Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: CCLXXXIII. One Last Favor

"So it's settled... tomorrow we will leave from here, heading south, towards the coast. It's going to be me, you, Master Kjell, Master Ellen, and your archer. Your healer should stay here, so that he can help Sander or Freydis in case of need, being more capable than our students. Do you agree?" Ellen asked Dag, explaining what she had in mind.

Dag looked at Reidar, to confirm his roles in that thing, and soon after he agreed.

"Perfect! We will leave at the first light of dawn, the villages are not so far from here, they are about 3 hours on horseback" Ellen continued, lifting one of the mugs filled with mead used as a paperweight, resting on the map.

After agreeing on the details, Dag and the new members of the Iron Alliance continued to drink for a few hours, talking about Earth and the Xis. 

Recalling everything in the smallest, after brooding for a long time, Dag told Sander, Kjell, and Ellen some episodes of his childhood, that for the three Masters seemed like supernatural tales, having no idea how the technological objects he talked about were made.

"That's almost all I remember. I was just a kid, but I will remember those episodes for the rest of my life. The memory of my childhood companions is the only beautiful thing I brought with me on my way to Skjold" Dag concluded, preparing to reach Freydis, to check her condition and say good night.

"It's really amazing... even before getting here, you had already studied our customs and learned the geography of our planet. I think everyone should know the truth about our true origins. I'm so glad I met you, Dag... despite your young age, you have a remarkable maturity, forged by your past experiences. It will be an honor to continue fighting by your side!" Ellen exclaimed, who was impressed by Dag's story, especially when he told them about the Temporum and the fact that the fate of earthly children depended strictly on the data of that machine.

"Unfortunately, establishing peaceful contact with the Frostsinners is virtually impossible. This is due to the fact that among their 'lab rats' I am the only exception. I hope that when the Iron Alliance will take a more defined form, I'll be able to learn more. The same goes for me, Ellen... the possibility to tell you everything I know is really satisfying, it helps me to lighten the weight that I have been carrying for years. Now, excuse me, but I think I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow we'll have a long journey" Dag replied, rising from the table and leaving the long meeting. 

The three Masters greeted him, continuing to discuss his tales with each other, even as Dag left the room, going downstairs.

He went into the infirmary and saw Freydis, who was still lying on the bed, trying to resist the pain of the wound.

"Karl said that in a few days you will have fully recovered your physical condition. Don't be put off, tomorrow's mission will be so quick, even though I have a feeling that another great battle is approaching, much more difficult than the one on Vaeren Island" Dag said, addressing Freydis, who even though her eyes were closed, was listening to every word.

The girl held out her hand towards him, who immediately grabbed and squeezed it.

"Dag, I have to ask you one more favor..." she whispered with a thread of voice, opening her glossy eyes slightly.

"I'm listening".

"Don't die. I know this phrase has been repeated to you many times these days, but... I'm really afraid to lose you again... I have no memory of the fight against you, my mind was completely blurred, but... I remember the silver armband. Did you kept it with you all this time?" she asked again, taking deep breaths, full of emotion.

Dag pulled the armband out of his pocket, gently resting it on the girl's hand, who could not believe her eyes and began to cry, unable to restrain the emotion.

"I'm not going to abandon you. I missed you constantly, every day. Wherever I was, all I could do was look for your gaze, hoping to magically find you. But believe me, Freydis, I never lost hope. Finding you there was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me" Dag continued, leaning toward her and resting his forehead on hers, letting their noses touch.

Freydis whispered his name, resting her hand on his cheek and kissing him passionately. 

"Uhm... oops! Excuse me!" Karl exclaimed awkwardly, who without paying attention entered the door, which closed immediately as soon as he saw the two lovers exchanging effusions.

Dag and Freydis laughed gleefully when he put the armband back in his pocket and got out of her bed, while Freydis's hand slid gently on his, feeling his touch until the last moment.

"It's okay, Karl! Come in, I must go to the dorm, we're leaving tomorrow morning!" Dag said, inviting his friend to look after his woman.

"Yes, I heard about it. Please, be careful. I've also seen the head of that monstrous being you call Jotunn, and it doesn't look like a very diplomatic creature to me. Always try to stay alert" Karl answered, resting a friendly hand on his partner's shoulder and approaching Freydis to check on her wound.

Before closing the door behind him, Dag looked one last time at the girl he was desperately in love with, as his heart continued to beat madly.

The two exchanged one last knowing glance and he went out, heading to the dormitory.josei

Near the front door of the Masters' building, Reidar was waiting for him. 

"I'm sure Freydis will recover in no time. She's really nice and smart, Captain... as your stories told" smiled the archer, congratulating Dag, who reciprocated his smile and continued to walk by his side.

When they reached the dorm rooms, as usual, they made an appointment in front of the door, at dawn the next day.

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