Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: CCCXXXI. The Sound From Above

"What's it like, Captain?" Reidar asked, making Dag jolt, who was immersed in reading, keeping the book with one hand and Aslan's bridles with the other.

"It's weird... I don't know how, but... I can feel the power emanating from this book simply by reading what's written on it. It is as if they were timeless words, in which the thought of many was combined into a single writing. It has nothing to do with the scrolls we're used to. The first chapters of this book tell the story of this skill and also refer to the 'Primal Thunder', the protagonist of the legend that you told me not so long ago" Dag replied, without going too far in the description, having to preserve the contents of the book, to which only very few people had been able to access since its creation.

"The Primal Thunder?! Captain, I think you come from his lineage, I'm more and more convinced of it! I don't have any evidence to justify my suspicion, but my instinct tells me that's the case. My father and grandfather often told me stories about him... some were certainly invented, but others were not. The runes that shone white and the hammer that charged with energy and destroyed entire enemy armies in one fell swoop... there are too many similarities!" Reidar replied, continuing to support his thesis.

"A descendant of primal Thunder... well, maybe we'll never know since I don't even know who my real parents are! So don't think about it. If I am worthy, I will be able to learn this skill and use it in case of need against the unknown enemies that await us at Krypstorm" Dag continued, dampening the enthusiasm of his friend, who nodded and returned to look forward, riding.

"I am convinced that you will succeed" Egill exclaimed, who from behind had unwittingly listened to the whole conversation.

The delegation led by Egill and Dag continued to ride, reaching and overtaking Jernhest, visible from afar along the usual road that came out of Jordstäl and went into the dense woods of Runar, branching out. 

Egill and Dag continued to talk about the impending mission and the ship they were building for them in the port of Gurn, under the watchful eyes of Sander, who seemed very optimistic and proactive.

Together, they discussed the best set-up to give to their troops, specifying that each troop would probably obey their Clan's Masters more willingly. josei

Therefore, it was important for Dag to supervise the whole thing, referring what to do to Sander, Egill, Kjell, and Gridd, who would then communicate the orders to their soldiers.

Just after appointing Gridd, Dag thought about his sister and what feedback she received from Hevnen, talking in person with Taya and Jens at Fort Skjonnet.

"Even though his decision alone counts for nothing, it is very strange that Master Jens opposed the mission... 'he left after a few minutes'... what an oddity, doesn't sound like him" Dag thought, recalling the messenger's words and Jens' face the last time they saw each other, smiling and friendly, from the very first moment.

Then he shook his head, trying not to think of any other problems, of which his mind was already full.

He put the book in place, focusing on the road, which from that point on became more and more intricate.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to see some signs in the distance, not remembering exactly the direction for Skjegg and wanting to avoid making bad figures in the eyes of his soldiers, but, suddenly, something unexpected happened.

Thanks to his incredibly developed hearing, Dag was able to hear a noise of branches that could not have been caused by a squirrel or a bird: at that instant, he instinctively bent back, resting his back on Aslan's, and a pointed spear grazed his chest, then skewering the ground.

The horse became frightened and rose on two legs, dismounting Dag, but he managed to land on his feet.

"What's going on?!" 

"Someone's attacking us!" 

Starting with Freydis and Reidar, everyone noticed that their Master had just escaped a deadly ambush and stopped, pulling out their weapons and looking up, among the dense vegetation of the forest.

Reidar grabbed Dag's horse before he could get away and passed it to Egill, who grabbed the reins and freed the archer's hands, that pulled out the Failnaught in less than a second.

"Who's there?!" Runa yelled, one of Dargeon's pupil, placing her horse in front of Dag and protecting him with her huge tower shield.

"Be careful... they're hidden for good!" Dag exclaimed, who grabbed both the hammer and the axe and closed his eyes.

Suddenly he jumped towards Runa and with the Giantbane deflected an arrow heading to the Shieldmaiden's face, which remained breathless.

"Regroup! Don't break the lines!" Dag yelled again, ordering his men to stay close to each other, while Egill did the same, riding towards them and siding with them.


Dag was able to hear the same noise of branches once again, but it came from several directions at once.

"They're more than one... they're running around us and waiting for the best time to attack us... Reidar, Freydis, be careful" Dag replied, who with his eyes closed tried to focus his energies on his hearing, the only way he could predict the next attack from above.

Predictably, a small spear tied to a rope was hurled at great speed towards him, who dodged the blow and grabbed the rope with one hand, pulling forcefully downwards.

After that athletic gesture, someone fell from the top of the highest branches, making a thud and fracturing the bones of his back, writhing on the ground in pain.

"Arrghh... umpf... umpf..." the enemy that had just been landed continued to mumble, as soon as Dag put his foot on his chest, pressing on the rib cage, which began to creak.

"Aaaaaagh! Aaagh!" 

The screams grew louder and the enemy weakly grabbed Dag's ankle, trying unnecessarily to move his foot.

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