Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 564

Chapter 564: DLXIV. Inside Your Head

"Yes, of course! Sir, if we ventured to Dolken, we'd probably die before we got there! Pleaseā€¦" 

"That's not my problem! You must disappear from my sight, otherwise, you will die here and now, like your comrades! Get the fuck out of here!" Dag continued, triggering the enemy soldiers, who without even collecting the necessary equipment to face the journey, came out running from the square and headed for the gates of the city.

"Soldiers, follow those bastards and make sure they leave Klorr without causing further damage" he ordered, looking at Giants Of Ymir warriors and entrusting them with the task of silently following enemies, not trusting what they could do.

Immediately, a dozen allied warriors obeyed and followed the Lies Of Loki from afar, exiting the square, being the chains that kept the area closed vanished into nothingness.

Dag looked upwards, letting the afternoon sunset light illuminate his face and caress his skin and, slowly, his arm returned to its original shape, as well as the red eye, which returned to its light blue color.

As soon as she saw that her boyfriend's body was no longer surrounded by flames or other dangerous things, Freydis ran over him and hugged him, clutching him hard.

"Hey... I'm here, Freydis... we did it. I saw you fighting from above the tower... you were amazing" Dag said, kissing the Shieldmaiden on the head and enjoying her body heat, glad the battle was over. 

At the same time, someone approached him at a light pace, from behind.

Dag turned in that direction, noting that he was Thyrius' right-hand man, who along with the other bodyguard, the huge and muscular man, had approached him in a friendly but suspicious manner.

"Thank you for sparing the Packmaster and returning Klorr to us. Without your help and without this alliance, this would never have been possible. Our citizens will finally be able to start living on the surface again thanks to you, Dag of Okstorm" the shadow warrior exclaimed, who had never said a word, yet he was the only one to thank the young Dag worthily, making him appreciate the words.

"Grr... rr!" the other warrior exclaimed, speaking with a kind of growl as if it was the only way he could communicate with.

"I'm glad we made it, but... I have spared nobody! The enemy managed to..." 

"We know very well what happens to our leader when he transforms. Surely he will have tried to attack you, making no distinction between you and the real enemy. It's already happened before, it's the price he's forced to pay to use all that physical strength. Again, thank you" the shadow warrior said, who after those words, without allowing Dag to respond, turned back and walked away with his colleague.

Dag hesitated for a few moments as if he wanted to add something to that speech, but, after a long, deep breath, he smiled and watched the two men walk away, thinking that, even if he could not witness their style of combat at maximum power, those two must have been two exceptional warriors.

The allied soldiers gradually began to reclaim the city's spaces, bringing Bloodfang's exhausted body inside the castle, confident that they would find the material needed to heal his burns. 

Meanwhile, the Sun set behind the mountains on the horizon and the shadow of the castle completely covered the square, where all the corpses were spread on the floor.

While talking to Kron about what had happened between him and Bloodfang, describing his powers and those of the incredible enemy they had been forced to face, Dag felt a pit in his stomach, similar to a cramp.

"Rrgh... what?!" the young Master exclaimed, who in a moment recovered from the hit.

"Dag? What was that?" 

"Captain, are you all right?" 

His companions, as soon as they saw his terrified expression for no reason, worried about him and began to fill him with questions. 

As they spoke, asking Dag what had happened, his hearing could not pick up a single sound, as if caps had been inserted into his ears without him noticing.

Dag turned the other way, shaking his head and trying to get rid of that incredibly annoying feeling, but to no avail.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? I can't hear anymore! What is it?!" he thought, kneeling on the ground and scaring all his comrades, especially Freydis, who followed his every movement by shouting his name. 

"Oh, here you are... it wasn't that easy..." 

"Uh?! Who are you?!" Dag exclaimed, who, not being able to hear the sounds coming from outside, didn't know he was screaming.

"Hey, hey... calm down, boy. It wasn't easy to get inside your head, don't get upset" the same voice continued, warm and grave.josei

"Wait... are you in my head? Who the fuck are you?" the young Master thought, knowing that that voice came within him and could have heard him even if he hadn't actually spoken but just thought of the words.

"That man you defeated just now... had an incredible story, you know?" the voice continued. 


"The Keeper. The warriors called him with that name because he never left Klorr Castle, guarding every room of his and holding every of its deepest secrets. You killed him in a few simple moves, judging by your current physical state..." 

"And what does that have to do with you? Who the hell are you?! How did you get into my head! Go away!" Dag thought again, who, focusing on his mind, was jerking his body, as if wriggling from an invisible entity trying to block him, causing much concern among his companions, including Reidar and Freydis, who kept staying close to him not knowing how to help. 

"So smart but so naive at the same time... he was the best of my generals, second only to me" the voice replied, remaining calm and patient.

Dag remained motionless, trying to block even the flow of thoughts that crowded his mind at the time, knowing that the enemy had a chance to read them.

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