Blood demon leveling

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Julie's evolution

Mike watched with a smile on his face, only one thought ran through his head as he looked at Julie that so far had not let out a peep since her evolution had begun, she was simply enduring

'She sure is a good woman… I really am too lucky'

His own heart however was as cold as it used to, but it would probably have melted a bit more if Julie had screamed in pain, she however didn't and thus Mike's heart remained cold as it used to, that however didn't mean that he didn't like Julie, he did in fact he was head over heels for her he just was not completely aware of it yet

'She should be almost done…'

Mike confirmed his internal clock once more and he was just about sure that a half an hour was about to be up, just as he did Julie's silver hair turned a vivid shade of crimson that seemed like it was fresh, flowing blood, her hair however seemed even more vivid than Elina's and Mike could swear that it was glowing for a moment, then she opened her eyes and looked at Mike before she showed a sweet smile, as she did an interface popped up in front of Mike

Name: Julie

Age: 27

Level: 3(4)

Skills: [Judgment] [Heaven walker] [Valkyrie sword]

Please select a skill to evolve

"What skill would you like me to evolve?"

"Hmm… Then can you evolve [Heaven walker]?"


Mike clicked on the [Heaven walker] skill and watched as the interface changed

Evolve skill: [Heaven walker]


Mike clicked the Y and so after a small wait the interface changed again

Name: Julie

Age: 27

Level: 3(4)

Skills: [Judgment] [Hell walker] [Valkyrie sword]

'Finally one without the word blood in it… But nevertheless a hell walker?'

Mike looked at Julie that with her new hair looked more like a demon than the hellwalker that would slay them with a double barreled shotgun

"Mike, is something wrong?"

"Nope nothing, I have evolved your skill"

"Really? Thank you so much Mike!"

Julie hugged Mike tightly, in fact a little too tightly

"Ju...lie ca...n't brea...the"

"Oh, sorry Mike!"

Julie let go of Mike that then gave a wry smile and spoke

"You don't have to apologize Julie, just get used to you new strength as fast as possible, after all you now have the strength and speed of a level 4"



Julie looked enchanted for a moment before she grabbed Mike's shoulders and deeply kissed him for a few moments before she broke away and spoke

"I have decided, I'll quit my post as the caretaker of Morkove's temple"

"I see… Well nobody would believe you are [Paladin] with that red hair anyways"

Julie gave a happy smile and looked down as she began playing with her now red hair, Mike gave a smile and asked her


"No… It's just that now… I am dyed in your colors"

Mike gave a wide smile, he really wanted to push her down at this moment but then he remembered that Elina was still in the room, even now she was silently watching the two of them, so Mike stopped himself and took a deep breath before he spoke again

"Well then let's head towards Ø in the morning and drop off Elina…"

"Okay… But for now, Elina you and Serina sleep in another room"

"Yes mistress"

Elina stood up, gave a bow before she turned and walked out of the room, Serina followed after her after she had given Mike a very particular look, then Mike noticed a red glint in Julie's eyes and suddenly felt danger before Julie appeared right in front of him and once again kissed him deeply, this time Mike didn't hold himself back and warped his arms around her before he also kissed her back strongly…

The next morning Mike slowly awoke in the small bleak room, he looked into the ceiling before he suddenly showed a smile

'This is the second time I have drawn Julie's blood…'

Speaking of Julie she was lying half on top of him, at the moment she and Mike were very naked and the small room was filled with a particular smell but Mike didn't mind, he simply looked at Julie that was sleeping atop of him in the small bed as he showed a particular gentle smile for a moment before he gave her a squeeze, a few moments later Julie's eyes trembled before they slowly opened and her silver eyes looked straight at Mike for a few moments before she showed a sweet smile on her face and she spoke

"Morning Mike"

"Yeah, good morning Julie"

"So… What was the plan for today again?"

"We need to head towards Ø… I have been away for too long and I am afraid that if I don't show up soon they are going to put a bounty on me"

Julie gave a nod before she showed a smile and kissed Mike once again, then Mike looked a little concerned for a moment before he asked a little awkwardly

"Are you okay to ride?"

"It should be fine…"

"Really? We can take it easy a for a few days if you're not okay to ride Molly"

Julie gave a sweet smile and kissed Mike again before she simply said

"I am fine"

About half an hour later Mike, Serina, Elina and Julie walked out of the temple in Morkove, Julie whistled and soon Molly landed on the streets, speaking of Julie she was not wearing her usual mithril-silver armor but instead the dress she had worn when she was on her first date with Mike as both the armor and the sword she used was property of the temple, thus the only thing she owned was Molly and the clothes she was wearing, thus the groups first stop was a blacksmith were Mike brought a rather expensive sword for Julie along with a set of tight fitting leather armor that showed off her curves, Julie was a little embarrassed wearing this armor but when she saw the glint in Mike's eye she felt that it was worth the little embarrassment she felt.josei

Soon the group rode out of Morkove, Julie flew on Molly along with Elina while Mike rode solo on Serina down on the road, Serina was going top speed for about an hour before Mike spotted a group of three travelers and a red light flashed in his eyes as he was about to throw a few throwing knives after them Julie swooped down, Mike noticed a red glint in her eyes when she swung her sword and decapitated one of the three travelers, Mike gave a smile and threw two throwing knives at the last the travelers hitting them right in the neck before he slowed down Serina slightly and slashed their still standing bodies when he passed them with the knife before he yelled


And thus the three travelers turned into dried corpses before they had a chance to find out what had happened, The group continued towards Greenvale where the branch of Ø where Mike had passed the tests was located… Four days of riding later the group arrived in Greenvale having slain a rather large number of travelers on the way there, but causal details aside they had now arrived at Greenvale and headed towards the slaughter district and eventually arrived at the warehouse where Mike showed the emblem with the letter Ø on it to one of the workers and spoke

"I am here to report back"

"Oh, wait here I'll get the quartermaster"

Mike waited for a little while until the bald man with the dirty apron he had meet with a few times walked over, he wore a slightly stern face when he saw Mike that gave a smile and spoke

"I am here to report back after my last mission"

The quartermaster gave a smile, however his eyes were not smiling and then suddenly he slashed out with the butcher knife he carried in his hand, Mike stood still until the very last second where he dodged the butcher knife with a paper thin margin before he yelled


The quartermaster gave a wild smile and yelled back as he slashed out once again

"You sure have nerve new blood to try and command me!"

Mike dodged again before he showed a wry smile and spoke

"... No it wasn't to you, it was to Serina that's about to chew your face off, dipshit"

The quartermaster felt a chill down his spine and looked to the side and received not one, not two but three murderers cold stares from Julie, Serina and Elina, Julie had drawn her sword, Serina was about to pounce and even Elina had drawn her dagger, the only one that wasn't ready to attack was Molly that really didn't care for Mike at all

"...Well then in that case I'll stop here, it really seems like you have reached level 3, that chick you sent a week ago is also doing well in basic training… Very well then, I'll show you to the elders be sure to mind your respect"

Mike gave a cold smile before he spoke

"Lead the way"

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