Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 548

Chapter 548: DXLVIII. Klorr

When they all managed to focus on the landscape around them, Dag noticed that they were in a small square where there were several empty carriages and next to them, barrels, crates, and other types of containers filled with food resources.

"Where are we?" Reidar asked, who also looked left and right, trying to figure out how that point could connect to the city's street network.

"It's kind of a warehouse... I notice that this place has not changed its identity over time... here we too used to store our food... follow me, this way we will go right on the main road that runs along the west walls" Bloodfang answered, who like the oldest of his warriors, knew that place by heart.

Dag and Reidar followed the rest of the troop without a breath and the archer remained slightly behind, among some allied soldiers, who had formed an orderly row of two people.

Dag instead occupied the top positions along with Bloodfang and his bodyguard, who walked quickly without making any noise.

In the air, the cries of allied warriors and enemies who were fighting at the entrance echoed through the streets, instilling the terrifying atmosphere typical of a siege of that size.

After passing the carriages parked in the square and turning the corner of the building from the dungeons of which they had popped out, the soldiers continued to walk down the incredibly empty, civilian-free street.

"People must have run for cover after hearing the alarm sound... our time has come! Come on!" Bloodfang continued, who slowly began running, to decrease the waiting time separating them from the door.

The road continued straight for about 100 meters, but at the first turn, a group of Lies Of Loki soldiers sprang up around the corner of a building.

For a few seconds, the warriors of both factions looked at each other motionless, not realizing that the time of war had finally arrived.

The Lies Of Loki took a few more moments to realize that the men in front of them were evidently from another Clan and their distraction cost the lives of two of them, whose heads were struck by two of Reidar's magic arrows.


After the archer fired the first shot, killing two of the 13 enemy soldiers, Bloodfang and Dag screamed to charge the other soldiers and all together launched the attack.

Some of the Lies Of Loki disappeared immediately, while others stood still, pulling out their weapons and waiting for the impact with the invaders.

The two allied soldiers who arrived first jumped towards the enemies and just as they were sure to hit them in the air with their swords, they both turned into two huge werewolves, sinking their claws into the bodies of the Lies Of Loki and knocking them to the ground, devouring their heads and tearing the entrails from their stomachs.

When the first rain of blood hit the men involved in the fight, other Claws Of Fenrir warriors transformed, fighting their enemies and destroying them within seconds.

Just as Dag was watching the scene, unable to fit into the fight, an enemy soldier appeared out of nowhere behind a wolf and, after spinning a large dagger in his hand, stuck his blade behind the werewolf's back, who made an animal sound that expressed his pain.

The werewolf turned around, trying to grab the warrior who had hit him in the back, but he lowered himself on his knees, dodged the blow, and stabbed him another time in the chest, killing him.josei

Moments after this happened, the Lies Of Loki soldier's head was hit by a violent hammering of Dag, who killed him instantly.

Under the enthusiastic eyes of Bloodfang, who was looking forward to finally fighting, Dag advanced towards the other enemies, knocking down two of them who could not become invisible in time.

After cutting a soldier's chest to death, completely breaking the top of his light armor, Dag heard a sound coming from his shoulders and quickly turned.

A blade of a sword was stretched towards his side and remained motionless in the hands of a soldier who was about to strike him.

Dag looked at him, marveled that he did not notice his presence and just then, the enemy soldier fell forward with an arrow stuck behind his back.

Reidar looked at his captain, making him guess that he had saved his life for the umpteenth time, and when Dag thanked him with his eyes, the enemies around him were all on the ground amid their own blood, along with the corpses of two of their wolf warriors, who had not been able to counter the fighting style of the enemies.

"Ten, eleven... twelve... grragh! One of them is missing!" Bloodfang exclaimed, who was still in his human form and had fought with his bare hands, killing three men alone. 

At those words, before going any further, Dag and Reidar looked around, knowing that if an enemy managed to escape, he would alert his generals, who would surround them before reaching the gates. 

Just as he was about to surrender to that idea, the young Master saw a trail of blood separated from the rest of the bodies, which extended to the street.

Without explaining to anyone what he had guessed for lack of time, holding the hammer handle tight and stretching the other arm forward to take aim with the Giantbane's red-hot blade, he threw Magni's hammer, which flew at great speed in front of him, remaining attached to his hand through a thick beam of instantly generated dark liquid.

Bloodfang and the others turned in that direction and the hammer hit something.

The spinal cord of the Lies Of Loki warrior who was trying to escape was shattered by the stone head of Dag's weapon, which after doing its job excellently, came back at great speed, having reached the maximum extent of the dark matter beam, that stretched like a rubber band. 

Dag grabbed the handle of the weapon and at the same instant, the warrior who had just been thrown to the ground turned on himself, belly up, screaming in pain. 

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