Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 469

Chapter 469: CDLXIX. The Letter

"What would you do in my shoes? Wouldn't you like to know the identity of the spy who reported your every step to your enemies? If you say that, I'm sure it's a person I know" Dag continued, looking into Kranus' eyes as the two Masters and Freydis stood in a religious silence, listening to the debate between the two of them.

"You're perceptive as usual, boy. Of course, only a person who has known you personally and who knows the people who are under your command can cheat. Anyway, I'd like to assure you on one thing... this man is not part of the Iron Alliance or better… he told me that. So your closest companions have always been faithful to you." 

"The name. I want to know his name, avoid further turns of words." 

"His name is Jens."

A shiver of cold ran through Dag's back after hearing that name.

"What?! Could you repeat that?" he asked, trying in vain not to make his astonishment so evident.

"I told you, boy. The man who informed me about your travels is called Jens. I just know he lives somewhere east of Okstorm, I don't know anything else. It wasn't very hard to convince him, let's say he suggested a deal first. In return he just wanted cash rewards, gold nuggets to be exact.josei

Dag's facial expression became similar to Thalos's when he growled, only that no sound came out of his mouth, while he imagined the scene and metabolized that information.

"Where... where did you first meet? I mean... how did he provide you with this information in real-time? I doubt he ever came personally here, to Tungvek" the young Master asked again, as Freydis looked confused, not knowing who Jens was.

"That man was full of resources. I don't know how he did it, I never cared, but... I sent me the news through a bird. A bird that traveled with its flock and once in a while, when it passed over our heads, separated from its companions and perched on the windowsill of the highest window of the building, on the bell tower. It was a different bird every time, it was never the same. I think he was an experienced trainer of that kind of animal" Kranus confessed, explaining everything in detail.

"I can't believe it..." 

"I'll tell you more... the first contact between us happened in a totally anonymous manner. While I was sitting right here, studying the ancient text that you consulted yesterday, a soldier of mine, tasked with ringing the bell for a public announcement to the city, found a kind of large seagull near the window, motionless. He tried several times to drive him away, but the bird kept turning back and positioning itself in the same position until he noticed that on one of his legs, there was a small parchment carefully rolled up and tied. It brought it to my attention and I read it immediately. I still keep it, look at it, wait a second" the magician continued, who as he told the story, rose from his 'throne' and grabbed a wooden box on a bookshelf.

He placed the box set on the table, in front of everyone, making Dag understand that even the two Masters were unaware of its contents.

He opened it and began to extract from its interior numerous small crumpled sheets, which together exceeded twenty.

Digging deep, he drew the one further down, which chronologically had to be the first.

"Here, it's right here. I remembered I had preserved it" he said, passing the little scroll into Dag's hands, fearful of reading what was written on it.

To the attention of Commander Kranus, 

Giants Of Ymir Clan, Krypstorm


"High ice wizard, 

I'm a warrior of the nation of Okstorm

and I bring with this letter news that may interest you.


What you're looking for is here,

in the hands of a young boy 

with blond hair and light blue eyes.


His name is Dag, and he's an earthling.


I will take on the task of providing you with 

all indications of his movements 

and his covenants, and in return, you will pay me in nuggets of gold,

5 for each letter you will receive. 


You will tie them on the lower part of my messenger's leg,

that will be different every time.


This is the first of my letters and it's free, 

consider it a favor of a distant friend of yours. 


Next time, you'll put the nuggets on the windowsill of your window

only then will my winged messenger give you the information, 

seeing my prize glisten from above.



Dag could no longer think lucidly after that reading, and his gaze shifted to the stack of pieces that Kranus had extracted from the box, all identical to that, if not longer and more detailed.

"The subsequent messages, the ones for which I paid that man, describe in detail the formation of your Iron Alliance and mention all its members, including the Masters who were with you here at Krypstorm and also all the soldiers. I knew your every move before you could make it. I've always been one step ahead of you, Dag" Kranus continued, confessing to Dag his secret in a melancholy voice as if he had repented what he had done after meeting him. 

Dag laid the sheet near the box and took a deep breath.

"Who is Jens?" Freydis asked quietly, curious to know why that news had upset him so much.

"Jens is the Master Of Healing of the Sons Of Freya, Gridd's Clan," Dag coldly replied, even making his woman cringe, who immediately thought that Gridd would soon return to the city of her Clan and talk to that man without knowing his true identity.

"But... but why?!" she asked again, astonished by that sudden news.

"In life, you never know who you can really trust, Freydis. Look at us now: we are seated at the table of the one who was supposed to be our greatest enemy and a kind and smiling man like Jens, who welcomed me to Hevnen with friendliness and friendship, actually turned his back on me. Strange things happen, but you must go on, always. If one day I go back to Okstorm, I will give Jens the lesson he deserves" he said, looking Kranus in the eye and letting him know that he would never suspect Master Of Healing. 

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