Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 263

Chapter 263: CCLXIII. The Chain-Warrior

An electric aura began to wrap Dag's hammer and the corresponding arm.

The celestial sparks soon joined the fluid, which embellished their color, turning them into the usual deep purple.

From the dust, Roar came out, walking slowly in the direction of Dag.

"Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnir were the magical goats that towed the chariot of the mighty God of thunder... Thor, son of Odin... when the evening came, the warrior used to kill his beasts, cook them and devour them to the last shred... but the morning after, reassembling their bones, with the help of Mjöllnir, his magic hammer, the two goats came back to life, again and again, and again" exclaimed the beastly man, as he approached him, comparing his hammer enveloped in purple sparks to Thor's.

After those words, Kjell, who had grabbed the chain he had been deprived of just before, struck Roar again, wrapping his legs with both chains.

"Ellen! Now!" he shouted, trying to put into practice an action plan with Ellen, who quickly twirled the rod in her hands and then hit the ground, creating a fracture under Roar's legs, whose hooves sink inside of.

Soon after, Ellen ran towards him, loading another hit directly to his head, but Roar, with a simple movement of his hand, hit her on the shoulder, sending her flying meters away.

"You're really annoying, my speech was not over yet!" yelled the beast-man, again trying to grab Kjell's chains, which this time was quicker than before and pulled them to himself before the enemy could catch them.

Roar detached his hooves from the ground and rushed to Dag trying to land him, but he dodged his opponent's body at a frightening speed, hitting him soon after with the electric hammer, which on impact with the goat demon's back, released an enormous amount of energy and caused him to slam his chest to the ground.

"Karl, stay here with Freydis! Reidar, come with me! Dag needs our help!" exclaimed Gridd, tired of watching the fight without intervening.

Reidar, after a moment's hesitation, due to the fear that the filthy being emanated, ran with her to Dag and the others, stopping a few meters back and preparing the Failnaught.

Meanwhile, Roar got up from the ground but was hammered again on the chest by Dag, who caused him to retreat a few feet.josei

He tried to counterattack, waving his arm toward Dag, trying to hit him with the sharp claws of his hand, but he dodged the blow again and violently hit the enemy's wrist with the Giantbane, choking his hand. 

Liters of magenta blood poured to the ground, while the demon looked at his handless arm, without feeling pain and amazed at the cutting ability of Dag's axe, which had penetrated his skin, harder than iron.

Before Dag could attack him again, he leaped backward, moving away from the opposing warriors, ready to join forces and kill him for good.

Dag rotated both weapons in his hands, emitting sparks of electricity and fire, carefully studying his opponent's movements to deduce his next move.

"Aaagh!" Freydis continued, as the pain of her wound kept on growing exponentially as the fight went on.

Karl began to treat it, but every time he gently touched the scar with a sterile cloth, Freydis moved his hand away, feeling a stabbing burn and preventing him from continuing with the appropriate medical procedures.

Sivert, who had remained silent until then, slowly approached the two of them, walking with difficulty holding on to the stick.

"What do you want? Get away from her, I don't need your help!" exclaimed Karl grumpily, noticing his presence.

"Show me your wound, girl..." Sivert said in a low voice, turning to Freydis, who slowly moved her hand from his neck, showing the shaman the rune scar and the black bruise around it, which continued to pulsate.

Meanwhile, the goat demon continued to suffer attacks from multiple fronts, managing to dodge some and parry others, while Dag was still standing in the same position, exploiting the blows of his allies to understand the weaknesses of the enemy, whose fighting style did not seem to have changed since he faced him on Vaeren Island.

It was completely based on physical strength and violent attacks full of rage, not taking into account the defense, which was easily penetrable.

Ellen snapped forward towards him, trying to hit him on the hip with her spiked rod, but Roar, when the Shieldmaiden's weapon hit his body, grabbed its end with the only hand left and twisted his abdomen, unbalancing Ellen, who could no longer stand on her feet and fell to the ground stunned.

In those seconds, Kjell had rotated his chains in the air, and before the enemy could see them, he threw them, moving with them, that kept on spinning.

The two spiked balls at the end of the chains repeatedly hit Roar's face, at great speed, stunning him and causing him to retreat towards the stone stands of the arena.

Kjell, after the rapid series of attacks, called his weapons and snapped forward, jumping and stretching the chains upwards: they intertwined with each other, creating a single large metal body, several meters long, very similar to a heavy whip.

With a determined downwards movement, the Crows Of Odin's Master Of Offense violently struck Roar, who just before the impact raised his handless arm upwards, trying to protect his face from the blow.

The crossed chains wrapped around the mighty arm of the beast-man, who pulled Kjell to himself, who, being in mid-air, could not resist traction.

Before the monster could hit him, however, a violent punch struck his snout, emitting a sound of bones and causing him to fall to the ground.

Kjell managed to fall to his feet and untie the chains attached to the enemy.

Incredibly, Sander was back in the middle of the fight and his wrist seemed to be recovered as before, despite being a bit swollen.

"I am the Master Of Defense of this Clan... it takes more than that to do any permanent damage to me! Can't you do better?!" he exclaimed, turning his shoulder to stretch his muscles still sore from the blow he suffered earlier.

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