Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 570

Chapter 570: DLXX. Full Dark Body

With impressive speed, but still less than Bloodfang's, which was always increasing, Hakon turned on himself and hit Dag in the chest with a kick.

The young Master felt a sharp pain and pushed back again taking advantage of the grip on the ground of his dark arms.

"What?!" he whispered, noting that his armor had been cut at the blow and that blood was leaking from the cut into the leather.

His gaze fell on Hakon, who still had his leg lying down and was giggling satisfied.

A blade similar to the one that came out of his wrist, but shorter, had popped out of his boot just before he kicked and was soiled with Dag's blood.josei

Reidar continued to look closely at the fight, noting that Hakon's true strength did not actually derive from any unchallenging power, but from his style of combat, which bordered on perfection.

"Eheh... you just don't understand? There's no point running away, you're going to die anyway! You might as well try to fight, don't you? In this way, everything will be more scenic and our spectators will have fun. I've been preparing for this fight for ten years, I know your every move, every detail of your power! You have no escape!" Hakon yelled, raising his arms and turning his gaze towards the castle, pointing out to Dag that their observers had increased.

Hearing the sounds caused by the battle, almost all allied soldiers had walked out the front door and looked out at the windows and balconies of the palace, avoiding going down after recognizing the leader of the enemy Clan, known by all of them for his bad reputation.

Both the Claws Of Fenrir and the Giants Of Ymir had their eyes on Dag, hoping that somehow, the guy who led them to victory, would be able to impress them once again and get them out of that situation.

"I didn't realize they were looking at us, but now... I feel their eyes pointed at me... I feel a strong responsibility towards them. I can't disappoint them, not after our victory! I promised them that this day would change their lives forever, but if Hakon really found a way to take away my powers, I'm sure peace in Klorr would only last a few days and that in a short time, he would find a way to exterminate both the werewolves and the Jotunns... I can't... I won't let him... I don't have to fight just for myself, I must fight for them too!" Dag thought, looking at Hakon with a sulky expression and making him realize that he wouldn't give up so easily.

His purple eye began to shine again and other dark fluid was produced from behind his back, slowly crawling around his body: unlike other times, in which dark matter helped to enhance especially the torso and upper limbs, this time it also extended on his legs and calves, going all the way inside his boots and feet.

After completely incorporating his muscles and climbing upwards, it stopped at the neck, locking itself right under his chin.

"Oh, yes! This is a new thing! You never pushed up to this point! I'm a worthy opponent, right? Today I will prove that not even the supreme Frostsinners are able to create a powerful being enough to defeat the great Hakon!" the enemy yelled again, aware that a crowd of warriors was listening to him, growing his outsized ego.

As soon as he finished speaking, without further delay, the enemy again snapped at Dag, disappearing halfway into the usual layer of smoke.

After less than a second, moving at astonishing speed, Hakon reappeared behind him, directing both the blades at his back, believing that the spot from which the two dark arms sprang up was Dag's blind spot. 

The young Master, however, with an equally fast movement, parried the blow with one of the dark arms, which moving sinuously through the air, deflected the trajectory of the dagger and unbalanced Hakon's body, leaving him in mid-air.

At the same time, a copy of the enemy sprang to the other side, attempting to hit Dag on one side, but the other dark arm moved in time and also parried the second shot.

"The blades of these two are not filled with poison! This means that the real Hakon has yet to reappear!" Dag quickly thought, who was slowly beginning to come up with a strategy, not knowing every attack of his opponent.

A third Hakon sprang up behind him and, taking advantage of Dag's distraction, attempted to hit him with a swing on his calf, intending to get him a small cut and let the poison do the rest of the work.

"No, not this time!" Dag exclaimed, who rejected both copies and with his dark arms crushed them to the ground.

Using the two bodies as supports, Dag jumped, avoiding Hakon's low strike.

Keeping himself in the air with the help of the two dark arms, the young Master turned around and hit his enemy with a warhead in his forehead. 

The blow was not very powerful, but being unexpected, it unbalanced Hakon, who slipped backward on one of the broken tiles that were scattered on the floor of the square and sat on the ground.

Without giving him time to reason, Dag hit him with a second punch in the face and this time, the enemy felt the blow and flew meters away, rising and crawling on the floor with his feet, without falling. 

After being able to drive him away, Dag, without thinking too much, threw one of the two clones at him, grabbing him with the end of his dark arm, which took the form of a hand, and moving it into the air as if it was a rock.

Like a bullet, the clone's body was fired at great speed towards Hakon, who, with a single glance, made him disappear into nowhere, being the one who had spawned him.

"You're naive if you thought that..." 

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