Blood demon leveling

Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Genocide

"Can somebody tell me where the fuck vampire blade has disappeared to!?"

It had been three weeks since the level 4 [Fire mage] had brought his four subordinates to Ø, not only had he now lost two level 3 [Mage]'s, he had also lost the only source of Intel on vampire blade he had granted the two sources of Intel had been less than cooperative and he personally had ordered them to be executed, but then it looked like vampire blade had snuck into the facility, killed the two of his subordinates and then fled with the two girls leaving him with nothing, the elder of Ø kneeled in front of him with her head lowered while she kept silent

"You useless pieces of trash, it's just one person! How hard can he be to find on this small insignificant island!?"

In reality the only reason why the level 4 [Fire mage] was raging like he was was because he would be punished if he returned without results, not that he would be able to return in the first place without results mind you

'Shit if I have to stay on this shitty low mana density island I'll never reach level 5!'

While the level 4 [Fire mage] fuming Mike and Julie was living the free life, Mike was currently in the kitchen trying to cook some breakfast for the two of them, after he half succeeded in making something vaguely edible he brought it out of the inn's kitchen and upstarts to their room on the second floor, Mike sneaked in as to not wake the sleeping Julie, she laid on the bed with her eyes closed breathing softly covered by a blanket, Mike smile and sat down their breakfast on a table before he walked over and kissed her on the forehead and watched as her eyes slowly opened, when they regained their focus and looked at him a sweet smile formed on her face


Julie spread out her arms acting spoiled, Mike gave a sigh and leaned down and gave her a hug but as he tired to let go of her he was pulled down into the bed as Julie, not fully awake snuggled up to him and kissed him, Mike gave a wry smile and kissed her back for a long time until she broke away, then he spoke

"Good morning Julie"josei

"Morning Mike… Oh I see you made us breakfast"

"Yeah I made an attempt…"

"What are you talking about, I like your food"

"Okay then let's eat"


After eating the two of them packed their stuff and walked out of the inn out onto the plaza were a grizzly sight entered their eyes, a pile of burnt bodies with a height of the two story inn they had spent the night in, besides that there was also Rebecca and Elina kneeled down in front of the entrance to the inn, awaiting their arrival

"Good work… Report"

"Yes lord, two convoys arrived during the night, they have been dealt with"

"Very good… I'll head to the temple, what about you Julie?"

"Me? Hmm… I'll prepare Serina and Molly for the trip"

"Okay, then see you in a bit"

Mike gave Julie a quick kiss before he walked down the empty street while thinking about the results he had seen from observing Rebecca and Elina over to last two weeks

'They were definitely dead, not only that but now they seemed to have turned into some kind of weird cross between zombies and vampires, they require blood on a regular basis else they turn feral and attack anything I have not evolved… Besides that they seem to be able to level up still with Elina having reached level 2, well that was a town ago so maybe Rebecca is close to reaching level 3?'

While Mike thought his legs carried him to the local temple and brought him inside, the temple was empty as the rest of the town and so Mike walked into one of the prayer rooms at random and touched the crystal ball, after it shone in a vermilion light for a few moments it displayed his status

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 26

Level: 3

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control]

Experience: 284.599/ 100.000.000

"Almost a third of the way there…"

Mike gave a sigh, he and Julie had raided four town so far, killing every single person in the town from elder to child, man to woman and from guard to toddler, Mike felt nothing when he thought of this, well except for one thing

"This is too slow…"

He gave a sigh and decided that it was time to get out of the now ruined town and thus he quickly left along with Julie, Elina, Rebecca, Serina and the newly evolved Molly, around midday they deiced to take a break, Mike sat leaned up against Serina as he mumbled

"If only there was a better way to get experience…"

Julie that sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder gave agreed and spoke

"Yeah if only we had a dungeon here on Elmlet…"

"Wait what's a dungeon?"

"A place where monster's spawn in unlimited numbers"

"...And where would the nearest dungeon be?"

"Well as I said there's none here on Elmlet…"

"Elmlet being?"

"This island"

"Okay… Then can't we just head to another island or a continent?"

Julie gave a nod

"Yeah we could, but we need to pay for the fare over the sea…"

"And how much is that?"

"About 5.000 per person…. Plus 10.000 per animal"

"So… 40.000 huh… Well I have about 30.000 from the time I worked at Ø so let's just get the last bit of money when we raid the next town"

"Okay Mike"

After about a days travel the group arrived at another nameless town, at this point they were used to how to go about slaughtering the town's inhabitants with the utmost efficiency, there was no point in being sneaky about it either they simply split up with Molly and Serina blocking the north and south entrance while Elina and Rebecca blocked the east and west entrance, then Julie and Mike walked into the town and from there it was pure slaughter…

Mike walked down the street slaughtering the people that tried to fight back and/or flee, while his pace seemed slow it was fast enough to take down the low level people while some he left with shallow cuts and controlled straight away and then they began dragging the dried up corpses towards the middle of the town to the plaza, at the plaza the people that had run away from Mike ended up running into the people that had run away from Julie so chaos ensued and soon there was no more people in the plaza that drew breath, besides Julie and Mike of course

"...Well then let's go knock on some doors"

"Sure Mike"

Julie gave a sweet smile and wiped some of the blood splatters away from her face, Mike and Julie went from door to door killing everyone inside the buildings indiscriminately, meanwhile the people that attempted to flee were killed by the ones guarding the entrances to the small walled town, the very walls that used to protect the people of this town had now become their cage, of course some people escaped by jumping from the walls but that was only a few and so half a day after the attack began the town had been cleaned of living people and livestock, the only ones that still lived were people Mike had controlled that dragged the bodies to the plaza and stacked them up high in a pile before Mike stabbed the few that had not been drained of blood and threw a stack of ripped igniter paper on the pile, while Mike stood and watched the pile of what used to be the town's inhabitants he mumbled

"Kind of smells like bacon…"

Julie returned from having cleaned herself of blood splatter, her shoulder length hair was still a little wet and instead of her leather armor she wore a long shirt and a skirt that exposed her legs, she walked up and stood beside Mike for a few moments before she leaned her head on his shoulder and asked

"Why do we even bother to burn the corpses again?"

Mike gave a sigh and gave a wry smile

"To avoid the spread of disease… While I may be genocidal, I am not that genocidal…"

"Okay… I see"

While the two of them were talking/flirting Elina came running and kneeled down in front of them and spoke

"Master an army is approaching"

"Finally… How big?"

"About 1.500 soldiers and adventures"

Mike gave a nod before he asked

"Are there any [Paladin]'s in between?"

"Yeah… six of them"

"I see… Then there's probably more level 3's…"

Elina looked up at Mike and asked

"What should we do?"

A red light flashed through Mike's eyes before he gave a smile that made Elina tremble slightly

"Well a town is anywhere between 1.100 and 1.500 people so I don't see a reason to look a gift horse in the mouth, let's slaughter them all"

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