Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Two Years (2)

“You’re finally here. It’s so not like you to be late, Kimura.” Kensei, who leaned on a wall, said to Muyang after seeing him coming. He then turned to Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō, “Captain Kyōraku, Captain Ukitake.”

“Well, it seems that we are the last ones. I’m so sorry.” Kyōraku Shunsui said, but he didn’t seem sorry about it at all.

“Kensei, are you by yourself? Where’s Mashiro?” Muyang asked when he noticed that Mashiro, who always stuck closely with Kensei, was nowhere to be found.

“I don’t know where that idiot ran off, but I wish she won’t come back. It’s a lot quieter when she isn’t around.” Kensei said relievedly.

“She may be out at Rukongai for a stroll. I happened to see her in the afternoon.” Hiyori said with her hands behind her head.

“She’s as childish as always.” Muyang was at a loss for words and shook his head at Mashiro’s behavior. She didn’t even show up at Rose’s celebration party.

“Are you sure you didn’t miss anyone, Kimura?” Shinji said as he turned his head at Muyang.

“Huh?” Muyang glanced at Shinji and immediately tried to remember who was missing from the group, but after a moment, he gave up and asked: “Who did I miss?”

“It’s Aranmaru,” Shinji face-palmed at the forgetful Muyang, “in case you forget, Aranmaru is Rose’s teacher. How could you forget him?”

Muyang was speechless when he realized that he completely forgot about Aranmaru, “That’s…uhh”

“I knew you’re such a hopeless guy, but to think that you forgot about me. I would’ve missed this part hadn’t Rose went to the Academy to invite me. So, how do you plan to make this up to me?” Aranmaru Shishin’s helpless voice came from behind Muyang.

“Ah…” Muyang turned around, looking guilty. He admitted that it was the mistake on his part for forgetting Aranmaru, “That’s…”

“Forget it! I guess you can’t even come up with anything decent to make this up. On that note, I’ll just ask you to come to Shin’ō Academy and give my students a few lessons and tips.” Aranmaru Shishin went ahead and stated his own terms upon seeing Muyang’s guilty look.

“Alright then.” Muyang was slightly relieved that Aranmaru Shishin was willing to let him off the hook in exchange for him teaching his student. This guy had changed more and more ever since he became Shin’ō Academy’s vice headmaster more than a decade ago. He was always thinking of dragging his friends, this group in particular, to show the rope for his student in the Academy . However, he was the most mature among them at the same time. His life as a teacher for more than 100 years wasn’t just for show.

“Ah! Why are there so many Captains here?” A person with sloppy hair and clothes and 2 dark circles below his eyes sounded surprised the moment he showed up and saw the crowds.

“He is…?” Kyōraku Shunsui looked at the coming person and asked.

“This is the 2nd Division’s 3rd Seat-Urahara Kisuke. I heard from Yoruichi that you’re supposed to be in the middle of your research right now, though.”

“Ah, Captain Kimura! My research happened to come to an end today, so I took a walk for a change of pace, but I certainly didn’t expect to see so many Captains gathering here, aha~ aha~” Urahara Kisuke awkwardly laughed as he scratched his head.

“Kisuke, since you’re already here anyway, dress up! Are you fine looking like that in front of this many Captain?”

“Ahahaa~Yoruichi-san~” Urahara Kisuke embarrassedly scratched his head when he saw Yoruichi before saluting the Captains, “Then I will take a brief leave, Captains.”

“That guy seems even more listless and looser than Shinji.” Hiyori said with displeased look on her face.

“Why are you lumping me with him, idiot!”

“What do you mean by idiot, you baldy! Besides, I didn’t say anything wrong!”

“Okay, knock that off, you two! Besides, despite how he looked, Kisuke is reliable when the situation asks for it, and he is pretty strong, you know.” Muyang immediately explained as he dragged Hiyori away because she was rolling up her sleeve, ready to pummel Shinji.

“Pretty strong? That guy?” Hiyori looked at Muyang in disbelief. “Even if you say so, I just can’t believe it when I see his eyes and face!”

“I mean, Shinji is pretty much like him.” Muyang then patted Hiyori’s head, “Okay, let’s begin Yoruichi! Everyone is here.”

“I told you not to lump me with him!” Shinji tilted his head whispered.

“Everyone knows how lax and carefree you can be.” Rose said as he patted Shinji’s shoulders and followed Yoruichi and the gang.

“Yoruichi-sama, all Captains and Lieutenants, right this way.”

The moment Yoruichi was about to go in, a petite black figure appeared and knelt on before her.

“Yo, thanks for your hard work, Soifon.” Yoruichi said as a response.

“No, it’s my honor to serve Yoruichi-sama.”

“Haha, you’re as formal as always, Soifon. Get up already and come with us!”

“No, this is your party, Yoruichi-sama! I’ll just watch you from here.”

Seeing the look on Soifon’s face, Yoruichi just sighed and went in. Knowing her personality, Yoruichi knew there was no point in convincing her

“Well, If you say so.” Before Yoruichi entered, she suddenly turned around and added: “Ah, I almost forgot, Kisuke’ll be coming, so let him in later.”

“Yoruichi-sama!” Soifon looked at Yoruichi incredulously, “You hold that man too highly, Yoruichi-sama! I don’t think that man deserves to drink with you, Yoruichi-sama!”

“Just do what I said!” Yoruichi said as she glanced at Soifon.

“Understood!” Even though Soifon still didn’t like the fact that Urahara Kisuke would join her master’s party, she had no choice but to do as Yoruichi told her when she saw her eyes.

“What a cute little girl,” Muyang said to Yoruichi with a smile after Soifon disappeared.

“Don’t tell me you’re interested in Soifon, Kimura!” Yoruichi glanced at Muyang jokingly said.

“There’s no way!” Muyang waved his hand. “What I meant is she seems interested in Kisuke. Didn’t you notice how she looked out for Kisuke? Don’t you think so too, Kyōraku?”

“Well, now that you mention it.” Kyōraku Shunsui echoed, “But I can’t say for sure just yet.”

“Oh? Soifon and Kisuke?” Yoruichi immediately stopped, “That sounds really interesting. Should I hook those two together?”josei

Muyang almost couldn’t contain his laughter when he imagined the scene where Yoruichi misunderstood and tried to hook Soifone and Kisuke together.

“Okay, thank you for your hospitality today, Yoruichi. I’m gonna head back now.”

The guests left one after another after saying goodbye. Even though it was supposed to be the party to congratulate Rose, he wasn’t the star of the party because it was held in the 2nd Division.

“Captain, you seem to be worrying about something.” Suzuki Kusu said after looking at Muyang on their way back.

“Worrying?” Muyang turned his head to look at Suzuki Kusu, “what makes you think I’m worried?”

Suzuki Kusu just looked at Muyang meaningfully without replying.

“You don’t have to worry about anything,” Muyang reached out and patted Suzuki Kusu’s head with a smile, “Leave the worrying to me. It’s my job as a Captain.”

Suzuki Kusu didn’t say a word. As a person who had spent 100 years with Muyang, she could easily feel the boredom in Muyang’s heart. After Rose was offically appointed as a Captain today, Muyang seemed restless. Although he was chatting and laughing with everyone as usual, Suzuki Kusu could feel there was something in Muyang’s heart, but it was unlike his usual emotions such as hesitation, restlessness, and confusion.

Suzuki Kusu finally let go of her Zanpakuto’s hilt after wondering what was on Muyang’s mind. She just had to wait until Muyang wanted to tell her if he didn’t want to tell her now. She was fine as long as she could stay by Muyang’s side.

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