Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 412

Chapter 412: CDXII. The White Fort

"What do you mean by 'what does that mean'? Thalos, besides being my pet, is also an old friend of mine. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time alone training in a pretty remote place. I met him there and since then we have become inseparable, he is more faithful than many people I have known. I know he would never betray me!" 

"Sir, animal families are also used by some of the Claws Of Fenrir warriors, who draw their power from the great wolf, I saw it with my own eyes!" an archer suddenly exclaimed, stepping forward and trying to discredit Dag's words, convinced that he was an impostor.

"Is that the truth, boy? Who tells me you're not one of the Claws Of Fenrir? We have been at war with them for more than a hundred years, you'd better confess if you don't want your men to be killed instantly!" the chief of strangers said, after learning the theory of one of his adepts.

"We too are at war with them. Just now, among our Clans, there was a bloody battle in the village on the other side of the long cave we crossed to come here. Personally, I killed more than 30 werewolves, not to mention the huge black wolf that was watching the passage..." Dag confessed, explaining the truth to the man, who when he heard those words, changed his expression, looking at him with disbelieving eyes.

"What did you say? The great black wolf guarding the cave passage?!" 

"Uhm... yes."

"Long arms, sharp claws, many scars on the body, eyes as yellow as gold...?!" josei

"Yes, him." 

After Dag's affirmative response, the man turned back, looking at some of his men, gasping for speech.

"I can't believe you and your men managed to eliminate Layrus, the huge wolf who exterminated our Clan! It's amazing, we'll never have to worry about his threat again!" the man exclaimed happily, celebrating the news with his warriors, who could not believe their ears.

"I actually killed him in less than a minute, if you really want to know how the facts went. But now, please, could you tell me your name?" Dag asked, taking advantage of his interlocutor's enthusiasm for useful information.

"Are you kidding me?! Hahaha, yes, you're definitely joking, it's impossible that you did it alone and in such a short time... even the strongest warrior in the world could not fight that huge, sharp-toothed beast alone... anyway, my name is Orvar and these archers are under my command. Even though I don't know you yet, if what you said is true, I can only thank you, Dag of Okstorm" the man continued, slightly bowing his head toward him, out of respect.

"I was forced to kill him, it was the only way to go" Dag said, trying to frame those strange people, still failing to understand their real intentions.

Meanwhile, outside the walls, Egill, Kjell, and Gridd stood in front of the door, their ears resting on it, trying to figure out what was going on on the other side.

When they heard the laughter and the joy screams, they looked at each other with a questioning air, wondering how their friend had made unknown warriors laugh in that way.

"Then, Dag... the questions aren't over yet. You told me you fought the Claws Of Fenrir, and even though I didn't quite understand why, I don't care... but what about the Giants Of Ymir? Why are you at war with them too?" Orvar continued, not satisfied.

"When we were in Okstorm, the Jotunns of that Clan stormed our shores, arriving unannounced by sea and exterminating entire villages of innocent fishermen and traders. Fortunately, we managed to set a trap for them, and during the only battle we fought against them, I killed Kranus's youngest son, their clan leader."

"Mmmh... how do you know his name?" 

"A dying warrior in the cave we crossed told me that, along with the fact that the giants tried to attack the wolves by surprise, but they were brutally defeated. He also told me that their village was a few miles from the cave's exit. I saw this fort and I believed it was that village, that's why we're here. It was a mere coincidence." 

Finally, Dag's words seemed to convince Orvar, that despite his stern and doubtful character, did not seem like a bad man.

"Let my men in. We're just going to stay here the time needed to figure out how to move. Tomorrow morning we'll leave, we just need a warm place to sleep tonight... I realized that there are miles and miles of snow around us in every direction, so... please don't make us freeze to death. I have done something for you, now you can return the favor" Dag replied, trying to break through man's heart.

"All right. Archers, open the gate, let them pass!" 

After the command of their leader, the same two archers who were on the towers just before, began to turn the knobs again and the large door moved down.

The Masters and allied warriors took a few steps back, looking at the door opening and hoping that nothing had happened to their Warchief.

Some of them, as a precaution, held up their weapons, keeping themselves ready for any surprise attacks.

Even Sander, skeptical, had never put his shield away, which was still placed on the ground, in front of his feet, fearing that the next arrow might be directed at him.

When the chains were completely stretched and the gate touched the ground, everyone was reassured to see with their own eyes that Dag was healthy, and judging by the expression of the unknown warriors, the conversation must have been successful.

Keeping their eyes wide open, they entered the fort and after a few seconds, the gate closed again.

"After your commander told me that he killed Layrus, the great wolf, I can welcome you to Fort Hvit!" said Orvar, opening his arms and showing everyone that he was not armed.

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