Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 297

Chapter 297: CCXCVII. Catch him!

Regardless of the blade of the sword that pierced his flesh, the enemy kept on running, clutching the Giantbane in one hand, whose scorching blades, meanwhile, burned his skin, being that axe too small to be held by such a large hand.

"Heey! Son of a bitch! Stop, piece of shit!" Dag screamed, beginning to rail against the thief, who with the sword stuck behind his back, was now carrying two weapons instead of one.

Two giants blocked the way to Gridd, who tried to slide running under them but was grabbed and lifted by the armor, beginning to squirm.

Dag continued to look at the giant, then at his sister, who could not free herself from the grip.

"Fuck! It's not possible!" he exclaimed, being forced to choose whether to continue chasing the thief or help his life-threatening sister.

Just as he began to run to Gridd's rescue, already thinking of his magnificent axe being carried away, a chain wrapped around the neck of the Jotunn that kept Gridd lifted from the ground, setting her free.

The first chain was followed by the second, which almost speculatively wrapped the neck of the other Jotunn.

When both of his weapons were in place, Kjell, with his feet pointed firmly at the ground, forcefully crossed his arms, making the heads of the two enemies bumping into each other, causing a strange noise, similar to that of a coconut slamming on a rock.

"Go, run!" the chain warrior yelled at Dag, urging him to quickly head for the giant with the Giantbane.

He again changed his direction, sprinting towards the descent, facilitated by the steep slope, which increased his speed.

Looking towards the cliff, he noticed that on the enemy ship, there were ten more enemy warriors, but they were in their human form, unlike those who had attacked the village.

"And those? Are they the reinforcements? Or maybe they're running away to bring the news of the defeat to their Masters? Aah, it doesn't matter! I have to focus on the axe, I must stop the thief!" Dag thought, who kept gaining ground, being much faster than the Jotunn. 

About ten yards from him, Dag leaped forward, skipping part of the rocky cliff slope: with the hammer in his hands, his arm covered in blue sparks, which immediately enveloped the weapon, loading it with energy.

The target grew closer and closer, and the shadow of Dag's body, suspended in mid-air, grew smaller and smaller as it descended toward the giant.

Just when he was sure to hit him, the Jotunn turned quickly, stopping only for a second his run.

The enemy moved an arm from the bottom up, with the palm of his hand open, as if to invoke something from the ground. 

In less than a second, a huge ice wall sprang from the ground, rising at great speed and reaching a height of about 4 meters, leaving Dag unprepared.

"Aaargh! Don't you dare!" he yelled, that despite the unexpected spell of the Jotunn, who had started running again, would not allow a simple wall to stand between him and the axe forged by Weland.

Screaming like a madman, he hammered the sturdy wall of ice, little less than a meter thick, and shattered it in the center, smashing it into a thousand pieces, making an incredible noise, which attracted the attention of his allies and other enemies, intent on fighting against them.josei

When the shards of ice and earth fell to the ground, the giant that was running away lost its balance, due to the tremor caused by Magni's hammer, still drenched in static energy.

He turned, looking toward Dag, who was walking in that direction, having the enemy in his pocket.

"Give me that back now! That weapon doesn't belong to you, it's mine by right!" he yelled, as bursts of electricity continued to flow all over his body, focusing on the plates of his armor, both in front and behind it.

The Jotunn continued to retreat and rose awkwardly, moving his arm again as he had done just before, creating a second wall of ice, but, having the movement not been clear and precise, it barely rose from the ground, growing in an inaccurate and irregular form. 

Dag, annoyed by the further waste of time, snapped at the enemy, who did not want to accept the impending defeat.

"Aaaargh!" he yelled, hitting him with the hammer's head behind his back, with a blow so strong that it shattered his spine bones, which during the transformation became as hard as rocks.

The Giantbane fell from the thief's hands and Dag grabbed it, lifting it from the ground and holding it in his hand, happy to have his magnificent weapon back.

"You have no weapons with you... judging by the wall of ice you managed to create in less than a second, you must be a mage... and if you're a mage, it means you've studied and you can read and write" Dag exclaimed, approaching the enemy who, unable to feel his legs because of the condition of his back, was crawling forward, desperate to reach the boat, still hundreds of meters away.

Dag raised his axe and in a sharp motion, struck his enemy on the back again, exactly at the same critical point. 


The Jotunn began to writhe in pain, clasping the terrain in his hands and not even being able to turn on himself. 

"I ask you, then... explain to me why you attacked Runar. You're the Giants Of Ymir, aren't you? What do you want from these poor people? Why did you tear down three entire villages? There were innocent men and women... there were children!" Dag shouted, turning the glowing blades of the Giantbane into the wound, which began to smell of burnt flesh.

After confused groans, the giant began to lose consciousness, unable to resist all that pain, accentuated by his breath, caused by the little amount of air left in his lungs after the long run.

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