Blood demon leveling

Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Reconquest of Ulum

After Mike talked with some of the other people in the camp he learned a little more about the situation he found himself in, firstly he was in the blue rose's basecamp one of the two major forces in the civil war currently ongoing on Kely, with the other being the southern noble union and another piece of bad news came with it, the blue rose was losing quite badly too

'No wonder they're forcing new conscripts by taking their companions hostage…'

Mike, however, was less than pleased with being taken as a conscript and he seriously considered just leaving Snow and Daisy to their fate but when he thought about it some more he realized something

'You know what, fuck that… I am not giving the Blue rose or whatever her fucking name is the satisfaction of killing my servants… No, when Elian and Rebecca arrive I will make her regret ever being born'

A red light shone in Mike's eyes, if his belief was right that Elina and Rebecca both out leveled him, then he was going to make the blue rose beg for her life before he ended her

'The price to make me your conscript is high…'

The night passed, Mike refused to sleep in a tent and slept under the night sky and so the next morning the camp was packed up and the soldiers were on the match, from what Mike learned they were doing a last ditch effort trying to turn the tide of the war by reconquering the nearby city of Ulum, Ulum being a city it had its very own walls and Mike didn't see any siege engines

'Don't tell me…'

Mike's suspicions turned out to be true as the blue rose's army encircled the city the conscript was pushed forwards to the front, Mike included, he muttered

"You have no sense of military tactics you blue cunt…'

Mike began spinning the knife around as he was shoved forwards by the soldiers or at least they tried to shove him but given that most of them were level 2 or some rare cases level 3 so when they tried to shove him they ended up pushing themselves back which was amusing, to say the least

���Now how to do this…'

Mike looked at the walls that were about 260 meters away, they were about 10 meters tall, he did a few small jumps as he stretched his neck and spun the knife around

'Step one… Survive until I reach the walls… Step two… scale the walls… Step three… find a way to bring down the gate… From there the soldiers should charge right?'

Mike stood amongst the other conscript as the order to charge was given by one of the commanding officers, of course, no one moved, this resulted in the soldiers behind the conscript lowering their spears, pointing towards them, Mike gave a sigh and began walking forwards, slowly at first but within three meters he was suddenly in full sprint, as for what happened behind him he didn't care, as he crossed the 250 meter (From the walls) mark he saw Nemours glints in the evening sunlight being fired from the walls and narrowed his eye as he brought the knife in front of his face ready to intercept the arrows that were speeding towards him

���This is going to hurt…'

Time slowed down around Mike as he neared the 200 meter mark, he could hear the air whistling around him, Mike's eyes widened in an instant as the knife turned into a blur as clings sounded out as he deflected most of the arrows that would have hit him, however, 3 arrows still sank into his thigh, shoulder and stomach, it didn't slow him down however as he passed the 150 meter mark with the same speed, as he sprinted he pulled out the arrow that had hit his stomach spewing out blood which instantly turned to icicles that shot off towards the walls, Mike's aim was not to hit any of the archers however it was to distract or disrupt them for a moment, as for the other two arrows he also pulled them out and used [Blood diabolism] to freeze the blood stopping the bleedings

'...Here comes the second wave'

Mike saw the metal arrow tips glint in the dying sunlight, this time however he didn't plan on taking them head on like the first time, breaking his speed by sliding across the ground Mike slipped in behind a lone tree that stood in the no man's land, a series of thunks sounded out as the arrows hit the other side of the threejosei

'Well, that was convenient…'

As soon as the last arrow landed MIke borke cover again and soon passed the 100 meter mark, at this point he opened his three wounds again and let his own blood flow out as it quickly formed into icicles, at this range he was certain to hit at least something so he took careful aim and shot off about 20 icicles towards the walls before he stopped the bleeding again, screams sounded out from the top of the walls as the icicles hit their targets sending the bowmen formation into disarray, meanwhile Mike safely crossed the 50 meter mark and threw the knife at the mid point of the wall, as the knife sunk into the wall about halfway up Mike crossed the 5 meter mark and jumped up high as he was about to smash into the wall he kicked against it propelling him further up before he grabbed the handle of the knife that stuck out of the wall and pulled himself further up cleanly clearing the top of the wall as he landed on the top and opened his hand were the knife soon landed as he gave a smile to the flustered bowmen

"Hello and goodbye"

The bowmen proved easy pickings as he massacred them all in about half a minute, then he looked towards the gate controls to his right and walked over before he jumped down on the inner side of the wall and quickly slaughtered the soldiers that were guarding the gate controls before he spoke in a shill voice

"Kronk pull the lever!"

Back at the command tent the blue rose sat with and watched the walls with a slightly dumbfounded look on her face before she asked her advisers that were like her dumbfounded

"...Did that just happen?"

One of the officers was the first to wake up from his daze and quickly commanded the messenger besides him

"Tell the army to advance!"

The blue rose woke up from her daze and seconded the order when she saw the messenger look at her

"Do as he says, advance on the north gate, double time!"

From there the local commander quickly surrendered when the army moved through the open north gate, after all, there was no army stationed here, only the local garrison as the southern nobles expected the blue rose to be on the back foot…

'Here's she comes…'

Mike stood leaning against the gate controls as most of the blue rose's army had marched past him, he stood and threw the knife into the air as and caught it behind his back as the blue rose walked past the gates, she wore a smile on her face as she looked at Mike

"Mike was it? You have done an excellent service to me and my crouse, I hereby promote you from a conscript to platoon commander"

Mike gave a slight smile before he asked

"What about my companions?"

The blue rose showed a smile

"They are safe with me, don't worry"

'This bitch…'

Mike seriously considered killing her then and there but one thing held him back

'Ït would be much better to kill her after she trusts me enough to return my servants to me… Or when Elina and Rebbeca arrive… Whichever comes first…'

Mike closed his eyes for a moment before he spoke

"I am tired and would like to rest"

The blue rose gave a nod before she gave a command to one of her advisors

"Get someone to show him to an inn"

Mike then followed after a soldier and soon arrived at an inn where he was showed to a room after he ate some food, once inside he sat down on the bed and used [Blood control] to contact Elian and Rebecca


Mike gave a slight smile when he heard their voices sound out in his head, then after a few seconds he spoke

"There's been a hiccup in the plan…"

On the ship the two servants stood up, they had just been blessed with their master's presence for the second time in only two days, normally this was something to be glad about but their faces were stone cold and they both radiated killing intent so strong that it was almost visible, Elina turned to one of their subordinates and spoke in a cold voice

"Speed up the ship"

The subordinate gave a nod and passed the order on while trying his best not to piss his pants

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