Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 562

Chapter 562: DLXII. The Human Meteor

Through his purple eye, the passage of time around him slowed down suddenly and the two enemies who were running at great speed against him seemed to move slow as molasses.

Bloodfang's feet and hands touched the floor slowly, while from his wide-open jaws hung a thread of saliva mixed with the blood generated from the Keeper's attempt to strangle him, which he had escaped only thanks to Dag's intervention. 

At the same time, the real enemy, the Lies Of Loki general, proceeded at great speed in that direction, with his half-open mouth and slimy tongue hanging outside, his hands open in Dag's direction and the large stone hand pushing him from under his feet, moving like a wave on the floor of the room, destroying the tiles as it passed.

"I can't be defeated right now... I have to wipe out the Lies Of Loki and then I must follow the prophecy... if the only way to do this is to knock out one of my allies, I will be forced to do so!" the young Master thought, who opened both hands, sliding the dark power combined with that of fire between his claws, which released even more heat. 

Not knowing how his purple eye could slow down his perception of time and trying to exploit that moment that would not last forever, Dag remembered when, that ability had saved him from certain death at Mork Castle, during the fight against Hjalmar and Myr, when his master Magni was still alive.

Instead of moving, thus avoiding both direct attacks on him, Dag jumped forward, realizing that, being the time slower for him too, even gravity seemed not to work properly, allowing him to float in the direction of the jump as if he was on the surface of the moon. 

However, the gaze of both enemies remained pointed in the same direction, being Dag's jump too fast to be perceived by them during the race.

Dag rotated slightly forward, spreading his big hands wide open and moving one towards the Keeper's head, the other towards Bloodfang's, being the trajectories of their runs converging.

The eyes of the two warriors gradually turned, as if they had finally realized that their target was no longer in front of them, but at that moment, both of Dag's fiery hands had already grasped their heads.

"Time is about to return to normal, I have to use all the strength I have in my body, otherwise I will not be able to fight them both! I must put at least one of them out of the game, or... or..." Dag thought, but during his rotation, while he was vertically upside down, suspended in the air, with the heads of the enemies in his hands, he saw the light coming from the half-open window.

His pupils, moving with his body, were illuminated by the Sun's rays penetrating the room, until, the large luminous sphere created by the Xis, matched perfectly with his eyes.

At that exact moment, time began to flow normally again and Dag, as if suddenly deciding what his next move would be, rotated his body and put his feet on the floor behind the enemies, who bent their heads, as opposing to the traction exerted by Dag's hands.

After unbalanced them from their positions of attack, the young Master, screamed tenaciously and pushed violently with his feet to the ground, unleashing incredible strength and keeping on looking at the window in front of him.

Having been caught off guard and not believing that, in less than a second, the warrior in front of them would teleport behind them, the Keeper and Thyrius could not counter the thrust and saw the wall and window getting closer and closer to their faces.

"Aaaargh!" Dag yelled, clutching the two heads in his hands and burning their tissues, managing to sense the stench of burnt skin coming from the Keeper and burned hair by Bloodfang.


"What the fuck?! But… how many are there?! These warriors seem to come out of nowhere!" Reidar exclaimed, who had almost finished the arrows in his quiver.

"It seems that many of them continue to use copies and teleport skills help them escape dangerous situations, regain strength and try to attack again!" Kranus replied, who began to sense the fatigue of all the magic he was using, while the wall behind him was half as high as when it was raised, under the violent rays of the Sun, which was slowly heading towards the position before sunset.



"What was it?!" 

All the warriors who had been fighting for hours in the square, including Freydis, Reidar, Kranus, and their enemies, suddenly stopped fighting, turning their gaze upwards, identifying in unison the origin of the noise of broken glass.

When the glass pieces of the window and the shards of wood dispersed into the air, falling into the void, they gave way to what from below was perceived as a shapeless mass, a set of multiple bodies stuck together.josei

During those seconds, due to the Sun that did not allow them to sharply distinguish the bodies of Dag, the Keeper, and Bloodfang, everyone stood still watching.

"Move away, get out of there!" the Giants Of Ymir's warriors yelled, warning their teammates to move quickly from the spot where that half-fiery, meteorite-like body would impact.


An explosion followed the violent impact, which raised a cloud of dust, as well as a circular shockwave, which forced almost everyone to cover their eyes.

Kranus, predicting that reaction, raised a second curved wall, less large than the previous one, but useful to protect Reidar and Freydis, who by that time had defended the entrance to the Klorr Castle with him.


"What the fuck happened?!" 

"What was that?! It looked like made of people!" 

The warriors who had managed to escape the impact of that human asteroid began to wonder what it was, continuing to cough because of the dust. 

When the cloud began to thin out and disperse in the air, a denser, almost blackish cloud, evidently generated by some kind of combustion, was released, slowly giving a glimpse of what was inside it.

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