Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: CDXLVII. A Star To Resurrect

"What? Who?" Kranus asked, who wanted to know his opinion.

"The author of this book. He or she was definitely an enemy of the Frostsinners, otherwise, he wouldn't have enclosed all this important information in here. But if everything was written from the beginning... why me?! Why is it up to me to handle this heavy burden? I'm just one of the many Earthlings that have been sent here, what's wrong with me?" Dag continued, putting his hands in his hair and squeezing his brains, failing to reason lucidly because of the agitation of his recent discoveries.

"I think you already know the answer, within you. Until the instant before you faced Trako, I thought you were just a kid full of himself... but your powers... you're the only one who can manipulate the Dark Matter, like a real Frostsinner. This makes you the only warrior worthy of fulfilling the prophecy described in the book" the Ice Mage replied, attempting to reason with Dag.

"What else does it say? Does it describe the person who will use the Fire Crystal? What's it like? Does the description match me?" 

"No, it doesn't describe anything. It only says that a group of warriors from Earth will succeed in putting a stop to the domination of the Frostsinners and restoring peace, resurrecting the Sun and again fueling life on Earth." 

"Resurrect the Sun? Not even the greatest magician of all time could do such a thing! And then, from the drawing I saw just now, it seems that the Crystal allows you to travel only between the six planets created by the Xis! How can you recreate a star that died so many years ago out of thin air?" 

"Even this is not explicitly explained... but there is only one possible solution" Kranus continued, resting his hand on the handle of the Giantbane.

Dag lifted his axe and looked again carefully at the red crystal embedded in the deer's eyes.

"How does it work... I want to know how." 

"Keep flipping through the book..." 

The young Master obeyed without complaints and a few pages after the first figure, another one caught his attention.

This time, the crystal depicted was not just one, but there were six identical to the first, next to each other, with the Sun above them, as in the previous image and a single planet below.

"What does it say here? What are these other gems? More crystals? You said there were no such powerful relics!" Dag asked, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Kranus placed his hand full of wrinkles and scars on the dusty sheet of the book and with his finger, pointed one by one at the six crystals.

"Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Darkness. This is what is written under the six crystals" the magician replied, with a solemn air.josei

Dag did not comment simply limiting himself to look at the image, carefully studying every detail, knowing that in the future he would not have that book available again.

After a few minutes in total silence, he looked up and asked: "This lonely planet, down here... I guess it's the Earth, right?" 

"Yes, it says that this is Earth" Kranus replied, without adding his personal remarks.

"Now it's all clear..." Dag answered, putting the Giantbane back in its place and detaching himself from the table, beginning to walk in a circle in the room.

Egill and Reidar looked at him and the picture on the book, trying to share his intuition, but nothing happened.

Kranus did the same, but after a detailed analysis of that particular image, he confessed: "In this book, it's only written that there are 6 relics, one for each element. The book does not explain where they are, nor the function that the Earth has in all this. What did you understand, Dag?" 

"Is it possible that after all this time spent studying that text, you still haven't been able to see the truth behind it? It's shocking, but what we thought impossible, maybe one day could become reality..." 

"Dag, Reidar and I aren't understanding what you're referring to... please explain it to us too! Curiosity is killing us!" Egill said, who for the first time had not had an intuition in record time, unlike Dag, who because of his active and focused mind of that moment, had managed to interpret the secret hidden behind those images.

"There are six elements and crystals, as are the planets... six. It means that there is a relic on each planet" the young Master said confidently, standing with his arms crossed.

"One on each planet? How can you be sure?!" Kranus asked suddenly, that from that moment on, was astonished more than Dag, who within minutes had deciphered the riddle he had been working on for a lifetime.

"Not only that. From the last image I understood a fundamental thing for the fulfillment of this kind of prophecy... only when all six crystals will be gathered, it will be possible to travel to the seventh planet, Earth!"

Silence fell back into the room and all three of his interlocutors turned again to the table, starting to look at the image and flipping through the other pages of the book, which did not seem to be so important and were poor in illustrative figures.

"That is the prophecy! The author of the book is explaining how to defeat the Xis and drive them out of Earth forever! You were telling me that, according to the text, it is possible to resurrect the Sun thanks to my red gem, right?" Dag asked to Kranus, expecting confirmation.

"Uhm... yes, it says so..." 

"So, if the final destination of all this is planet Earth... this means that the rebirth of the Sun must take place right there, having defeated the Xis and reunited all six elements! Hahaha! Fuck yes, now it makes sense! Don't you understand?! The Frostsinners can really be defeated! And it's all thanks to this mysterious author, or perhaps a group of people who have devised this complex plan, who knows!" Dag continued, laughing with joy, happy to have understood the secret message, which had just given a new meaning to his life as a warrior.

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