Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005

Tom wasn't at all worried about what would happen to Xander afterward. As President Fuller said, we'll just deal with it, anyway, he thought. Putting Xander out of his mind, he quickly caught up to Toby ahead of him, paying no more attention to the unconscious man.

Toby entered the suite's living room. At a glance, he saw Connor sitting across from him with his eyes slightly closed as if he was napping. At that very moment, he stopped in his tracks with a violent storm brewing in his eyes. So this old man is Connor Salzburg, the man who failed my mother and caused her to kill herself. He might also be my dad's murderer! At the thought of this, he clenched his hands at his sides into fists so tightly that his knuckles cracked audibly.

Looking down at the veins standing out on the back of Toby's hands and his pale knuckles, Tom quickly whispered, "Calm down, President Fuller. Your left arm hasn't recovered yet. If anything happens to you, Miss Reed will get worried."

As he had expected, the instant he mentioned Sonia, Toby instantly calmed down a lot, and his fists unclenched a little.

At the sight of this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Miss Reed is useful after all. Seems like if President Fuller loses his temper again in the future, I can mention her to quell his anger, he thought to himself as his eyes flickered. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was feasible. In the end, he couldn't help but nod twice to himself.

On the other hand, Toby had no time to care about what Tom was thinking behind him. All he knew was that he had finally met Connor, the person behind the death of his parents. He had always thought that he could remain composed enough even if he met Connor, but now, he finally realized that he was wrong, and that he had yet to reach that level of composure. Upon meeting his enemy, he was inwardly consumed with impulsiveness and violent rage, so much so that he even wanted to kill this guy right

away. Turns out that I'm not as good as I thought. Clenching his fists again, he took a deep breath. It took him a lot of effort to barely suppress the murderous intent inside him and continue to walk on.

Sitting on the sofa nearby, Connor rubbed the dragon's head on his walking stick when he heard the footsteps. "Xander, go make some tea if you've brought them here."

There was no answer.

Toby stopped right in front of the sofa opposite Connor's. Then, he sat down and stared at the latter.

Naturally, Tom stepped behind him and stood still while also staring at Connor. Seeing how Connor closed his eyes with a calm and mysterious expression, he couldn't help but roll his eyes while sneering inwardly. This old guy is quite good at pretending. Now that we're here, he's still closing his eyes in an enigmatic fashion. Those who don't know what's going on would think that he's playing the role of some reclusive master. Just look at how pretentious he is; no ordinary people could reach that level. "You'd better stop calling for your assistant, Mr. Salzburg. I'm afraid that he can't get up and make tea at the moment," he said while pushing his glasses.

Finally, Connor opened his eyes across from them. At first glance, he saw an expressionless Toby sitting on the sofa across from him while exuding frostiness through every pore.

The instant Connor saw Toby, his pupils shrank, and a hint of an inscrutable emotion flashed across his eyes. The next instant, though, he resumed his former expression as if nothing had happened. He even smiled gently at Toby, saying, "We finally get to meet in person, son. You're even taller and more handsome than I imagined. As expected of Vai's child."

Toby knitted his brows; his eyes looked even more murderous. "You have no right to call me 'son,' nor are you worthy of calling my mother by her pet name."

"Hehe." Connor chuckled. Instead of getting angry, he laughed. "In terms of family background and social status, I'm indeed not your equal, and I have to call you President Fuller. However, considering our age and my past relationship with your mother, you're indeed supposed to call me Uncle Connor, whereas I'm supposed to call you 'son.' As for me calling your mother by her pet name..." He narrowed his eyes with a meaningful smile. "I think I'm the only person on earth whom your mother would want to call her by her pet name."

As soon as he said that, Toby's face immediately darkened, but he couldn't make a retort. Indeed, given her feelings for him, his mother would naturally want Connor to call her like that.

Connor's smile deepened when he saw how Toby compressed his lips without saying a word. "By the way, son, your assistant behind you just said that my assistant couldn't get up. What does that mean?"

Tom stepped forward, but just when he was about to speak, Toby raised a hand to signal him to back off. Upon seeing this, he immediately gave a knowing nod and stepped back to his original position.

Toby put down his hand while looking at Connor. Then, as his thin lips parted, he said in a cold and stony voice, "I'm not that interested to mention so much about an unimportant person. Let's get straight to the point. Where are the spare parts of my lover's company?"

Connor's face showed no surprise when he heard Toby say this. After all, he had figured out Toby's purpose in coming here when he learned of the latter's arrival. And now, what Toby had said merely confirmed his guess. "So you're here for what happened to Miss Reed. Seems like you're deeply in love with her." He looked at Toby with a shrewd gleam in his eyes.

Toby kept his countenance so that no one could tell his emotions. "That isn't something you should care about. You just have to tell me whether you're gonna return the spare parts or not!"

Seeing how cold and unyielding his manner was, Connor let out a sigh of regret. This lad is pretty good at maintaining his composure; there's no way to tell anything from his face. Ah, young people

nowadays... Rubbing the dragon's head on his walking stick, he sighed to himself while feeling jealous at the same time. He had been heaped with praise since childhood, but he wasn't able to be as imperturbable as Toby was when he was younger. It was evident from this alone that he was inferior to Homer. He had been compared with Homer when he was younger. They said that however outstanding he was, he was slightly inferior to Homer. And now, even Homer's son did better than he had been in his younger days. Ha! How ironic.

He lowered his eyes to conceal the emotions in them before putting on a gentle smile again. He replied, "Now that you've come here in person, wouldn't it make you look bad if I were to refuse to return the spare parts? We've never met in person before, but we've heard about what kind of a person each other is, so we naturally won't offend each other easily. Moreover, it's still hard for us to shed all pretenses of cordiality now, isn't it?"

Toby narrowed his eyes. "Your words seem to reveal a lot of information."

Connor let out a chuckle. "Some things aren't that easy to point out, don't you think?" he said while pouring a cup of tea for Toby. Then, he pushed the cup of tea toward the latter with an inviting gesture.

Toby glanced down at the cup of tea, but he had no intention of picking it up and drinking it. Instead, he stood up from the sofa. "By saying those things, don't you worry that I'll kill you right away to save myself a lot of trouble and get everything over and done with?"

Connor picked up his cup of tea and drank it slowly. "You won't. If you do that, all the contributions your grandfather made to the country back then will be wiped out overnight. Do you wanna make him turn in his grave?"

Toby's eyes were blood red. "No wonder you dare to admit it. Turns out you were waiting for me to say that."

Connor looked at him smilingly without saying a word.

Toby closed his eyes hard for a long time before suppressing his anger. His face sullen, he said, "I didn't come here for nothing today. I'll remember what you said, and I'll end your life myself!"


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