Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 551

Chapter 551: DLI. The Battle Has Begun

Like him, all the other allied soldiers stopped, pointing their weapons forward, failing to see anything but the houses and buildings of Klorr, which looked like a ghost town.

In front of their eyes opened the large square that preceded the entrance of the castle, composed of a huge circular arcade, where an arched structure repeated itself from side to side.

The general silence, after a few seconds of waiting, was broken by a sudden noise coming from their back: at the entrance of the square, that was the point where the arcades came closer without closing the circle, a series of chains were fired from left to right, clinging to the columns and sealing the space where the two armies were located.

"What?!" Kron exclaimed, not expecting such a work of intelligence.

Dag, after seeing the chains with his own eyes, realized that they had easily fallen into the trap of the enemies, who had managed to lock them in cages with ease.

"It's a trap! Be careful, the enemies are in here with us! Look around you! Watch out!" the young Master yelled, trying unsuccessfully to alert everyone, who had not yet realized what was about to happen.josei

After his screams, he heard those of a warrior in the last rows, who was stabbed in the back.

When he fell to the ground in his own blood, it was the turn of a wolf warrior, who was also stabbed without realizing it.

One at a time, all the soldiers in the outer ranks died under the blows of the invisible warriors of the Lies Of Loki, who moving quickly under the arcades of the square were impossible to locate.

"Come closer! Soldiers, approach the center, defense formation!" Kranus screamed, ordering his men to form a circle and point their weapons outwards, thus preventing enemies from taking them by surprise. 

Dag and Reidar, who had remained slightly on the sidelines, approached the others and continued to look towards the castle gate.

When everyone was in position, something unexpected happened before their eyes: in every inch under the arcades that enveloped them in a narrow lethal trap, an enemy Clan warrior appeared.

Hundreds of Lies Of Loki were gathered in that square and were surrounding the allied troops.

"Fuck!" Kranus gasped, who for the first time really lost his temper, not knowing how to react to that trap and causing a general nervousness, which in a few seconds turned into fear.

The circle of enemy warriors became narrower and, with the only chance to fight, everyone resigned themselves to the bloodiest battle they had ever fought.


A sound of gas preceded the simultaneous disappearance of the Lies Of Loki, that a moment later were invisible again. 

At the same time, both Giants Of Ymir and Claws Of Fenrir waved their weapons and screamed, ready to face the many enemies. 

The Battle of Klorr had finally begun.

The sound of weapons and the screams of the enemy and allied warriors who died became louder and louder, and Kranus and the generals also got off the horses along with Freydis, who quickly made her way to Dag to fight alongside him.

With a sudden movement of his arms forward, Kranus generated a wave of icy wind that froze more than ten men, revealing their position.

Soon after, some of his warriors dashed at the ice statues and shattered them with their axes, crumbling the bodies of the enemy soldiers trapped in ice.

At the same time, Kron also went on the offensive, pulling out his sword and beginning to kill enemies who could not stand up to him.

His speed of movement was impressive, as was the power of his attacks: although he had decided that his fighting style would focus on using a single short sword, his ability allowed him to carry that simple weapon over the limit, harnessing the power of his large muscular arms to inflict precise and lethal blows.

Next to him, Atran fought screaming, trying not to get too agitated and not to slide the bandages out of his wounds, taking advantage of counterattack moments to kill his enemies.

Although the Lies Of Loki fell like leaves, their numbers never seemed to decrease and allied troop soldiers began to suffer this disadvantage, distracting themselves and paying for this mistake with their lives.

Dag, while fighting, focused on Freydis, making sure she wasn't in trouble, and noticed that his girlfriend was struggling as she had never done before.

Fomented by the fact that she had taken part in a real war involving three unknown Clans, Freydis was applying all the techniques she knew to make the most of the range of her spear, a weapon that definitely advantaged her against the Lies Of Loki, who preferred daggers, knives, and one-handed swords, which forced them to fight closely. 

With Reidar positioned in the geometric center of the square, who kept firing arrows in every direction, taking advantage of the exact moments not to hit his allies, Dag finally felt free to unleash his potential and vent the anger that his body was holding.

An enemy warrior, after overcoming Freydis and Reidar's gaze, charged towards him, quickly turning his two daggers in his hands and trying to confuse Dag with a meandering running style.

The young Master's expression changed rapidly and his purple eye became of more intense color.

Wielding both of his weapons, the dark liquid suddenly came out of his back and the two bundles it generated wrapped his shoulders and arms, reaching up to his hands.

The dark matter-shrouded part turned black as nightfall, and Dag's upper limb muscles felt a sudden boost.

"What do you think you're doing, you bastard?!" he yelled at the enemy who wanted to hit him, snapping forward and powerfully waving Magni's hammer with a predictable, but incredibly quick shot.

The hammer unleashed purple lightning that hit the ground and the enemy soldier could not even see the blow: when the blackhead of the weapon struck his chest, the energy released was so strong, that his body disintegrated into so many small pieces, exploding into a fountain of blood that caught the attention of the other warriors who were fighting near them.

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