Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

Chapter 1022

That night, she wanted to stock up on groceries and make a feast for Toby to make up for her neglecting him during the past few days. At the thought, Sonia smiled as she pushed the cart around the fresh food section.

By the time she finished shopping and came out, it was already past six in the evening, and the sky had already turned dark. With two large bags in her hands, Sonia swayed left and right like a penguin as she walked toward Bayside Residence. Due to the amount of heavy groceries, her speed was extremely slow, and the bags would also hit her calves from time to time, which hindered her from walking. Fortunately, Bayside Residence was not far away, and it was just a short walk from the mall. Finally, about ten minutes later, Sonia successfully returned to the apartment with the groceries.

After she placed the things in the kitchen, she let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall, panting heavily from exhaustion. Because she had been wearing high heels while walking back with two bags of heavy groceries, not only did her feet hurt, but her arms and shoulders were also sore. Leaning against the wall, she bent over and rubbed her calves for a moment, then straightened her body to knead her shoulders before her body finally felt much better. Then, she started to go through the bags and use the ingredients to start cooking.

At the same time, Tom parked the car at an empty spot in the parking lot of Bayside Residence and turned to look at the resting man in the back seat. "President Fuller, we're here."

The car lights were not turned on, so the back seat was completely dark. Though Tom couldn't see Toby clearly except for a part of his body, the man who was concealed in darkness like this gave off an extremely pressuring aura.

When Toby heard Tom's words, he opened his eyes slightly, and a dark glint flashed in his gaze as he hummed in reply. However, he still remained seated with his legs crossed gracefully and his head

leaning on his hand that was resting on the armrest, showing not the slightest intention of getting out of the car.

Tom turned on the smallest lights in the car and was finally able to see Toby's current expression. When he saw him looking blankly at the empty parking lot outside the car window, Tom said in surprise, "Miss Reed's car isn't here. Hasn't she come back yet?"

"She has," Toby indifferently replied.

When she sent him a text message in the afternoon, she said that she was back to Bayside Residence, and he believed that she would not lie to him. As for why her car wasn't parked here...

Toby pursed his thin lips. "Check if her car is at the Lane Residence."

"Huh?" Tom was taken aback for a moment, but when he looked at Toby's cold handsome face, he shivered. Not daring to delay any further, he quickly took out his phone and made a call, providing the other end with Sonia's car's license plate. After around two minutes, he acquired the desired answer.

He put down his phone and looked at Toby in surprise, giving him a thumbs up. "President Fuller, you're right on the money. Miss Reed's car is really at the Lane Residence, but how did you know that?"

"They went for lunch together. After Charles sent her back, he took her car with him," Toby replied, slightly lifting his gaze.

Tom said in realization, "Right. I forgot about that."

He couldn't help but swat at his forehead. Then, he thought of something that caused his eyes to widen, and his mouth gaped as if he wanted to say something. However, he held back and remained silent.

Toby's eyes narrowed. "What do you want to say?"

Seeing that his hesitation to speak had been discovered, Tom could not hide it anymore and could only voice out his guesses. "President Fuller, are you treating Miss Reed so... weirdly because she went out to eat with Mr. Lane?"

However, it didn't seem quite right. During the day, when Toby found out that Sonia was going for lunch with Charles, although he was a little jealous and was rushing to pay the bill, his attitude toward Sonia wasn't like this. Besides, he had also said at that time that Charles was going to help Sonia, so it was normal for her to invite him to a meal, and he would not be jealous for such a reason. Hence, he thought that his guess seemed a little wrong.

However, apart from this reason, he really couldn't figure out why Toby was suddenly giving Sonia the cold shoulder. He could only say that love was a confusing thing, and it was fortunate that he had not experienced it yet.

Toby glanced at the panicking Tom and nonchalantly replied, "No."

Tom blinked in confusion. "No?"

He couldn't believe he had guessed wrongly.

Meanwhile, Toby pursed his lips and didn't reply.

At the sight, Tom mustered his courage and asked again, "In that case, what happened between you and Miss Reed, President Fuller?"

Toby rubbed his fingers together, showing no intention of answering.

Tom sighed helplessly. Toby really was stubborn. Once he had something he didn't want to say out loud, he would never say it. Tom had still been considering helping Toby come up with a solution, but

as he refused to say a word, Tom couldn't come up with any ideas either.

While he was deep in thought, a cell phone rang in the car, interrupting Tom's inward grumbling. He looked at Toby, realizing that it was his phone that was ringing.

At the same time, Toby had already taken his phone out of his pocket and was looking down at the screen. Although Tom was in the driver's seat and was a little far away from his phone, he was able to see the contents on the screen by stretching his neck out slightly. The call was from Sonia.

Tom's mouth gaped open again before he looked at Toby, wanting to see what he would do this time. Would he choose to ignore her on purpose like he did earlier, or would he pick up the phone? Tom didn't have to wait long before he received his answer.

He watched as Toby put his hand down from the armrest and straightened his head before he gently swiped at the screen with his thumb and put the phone to liis ear.

He picked up! He actually picked up the phone! Tom's eyes turned wide in surprise. Toby did not ignore Sonia's call as he had done during the day, but chose to answer. From the looks of things, the situation between the two did not seem to be particularly bad. He thought it made sense. After all, if it were bad, why would Toby choose to go back to Bayside Residence instead of going back to his residence? It seemed that he didn't have to worry too much.

Tom breathed a sigh of relief and smiled in reassurance as he quietly listened to Toby talking to the person on the other side of the phone.

"Hello?" Toby answered in a low voice. His tone was still a little cold, and it was completely different from the usual gentle and doting voice he usually used when he talked to Sonia.

However, Sonia was cooking at the moment. She sandwiched her phone between her head and her shoulder while her hands busied themselves, one of them holding the handle of the pan while the other held a spatula as she stir-fried the ingredients in the pan constantly. The sizzling sounds were loud, and it covered the indifference in Toby's tone.

Hence, she didn't sense anything wrong and spoke to him as she usually did. "Are you done with work? When are you coming back?"

On the phone, Toby naturally heard the sounds of cooking on the other end, and he began envisioning the sight of Sonia in an apron and busily cooking for him in the kitchen. Just the thought of it filled him with a warmth that only a lover could bring about. Toby's frown relaxed, and the apathy in his tone instantly disappeared. The usual gentleness of his voice returned.


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