a huge pile of documents in his hand once again made him want to cry, but no tears came out. He knew he should’ve refused, but he just couldn’t when Muyang looked at him with such trustful eyes. He even felt that his fatigue faded.


12th Division.

When one of the 12th Division Members guarding the saw Muyang coming, he subconsciously greeted him: “Lieutenant!” A moment later, he realized that Muyang was no longer the 12th Division’s Lieutenant, which was evident on his face as he freaked out and immediately corrected himself: “I’m sorry, Captain Kimura! Old habit dies hard.”

“Yo, are you on duty again today, Tanaka?” Muyang greeted the Division Member chummily.

“You remember me!” Tanaka said in disbelief when Muyang called his name.

“Of course, just how old do you think I am?” Muyang replied with a smile.

“Look who decided to visit after all this time!” Before Tanaka could say a word, someone else’s voice interrupted him.

Tanaka shivered the moment he heard that voice coming from behind him. He then turned around and bowed at the little girl who was already behind him before he realized it, “5th Seat Hiyori!”

“Yeah,” Hiyori nodded in response before walking toward Muyang irritatedly.

“Haven’t you gotten cheekier since you become a Captain?” Hiyori said while lifting her foot to kick Muyang, but she put her foot back down after giving it another thought. Muyang might just catch it or even teased her in response, after all.

“Haha.” Hirako Shinji, who saw what happened, laughed and asked, “why did you put down your foot, Hiyori?”

It couldn’t be helped if Shinji teased Hiyori after what just happened. However, Muyang, who knew what would happen simply admired Shinji’s courage because what he just said might just be his last words.


“Ouch! That hurts! What are you hitting me for, Hiyori!”

Muyang just smiled when he saw Shinji covered his nose and screamed. Shinji completely dug his own grave.

“You’re getting ahead of yourself, hmph!” Hiyori said with a smug.

“Hiyori, where’s Kirio-san?” Muyang asked Hiyori after seeing her venting her frustration at Shinji.

“Captain is in the Captain’s Office now. Do you need something from her?”

“Well, something like that, but I’ll be fine on my own,” Muyang then looked towards Hirako Shinji and said to Hiyori: “I think Shinji is injured. Be sure to look after him, Hiyori.”

Hirako Shinji suddenly panicked and shouted, “Captain! No!”

“Huh?” Hiyori said with a threatening look: “What is it, baldy Shinji? Do you have anything to say?”

“Err…” Shinji swallowed his spit after seeing Hiyori’s fierce eyes and looked towards Muyang with puppy eyes asking for help. Little did he know that Muyang had no intention to save him as he immediately walked to the Captain’s Office without even looking back.

Shinji was sweating as he couldn’t believe that Muyang would actually abandon him. However, this was not the time to curse him as Hiyori was taking his time walking toward him.

Before Muyang could knock on the door, Hikifune Kirio’s voice was heard from the other side of the door: “Come in, Li’l Yangyang.”

Muyang was sweating when he heard that nostalgic nickname. At the very least, there was no one else there. He couldn’t bear to think if someone found out he had such a nickname, especially since he was a Captain now.

As Muyang pushed the door open and walked in, he greeted Hikifune Kirio said with a smile: “Kirio-san.”

“You seem in good shape.” Hikifune Kirio nodded after observing Muyang from top to bottom. After asking him to take a seat, Hikifune Kirio poured a cup of tea for Muyang and asked, “are you used to your job as a Captain?”

“Well, sort of,” Muyang said as he put down the teacup.

“As usual, you never make yourself clear.” Hikifune Kirio laughed and then said: “Well, there are a lot of important affairs that you must take care of, so take your time to learn about it all little by little.”

“You need something from me, right?”

“Come on, Kirio-san. You make it sound as if I won’t visit you unless I need something.” Muyang made an excuse so that his intention was not that obvious.

“Come on, how long do you think I’ve known you? Just spill it out!”

“Hehe ~” Muyang laughed embarrasedly. It was still embarrassing for him even if the one who saw through him was Hikifune Kirio.

“Kirio-san, do you know about any way to increase Reiatsu?”

“Huh?” Hikifune Kirio gave Muyang a puzzled look, “Haven’t you already found your own way to increase Reiatsu? I think that’s a pretty good method, but of course, only you know what’s the best method for you.”

“I know, but this time it’s for one of my men.”

“Your men?” Hikifune Kirio slightly nodded, “tell me the details.”

“I just recruited a rookie who is gifted in everything except for Reiatsu… And you immediately come to mind, Kirio-san. What do you think?”

“I don’t know your men’s circumstances, so i can’t promise you anything, but I am currently conducting a research, and if it succeeds, it may increase one’s Reiatsu.”

“Are you serious?” Muyang was in awe because it was not a common research. It didn’t come off as a surprise because Hikifune Kirio was the woman who would be promoted to Zero Division. “What is it?”

“Artificial Soul!”

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