Blood demon leveling

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Arrival on Kely

After about a week on the sea Mike and Daisy arrived on Kely, the island was said to be ravaged by civil war but the port city they arrived in seemed to be peaceful enough, that is until Mike and Daisy arrived at the central plaza where a rather big pile of bodies were left to rot with signs around the pile that read: 'Death to all traitors of the blue rose' Mike gave a frown when he saw the pile that he could smell even from the distance he was standing at

"...How unsanitary"

Daisy also showed a frown before she asked Mike

"Do you want me to burn it, boss?"

"...Nah, let's just leave the city at once, no telling if that has contaminated the cities water supply already"

The two of them did as Mike said and left the city at once and began walking south along the dirt road, when evening arrived the two of them set up camp a little away from the road near a stream where Daisy hunted and butchered some rabbits before she skillfully cooked the meat over the campfire, Mike watched her with interest and praised her

"You seem to be rather good at that…"

Daisy showed a slight smile and spoke

"My clan has a tradition that every young man or woman has to leave the clan and travel for sometime before they return home so I was taught things like these before I left home"

"I see…"

Mike gave a nod and received the roasted rabbit meat on a stick before he began eating it, it was way better than raw meat with its blood drained which was what he usually ate when he was on the road alone, after eating Mike crawled up into a tree and fell asleep soon after, Daisy was sleeping in her bedroll on the ground…

The next morning Mike and Daisy continued south, the weather was decent and even though Mike had slept without so much as a blanket he had not caught a cold

'Maybe it's due to one of my skills..?'

Mike didn't really think too much about it, one thing he did think about however was how much he missed Serina as he was getting tired of walking…

On the same day, Mike and Daisy ran into bandits but they were only low level bandits so they quickly cleaned them up, Mike didn't kill them all however, he set Daisy to torture the survivors.

After putting them through the grinder for about half an hour Mike asked them the first question

"Where's your hideout?"

To Mike's surprise, they all said that they would show Mike and Daisy the way if they promised not to kill them, Mike looked them over for sometime before he agreed, although he didn't miss the cold glint that flashed in the eyes of one of the three, soon Mike and Daisy followed the three bandits into a nearby forest, after walking for some time one of the bandits suddenly started yelling

"Boss! We brought some fresh meat!"

Mike gave a slight smile as bandits emerged from all around them, he had of course already noticed them but he still waited for them to spring their ambush, one of the captured bandits began laughing

"Hehehehe, you're done now! Our boss is level 4!"

Mike showed a smile and sank the knife into the back of the bandit that had laughed at him, slowly grinding it into his back as he let out a long scream that only got extended when Mike muttered


After the scream died down silence descended on the clearing before one of the bandits spoke

"You really are a sick fuck, you know that?"

Mike showed a slight smile before he asked

"I take it you are their boss?"

The bandit showed a smile before he mocked

"Yeah, are you going to beg for mercy now?"

Mike gave a shrug before he sarcastically said

"So you'll let me go if I beg?"

The boss gave a laugh before he spoke with a nasty grin on his face

"Nah, I'll still beat you up and sell you as a slave once the boys are done playing with you"josei

Mike's face went cold before he instantly disappeared from view and once he reappeared he was right in front of the bandit leader mid slash, the bandit leader quickly drew his sword and blocked, or at least he tried to as the knife passed right through the sword and slashed right through the neck of the bandit leader killing him a few minutes later when he finished choking on his own blood, when he did only the two captured bandits were still alive, they were now filled with fear, Mike used [Drink] as he thought about his own strength

'So… The reason I won so overwhelmingly must be because of my [Blood body enhancement]... besides that the sword he used was poorly maintained and of course it was no match for the knife in terms of sharpness and hardness…'

Mike gave a nod, after killing the bandit leader he was more confident in his current strength and gave a smile as he looked at Daisy that was wiping blood off her Aztec sword club with a piece of cloth

"What is it boss?"

"Nothing, let's get to their basecamp for now"

Daisy showed a smile

"Sure boss"

Daisy quickly got the captured bandits moving and soon the four of them arrived at the bandits base camp, as the captured bandits had secretly signaled the bandits to the ambush place the basecamp was abandoned, but that didn't mean it was empty of life as there were some cages that held both dead captured people and captured people that wished they were dead, Mike looked over the captured people, most of them were riddled with diseases and wished to die so Mike swiftly ended them and drained their blood before he took a look at the prisoners that were in somewhat okayish shape

'No… No… Maybe… No… Oh, what do we have here?'

Mike looked at the teenager with white frost like hair and asked her

"Do you want to live?"

The teenager slowly shook her head, her eyes were dead and clearly she didn't want to live anymore, Mike didn't blame her however she seemed like she would be useful so he poked her with the knife and used control on her, she quickly kneeled down with respect, Mike waited for her to greet him, but she didn't so he asked

"What's your name?"


She didn't answer she just lowered her head even more, Daisy looked displeased but Mike raised his hand and kneeled down before he put his hand on her jaw and slowly opened her mouth

"Well that's fucked up… Do you mind if I call you Snow?"

Mike quickly tried to forget what he had just seen inside Snow's mouth as he changed the subject and invented a name for her, the girl now called Snow gave a nod and showed a smile, Mike gave her a smile back and patted her on the head once before he stood up and dusted the dirt off his knees before he commanded Daisy

"Daisy search the camp, we're looking for preserved food, coin and easy to fence valuables"

"Yes Boss"

Mike then looked over the last prisoners but didn't find anyone that seemed to be of use to him, then he looked at Snow

'She's too weak for me to [Evolve] her… much less walk, this might be more trouble than it's worth…'

Mike considered offing her for a moment but decided to gamble that his intuition was right and asked Snow

"Snow… Are you a mage?"

Snow looked right at Mike, she was still sitting on the ground, after a moment she gave a nod and raised her hand and a small icicle formed on her palm, but then a formation on her chest lit up and the icicle shattered at once, Mike gave a slight frown and asked

"Did the bandits do that to you?"

Snow shook her head slowly, Mike then considered seeing the formation but as he knew nothing about formations it would be useless

'Well I need to learn about formations soon anyway… No way I am getting revenge on those nobles without knowing how to break that formation that subdued me last time…'

Mike reached out his hand and helped Snow to her feet before he asked

"So… Can you use magic at all?"

Snow gave a nod and pointed to one of the captured bandits that were wallowing in despair still before an icicle suddenly shut up from below him, piercing his leg and then swiftly his law before it went further into his brain stem killing him instantly, Mike gave a nod and patted her on the head

"Looks like you're going to be useful to me after all… Now help Daisy with searching the camp"

Snow gave a nod before she walked off to search the camp along with Daisy

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