Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 392

Chapter 392: CCCXCII. The New Plan

After giving his orders, Dag re-approached his comrades, noting that, in the meantime, other soldiers had finished picking up the pieces of the two warriors killed by Sander and had put them in a kind of makeshift trunk, built with old wooden beams found somewhere nearby.

The entrails and blood of the two dead guys, due to the poor quality of the wood of the beams, dripped under the trunk, slightly raised from the ground because it rested on a stone shelf.josei

Trying to take those images out of his head, knowing that he had to stop feeling so much compassion for others, Dag called his sister Gridd, who joined him.

"I need your help to organize the troops for tomorrow. We will leave in the morning, not necessarily at dawn. We will wait for the Sun to be high and to provide the maximum of its heat, to enter the wolf's lair."

"All right, brother. What about your wounds? Can you walk and fight without any problems?" she asked, looking at Dag's arms and legs and making sure he didn't lie about his physical condition.

"You just saw me against Sander. I'll make it. Kjell will be healed by Master Egill, who after a long rest, will have recovered all his energies and will help us in case of need. We must move, Gridd, we must beat our enemies on time!" 

"Yes, I agree. I had already expressed my consent in front of everyone. But we don't know the place of the next battle and we will certainly be disadvantaged compared to the enemies, not even knowing their number."

"That's true. But this time we will follow a more effective and less risky tactic, minimizing the number of casualties. I don't want to see other allied soldiers die before my eyes, I can't take it anymore."

"Have you thought of anything?" 

"Yes, let's say yes. As usual, it is useless to move all together, as the only large group, but it is always advisable to divide into multiple groups. Me, you and Karl will come in first, while everyone else will wait for our signal out." 

"Karl? Why him? He's the most coward of them all, are you sure it's a wise choice?"

"Think about it... in the unfortunate event that one of us would injure himself, even just because of a fall, Karl could cure our minor wounds. Kjell, Freydis, Sander, and Reidar will take care of the soldiers, keeping them in line and moving only at our signal, while Egill will supervise the whole thing. The strongest healer will always be behind the troops, from now on, as it should always have been" Dag continued, explaining in detail the plan, which he had thought about soon after he managed to save Sander, determined to take the leadership role, being in the forefront.

"All right, brother. I'm in... I will explain these things to our men, so tomorrow they will already know what to do" Gridd confirmed, who after dismissing began to spread the word.

Dag returned close to Sander and Egill and after explaining the plan to them and telling the Master of Defense that one of the soldiers was building a wooden leg to allow him to walk, the Warchief turned to his soldiers and began his usual pre-departure speech, which was much shorter and concise than usual.

"We don't know how the wolves of the Claws Of Odin managed to implant that strange substance into Master Sander's body, but I suspect it came from their bite, so... avoid their mouths, dodge them at any cost. Try to fight by staying low, because if any of you are bitten and transformed, I will not be able to guarantee his survival and perhaps I will be forced to kill him with my own hands. Is that clear?" 

The warriors nodded, marveling once again at the stern tone of Dag, who had not yet recovered from all the unfortunate events that had occurred in the last 24 hours.

Some of the soldiers left the stone house to alert their comrades in the adjoining house, while Dag grabbed Freydis's hand, inviting her to stand and follow him.

"Where are we going?" she asked, innocently.

"I'd like to sleep with you... don't you agree?" he smiled, making her realize that despite his myriad worries, he hadn't stopped thinking about her for a second.

"What questions! Haha!" she chuckled, resting one hand on his pants, in the middle of his legs and clutching his penis, without being seen by anyone.

Dag sighed and after they entered the room where he had been medicated, without worrying about where the other Masters would spend the night, he closed the door, making everyone understand that he did not want to be disturbed.

He looked at Freydis and as usual managed to forget everything else, as if that girl's eyes had an incredible power over him, more effective than the most powerful spells in the world.

The authority with which he had begun to treat his men, showing them that he was no longer a disoriented young boy, but a tenacious and determined leader, had increased the desire of his woman, who perceived him to be more man, more mature.

Freydis looked him in the eye as he took off his belt and pants, already bare-backed, to let the wounds breathe.

The Shieldmaiden's gaze was winking as usual and her breath began to become panting, at the mere idea of resting her body to that of his man, now covered with indelible scars, forged by so many battles.

Dag approached her, but she put a hand on his chest and pushed him backward, preventing him from touching her. 

After doing so, she turned around and moved her long red hair from her back.

She untied the first strings of the top of the leather armor, showing off her white neck and then her back.

After stripping her torso, she proceeded with the underside and in less than a minute, she remained completely naked in front of Dag, whose erection had reached the highest levels.

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