Book Eater

Chapter 342

Chapter 342: Unknown Land (3)

Chapter 342: Unknown Land (3)

Theo was quicker. Before the snake could move, Theo cast the spell he had prepared. The target was three people, and the location set for five hundred meters away. Poison spewed from the hydra’s mouth, but Theo’s group disappeared first.


The hydra’s Poison Breath struck the ground, forcing it to bubble like lava. There were various kinds of poisons in the world. Some could corrode metal and rocks, others destroyed nervous systems, caused internal bleeding, spread unidentified diseases, and so on. It was impossible to count them all.

Nevertheless, Theo was convinced that the hydra’s poison was the most dangerous one.

... I would’ve made a mistake if I faced it directly.

In the old myths, the hydra’s poison had no antidote. If the hydra’s breath was that terrible, Theo would have decided to retreat without hesitation before the poison annihilated all three of them. However, his super sensitivity told him that he had a sixty percent chance of winning. It was proof that the measures he had prepared in advance were sufficient to handle it.

Theo assessed the situation in seconds and sent a signal to the others to converge on his position. He drank a detox potion and used a few auxiliary spells essential to fighting the hydra like Air Walk, which made it possible to walk in the air, Air Flow, which scattered the air around the body and increased the body’s resistance, and Purification, which made harmful substances harmless. It made his respiratory tract feel a little tight, but it was better than inhaling poison.

After completing thirteen secondary spells in an instant, Theo realized that his clouded flesh became clearer.

It noticed quicker than I thought. Is it sensitive to the movement of mana? That big snake?

The hydra had raised its heads and stared at the three people with killing intent. Despite the gap of a few hundred meters, the hydra’s big body made it feel like it was right in front of them. If Theo were lacking in courage, his heart would’ve stopped when faced with those yellow eyes.

However, Theo’s expression remained calm as he shouted loudly, “Goetia! Automatically keep up the purification, detoxification, and air flow spells! Reapply the spells every five minutes and give priority to assisting the two others above me!”

[Yes, Master!]

“Use some of the stored magic power in my Circles for independent mobility. Isolate the circuit and use it! Do your best to last as long as you can!”

Goetia didn’t answer, but one circuit was isolated as soon as the instructions were received. Over the past years, Goetia had transformed into a loyal existence. Theo focused on the imprint on his heart, the Artificial Yin and Yang in order to use the power of Laevateinn from the Ring of Muspelheim.

“「 I declare. 」”

In the myths, the hydra’s weakness was fire. However, there was no way it could be defeated by ordinary fire magic. It had to be divine fire or a fire that was beyond the rules of this world. And Theo had the perfect thing in mind.

“「 As your master, I command you. Fire of Muspelheim, become my weapon and manifest here. 」”

White light spilled from a crack between dimensions, turning into swords and spears in his hands. A fire that wasn’t bound by the laws of this physical world burned endlessly even in a vacuum and ignored the boundary between matter and non-matter. The body of the snake instinctively sensed danger and moved.


Several white spears pierced the hydra’s body. Shortly after that, the whole world burned brightly.


The one thing Theo overlooked was that the hydra’s poison was also flammable. The deadly gas caused a massive explosion of smoke and fire, and the entire swamp trembled. The shockwave caused by the explosion even tore through the clouds.


Of course, the explosion affected the hydra much more. Even the scales of the hydra, which were impervious to aura, were torn and green blood fountained into the air. Theo wasn’t pleased as he looked down at the hydra.

That’s it? It’s more durable than a dragon.

The explosion was on par with 8th Circle area of impact magic. Even a dragon shouldn’t have been able to avoid serious injury. However, only a little of the hydra’s skin had been peeled off. This was a level of durability that couldn’t be destroyed with wide-area magic.

Theo quickly changed his tactics and instructed his group, “Titania, shoot!”

Titania nodded as she was pushed back by the pressure of the explosion. A translucent giant formed behind her. It was Geros, the ancient elemental who had been called Zephyrus in the distant past. The Hurricane Bow cried loudly.


The hydra ducked belatedly, but the storm arrow had already hit one of its heads. The huge green snake was thrown back like it was hit by a hammer.

[Kuaaaack! I will kill you!]

Despite the pain from the Hurricane Bow’s arrow, the hydra kept on the offensive. It was still dreadfully fast for something as big as a hill. However, its reflexes were lacking in comparison to the three masters. Randolph and Titania both used Air Walk to dodge, while Theo slipped away under the cover of illusions.

Randolph was the first to take a different approach. “Your eyes won’t be as hard as your skin, you cunning snake!”

He accelerated forward with his Aura Ability and closed the gap to the hydra’s heads, where his blades quickly slashed at the hydra’s eyes.


[Kiyaaaaak? Get lost, human!]

Randolph’s twin falchions landed on the hydra’s closed eyelids, and flames emerged. The hydra’s eyeballs were safe, but they still felt the shock from a swordmaster’s blows. The irritated hydra shook its heads, also dodging Titania’s arrows that were aimed at its open eyes. The hydra couldn’t keep track of which eyes should be open or closed.

Meanwhile, Theo felt a sense of incongruity.

It’s too panicked. Does it not have much experience fighting? It just needs to close its eyes and flounder around.

The big snake shook its head, but the swordmaster was ever persistent. The hydra had incredible durability and poison, but that was it. It was too weak to be a descendant of a creature from the Age of Mythology. However, it wasn’t weak enough for Theo to relax. He didn’t hesitate as he prepared the next move.

“Mitra, I will ask you to do it.”

Mitra popped out.

[Hoing! Today is another transformation?]

After becoming a god at Elvenheim, Mitra could regain her divinity for a brief moment. Despite being contaminated, this swamp was still part of the material world. As such, it couldn’t rebel against Mitra, who had regained Dmitra’s name. She nodded and sank into the ground where the poison was a little thinner. The poison of the hydra was incomplete, so Mitra wasn’t affected by it.

A few moments later, the hydra thought of Theo’s idea and started to flounder.

Kukukung! Kukung...! Kukukung!

It threw up waves of dirt as the hydra’s mindless flailing was like the advent of a natural disaster. It was indeed a monster known in the Age of Mythology.

[Don’t run away now, you foolish bastards!]

Six heads impacted the cliff, and boulders started to rain down. Randolph deflected the largest boulders from hitting Titania, dodging the rest. The hydra turned to open its eyes triumphantly, but Theo had already foreseen the situation.

Mitra, now! josei

The hydra had just opened its eyes when the swamp swirled, and a large muddy hand rose up. It was soon followed by five more, making a grand total of six hands that corresponded to the number of heads the hydra had.

[Hoiiit! This is huge!]

[W-What? Mud monster!]

The hydra was surprised by the unexpected situation, so Mitra caught every single head in one fell swoop. Her grip was so tight that the hydra couldn’t open its mouths. The hydra could only blink as it was caught, as Theo started chanting another spell.

Not even thinking about escaping... Is this really a hydra?

Theo had been preparing to fight for half a day, but this was checkmate in under thirty minutes. He wasn’t disappointed with the enemy’s weakness, but this was the first time his expectations were betrayed.

“... Abraxas.”

HIs colleagues seemed to feel the same. But it was better to win easily, even if the victory felt hollow. Theo’s eight Circles revolved, and the unstable mana gathered under his control. The spell could even kill a dragon if it was focused properly.


The hydra only began to struggle once it saw the magic power gathering, but it was far too late. Dmitra’s mud hands had a firm grip on its muzzle, and it wasn’t easy to break the binding force of earth. Moreover, Theo only needed thirty seconds to complete casting.

The first phase was water and fire, as blue and red beads coalesced around him. It took only a few more seconds for the second phase, wind and earth, to form beads around him. When the beads merged and divided, a small world that had the potential for devastating destructive force.

It would annihilate more than half of the six heads. The four magic spheres slowly got closer, and Theo waited for the right moment to throw it.

But at that moment…

「рассеивание (Disperse)! 」

A powerful voice rang out, and the magic power around Theo’s body wriggled out of his grasp and faded away. All of the combatants looked in the direction of the voice. Whoever it was, they were surely not an ally. Nevertheless, the three people were surprised by their new enemy.

“... Don’t tell me?”

The man had red hair and vertical pupils, but Theo was very familiar with those pupils. Those eyes belonged to the strongest species, the guardians of this material world.

“Hrmm, I guess you know my essence.”

The unidentified red dragon was curious about the unexpectedly nonviolent reaction as he stood between Theo’s party and the hydra.

He looked at Theo and asked, “Are you willing to break the pledge, transcendent human? If you crossed the wall, you should know that you aren’t allowed to enter the swamp.”

Of course, Theo was completely flabbergasted.

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