Blood demon leveling

Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Saving for the fare

The night passed silently and soon Mike woke from his slumber, he reached out over the sheets but his hands grasped nothing, it was only then that he really woke up

'Can't wait to get off this godforsaken island…'

Mike sat up and swung his legs out over the edge of the small bed, he looked down at his legs, they were covered in scars that never really got to heal properly, just like the rest of his body

'I really hate feeling this weak… Maybe I should raid a village again..?'

As Mike considered once again committing genocide he stretched before he began putting on some clothes, once he was dressed however he had given up on the idea of genocide, as for the reason

'...It would be suicide… I can think about it again when I have regained my former strength…'

Mike let out a yawn and walked out of his room, locking the door behind him before he walked downstairs and got some food before he headed to the guild, once at the guild he sat down at a table and zoned out until Silvia and the two twins arrived a little later

"Good morning Mike!"

Mike gave a nod at Silvia's greeting before he asked

"So… Are we taking a job?"

Will gave a nod

"Yeah, monster extermination"

"I see… How much is the pay?"

"100 per monster, so 25 each"

Mike gave a nod, as long as he managed to earn his stay at the inn plus some more he would not complain, thus he stood up from his chair

"Then let's get moving while it's still light out"

Silvia gave a nod and followed after Mike, Will gave a sigh and followed after them while Jill followed last while silently praying her friend's first love would bear fruit…

Mike slashed out and severed the windpipe of the monster that could best be described as a goblin with fur, the blood sprayed into the air but slowly it came to a halt mid air before it gathered into the shapes of long needles that then began spinning slightly before they were propelled into the head of another woolly goblin, meanwhile Mike twisted his body and sent a kick out at the neck of a third woolly goblin


Mike breathed out sending a long white arrow through the frosty air before he spoke

"You guys about done?"


Will snapped out of his daze, so did Jill and quickly poked Silvia that had a silly expression on her face, Mike, however, didn't look at them, he was busy cutting the right ear off the woolly goblins he had just killed, seeing him work the other three also began collecting the profs of extermination from the woolly goblins, when they were done they put the profs together and counted them

"5… 9… 15… 26… 36"

"So 9 for each?"

"Yeah… Do we need the carcasses for anything else?"

"No… What do you have in mind Mike?"

Mike paused and thought for a moment before he decided to mix some truths into a bullshit story he made up on the spot

"Have you guys ever heard of a warp formation?"

The three of them gave frowns and shook their heads, they were not quite sure where Mike was going with this, but they still waited for him to continue

"Well a warp formation is a magic formation that is, or rather were able to instantly transport people or goods over a long distance"

Will asked

"What does that have to do with the carcasses?"

"I'll come to that in a second, so I and my old party were exploring some ruins and I just so happened to step on such a formation and was sent, or rather warped here to this island… about 50 meters off the ground"

Silvia covered her mouth, the other two had grim looks on their faces, then Mike gave a smile

"Well to say it in simple terms I am injured, but luckily I have a skill that allows me to heal"

Will quickly connected the dots and asked

"So that's what you need the carcasses for?"

"Yeah, do you guys have a problem with that?"

Mike tightened the grip on the cheap dagger, if they had a problem with him healing he would simply add another three corpses to his blood feast, but alas it didn't come to that as Silvia quickly spoke up

"We only need the profs of extermination, besides if you get healed our trips will be safer so I have no problem with it"

Will gave a nod, so did Jill, then Mike showed a slight smile

"Then stand back a bit"

The three did as they were asked and then Mike let out a sigh and muttered

"[Blood diabolism]"

Then the blood began flowing upwards into a sphere that got bigger and bigger before the carcasses were drained completely of blood


Then the sphere began shrinking, the twins looked up at the blood sphere in wonder but were quickly snapped out of their daze when Silvia spoke, or rather yelled


Mike's face was covered in sweat, he was deadly pale and his mouth was snapped shut, all in all it looked like he was enduring great pain, when Silvia was about to run over to him he raised his hand gesturing her to stay where she was, soon the sphere of blood shrunk and disappeared, when it did Mike fell to his knees and breathed deeply for sometime before he clenched his fist a few times and gave a nod

'Around 55%... Not bad'

"Mike! Are you okay?"

Mike looked up and saw Silvia looking like she was about to cry, Will and Jill didn't look good either, Mike gave a smile and asked

"Have you guys ever had small cracks in your bones rapidly mended?"

Blood drained from the faces of the three as they imagined the pain they would have to go through, but Mike just showed a smile and spoke

"Don't worry, I am used to it"

His words, however, didn't have the desired effect of smoothing over the situation instead Silvia suddenly began crying, Mike, however, was not in the mood to deal with the young woman's tears so he simply stood up and dusted the snow off his knees before he began walking back towards the port city while leaving a simple 'see you guys tomorrow at the guild' behind, when Mike arrived back at the guild he sold his proofs of extermination for 900

'Minus the 200 for the inn, I have made 700 today, meaning I should have about 1.200… This is going to take some time… Hopefully, I regain my strength before the pursuit from the mines comes'

Mike walked back towards the guild and paid for an extension of his room before he walked upstairs and laid down on the small bed and closed his eyes…

The next morning Mike awoke at the usual time and after stretching he looked down at his body, scars still covered his body but they were somewhat faded now, after controlling his killing intent for a few moments and hiding it Mike put on some clothes and went downstairs to eat some breakfast before he went to the guild and sat down at the same table he did yesterday and waited for the other three to arrive.

Time passed like this for a few weeks as Mike saved up for the trip to Darbel, his strength gradually grew to what it had been in the past, when he had regained 100% of his former strength a rather strong red light had passed through his eyes, but Mike didn't really care for that as a little after he managed to regain his strength he finally managed to save up to the trip

'Finally, I can get off this godforsaken island…'

Mike showed a slight smile and counted his coin again to make sure he had not counted wrong, currently, he sat in the small room in the inn, he had just returned from a guild request

'Now the problem is Silvia…'

As dense as Mike was he quickly found out Silvia seemed to have fallen for him, Mike had also considered making her his girlfriend, there was just a little problem

'If Julie is still alive she would kill her and then me…'

Ultimately this kept him from responding to Silvia's feelings, there was also another problem, she was too weak to follow him off the island, she and the other two were only level 2 so frankly they would slow him down too much if they went with him, he could always strengthen them but Mike didn't want to expose his skill to them, he simply didn't trust them enough which was a result of having been betrayed

'No… I was not betrayed, I was just simply too much of a fool, in the end, it was my own fault… But most importantly of all, I am still too weak, much too weak…'josei

Mike felt his desire to grow stronger increase along with his desire for revenge

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