Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 957 957 Oceancastle

Chapter 957 957 Oceancastle

Chapter 957 Chapter 957 Oceancastle

'Why are those people outside trying to kill me, Nancy?' Our bored gamer asked his handy system. It was trivial things like these that he could count on Nancy more than anything else.

Although she was reduced to this state because of the advent of the heavenly treasure clay brick but he would definitely not exchange her for anything else in the world.

Nancy shall forever hold a special place in our good gamer's heart.

"They think that you are a demon because of the color of your hair, host." Nancy replied easily.

"Oh? I see now. That's a surprise." Clark shrugged a little bit that forced the one that caged him to adjust her stance. A 20ish woman was hugging him so tightly right now.

Thus the action was a feat that destroyed all notions in nature. A newly born baby should not have the strength to do that at all. Much less conjure magic that would cripple angry villagers left and right.

'And what about the power I possess? Why do I feel strangely capable?' Clark asked. His words were an understatement more than anything else.

He could even divine the future and fathom that he already has the strength to dissolve the entire world into nothing.

Such a thing was not at all new to our very own protagonist but it was indeed a cause for question to achieve it at this early in the game.

"Please check your character information, host. You will find the answer to your question there." Nancy supplied.

'Hmmm… Curious. Very curious indeed. Show me.' Our bored gamer mused inside and followed the instructions to a tee.

"DING!" He got the familiar notification sound thereafter. A new list of texts then arrived before his baby eyes. josei

* * *

Name: Clark Colter

Cultivation: Unparalleled Top


Additional Quest: The user needs to live for 1 million years on this world before he can start conquering anything.

* * *

'Oh… my… L…' Clark did not have to finish his thoughts in order to convey his dismay. He would have moaned a little bit more if not for the sudden entrance of someone nearby.

"EMILY! What the hell happened in here?! Why have the villagers gone crazy?!" A 30ish man arrived with great concern on his voice.

He approached with an obvious limp but his wife was not too concerned about it. Emily's eyes were frozen to something else entirely.

"You're bleeding, Felix! Are you alright?" Emily asked in worry. There was a gash on her husband's forehead and blood was slowly dripping from its surface.

"It's a minor wound. Far from my belly. I would be okay come the morning." Felix replied and hugged his family. It did not take him long to know the root cause of this whole incident also.

In the end, Felix inspected our very own baby protagonist and noticed something extremely odd about the story. He revealed his mind soon enough.

"I see no white hair in our child, Emily." Felix stated the obvious.

"But…" Emily started and was not able to finish her words when she realized that her baby's hair had turned into a deep black.

"I saw it earlier and our baby was even c…" Emily was lost trying to comprehend something so magical for her to accept. Nevertheless, her husband had a totally different idea at this time.

"Let's leave this village first. We aren't safe here anymore." Felix announced and began packing a hasty bag into the room.

He trusted his wife's words but this was not the right time to explore the reason behind their son's prowess in sorcery.

"BANG!" The doors were closed hard and this marked the journey of one family into the darkness of the night.

Felix would lead them well since he was an accomplished mercenary before he retired because of a permanent injury on one of his legs.

Thus, the limp that reminded him of the event continued to plague him even at this moment.

* * *

Oceancastle City. This was a place that housed more than 200,000 souls inside its tall walls.

It was more than 60 kilometers away from the starting village of our very own protagonist which indicated how much the family of three had travelled in just the span of 3 days.

What was curious was that their solitude in the cold nights was peaceful and surprisingly warm. Not even a hint of a wolf, bear, or any predator in their way.

More than that, they even found freshly killed wild boars and deers that seemed to be left there for their specific consumption.

In these 3 days alone, the couple had a tacit understanding about how magical their baby really was.

The babe was the most natural reason behind this inexplicable scenario since both Felix and Emily bore no magic in their lives whatsoever.

"Are we going to live here from now on, honey?" Emily asked in apparent excitement. This was the first time that she had left the village from before.

Her eyes roamed particularly on the impressive walls of the place.

"Yes." Felix answered in one word. If he had any other choice then he would have never brought his family here.

City life may seem grandiose and stimulating but the dangers inside were also many and diverse.

This was the reason why Felix retired in a faraway village rather than seek refuge in a busy city like Oceancastle.

"Come, honey. It's our turn to pass." Felix took a deep breath and led his wife and son into the intricate design of the city.

* * *

'Not bad. Not bad at all.' Our bored gamer smiled at the change of scenery.

Although he would be content to live in a small village but the comfort and thrill of this city would amuse him long enough during his supposed 1 million years of exile on this unknown planet.

He was already thinking about the many ways he could spice up his life and that of his family in consequence.

'This will be fun.' Clark smiled in baby form.

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