Blood Titan System

Chapter 207 Evolution

Chapter 207 Evolution: Twin-Super Cell Titan!

"Dark-master, while the Lightning-eye inheritance ranks in the top 500 of the top inheritances available, it can't be comparable to the Heart Of Darkness we, House of Dark-Matter possess ."

A young female individual suddenly spoke up. As she spoke, her voice carried a melodious timbre, captivating all who hear it, leaving a trail of enchantment in its wake. 

The young lady was a very beautiful female, emanating an aura of enchantment. Her luminous eyes literally sparkle like the stars in the skies. Flowing locks of radiant hair cascade down her back, catching the light and shimmering with an ethereal glow.

The Dark-master's face was covered in his Matter mask tilted and his swirling darkness of pupils tilted slightly making the three individuals unable to see his expression. 

Before the young lady could add more sentences, a snort interrupted her. The voice of a young male resounded within the aircraft.

"What's there to think about? As long as I get the Lightning-eye Aspect after killing that weakling, my Abyss Overload Titan body would receive a massive boost in strength. By then, killing the two of you would be easy and the Heart Of Darkness would be mine."

His voice of pure disdain and arrogance was plain and brutal and a ferocious glint appeared in his black pupils. 

The young man was seemingly not afraid to say his plan and stated it plainly, right before the Dark-master and his other two fellow students. 

A chilling laughter abruptly rang out like thunder. "Ignoring the fact that you are the weakest disciple of our master. What right do you have to call dips on the Lightning-eye when I haven't spoken yet?"

The voice came from a young man whose eyes radiated pure killing intent that seemed as though one was staring into the eye of a Void creature within the seventh layer of abyss. 

This dark student was obviously different than the other two who had spoke before. His eyes revealed two swirling darkness. While they weren't as terrifying as the eyes of the Dark-Master, he was obviously catching up! 

In between his eyes brows was a pure black slit that wriggled like an abyssal snake as through giving birth to some forbidden gene. 

This time, the young lady didn't say a word. The arrogant young man's face flushed red as he wanted to refute. 

But staring at the cold, indifferent and terrifying pupils of his Senior disciple, he didn't dare say a word and could only let out a snort indignantly. 


It was obvious that the dark disciples feared this young man greatly.

"The mission this time is important to me." The Dark-master's voice echoed gently. 

"Naturally, the Lightning-eye has no interest to me, acquiring that gene is dependant on you and according to my information, the target has a lot of stuffs that will benefit your titan evolution path. you can chose to divide the loot as you wish. But…"

The three dark-disciples were first happy. The young lady's red lips curled upwards and a black tongue locked fervently at her lower lips in exhilaration. 


When they heared the word 'but', the three dark disciples tensed up slightly as the Dark-master stared deep in their eyes. A terrifying chill filled their heart as the dark-pulse within them trembled violently as though it was about to break. 

The three dark-disciples face twisted in a horrific pain but they didn't dare make a sound.

This was how the house of Dark-matter kept their people in check! With the conversion of nuclear energy to dark matter, they also placed a terrifying dread-worm within the changed nuclear pulse. 

With the advancement of the dark matter, the dread-worm in the individual would evolve from dark-slave to dark-disciples and so on. 

The Dread-worm grows even more stronger as it feed on an even stronger and potent dark-matter. With this, anyone with higher level of Dread-worm could control and and even have the ability to kill those of lower levels no matter the distance! As long as the Dread-worm was from the same gene thread. 

"But... You are not allowed to take his Black Fire!"

* * *

[Class: Double-Supercell Titan(0.01%)]

[Aspect; Eye Of Lightning (5th-grade)]

[Supercell: Black-Fire(7th-grade)]

[Status: Slightly Injured]

[Nuclear Energy[N]: 300,168/(100,000)]

[Titan phase Limit: Base Nuclear Energy Limit (Usually once)<×N>]

[Nuclear Pulse Talent: 5-star(Mid-grade)<Upgradable>(96,000,000)]

[Techniques: Blood Symbiote Bio-Reactor (Legendary Tier, low grade), Eternal Physique Optimization Art(Legendary Tier, low-grade), Lightning god Physique(legendary) <upgradable> ]

[Combat Tactics; War-God Prime(Rare-grade)<Upgradable>,

 Nine Hells Inferno Fist(Legendary Tier,


Atomic Glitch (Mythic)

[Basics of Lightning (Epic)<Upgradable>]

[Weapon: Outblast Inferno]

[Nuclear grade: Weapon III]

Erian came out from his destroyed mountain. His eyes flickering brilliantly between lightning and darkness. His left eyes had a blue lightning dragon swimming within that was as fast as lightning but his right eye sem to have a burning darkness that was capable of destroying all and everything in this world! 

"So this is the power of a Double-Super cell titan." Erian muttered as he clenched both of his fist. His left fingers opened up and a crackling sound seem to thunder out from between his fingers. A faint Crack of energy sparked from above his hand. 

But when his right hand opened, a pop sound resonated as though something was igniting and in the next second. The air above his right hand seem to have turned ablaze but instead of an orange glow, what came out instead was a tiny orb of darkness which immediately faded into non-existence. 

The light in Erian's eyes soon faded. His dark pupils going back to its original black color, it was back to normal. Erian revealed a large smile as he chuckled. 

He couldn't help but look to the sky and think that the night sky was exceptionally fresh right now. 

Breathing a large amount of breath, Erian exhaled and felt slightly relieved. Although the implant of the black-fire cell was almost as painful as his first transition into his titan form, it was worth it. 

At this rate, he could say he had graduated from being an ordinary titan to a Terror-Grade Titan! 

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