Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

Chapter 1045

After brewing the cup of coffee, Noah handed it over with both hands before stepping back and replying, "A call came in just now, Mr. Adams. The caller was Miss Reed of Paradigm Co."

As soon as he said it, Mitch's hand suddenly trembled, causing the coffee to spill out onto his hands and scalded him. He then quickly jumped from his chair and toss the cup away.

Crack! A loud commotion ensued.

The porcelain cup was smashed into pieces.

Not only was the coffee spilled everywhere, the black stains of the coffee contrasting the white tiles made the scene look very dirty.

However, all of this was not important. What was important was that Mitch was burnt.

As the coffee was freshly brewed, it scalded his hand to the point where it reddened immediately. Feeling the pain of his flesh, Mitch started to tremble as his chubby face started to shake as well.

Noah never thought that a sentence from him could scare a person to this point. After a moment of shock, he finally came around and quickly rushed over with an ice pack. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Adams. I forgot to remind you that the coffee was hot. Here's an ice pack. Quick, apply that."

Seeing the ice pack, Mitch snatched it over and placed it on his hand.

With the help of the ice, he felt that his pain lessened a whole lot more with the layered muscles on his face slowly unclenched.

His beady eyes, though, were still kept on Noah.

If not for more important matters, he would have scolded him. He can't even do such a simple thing. How stupid.

Noah, who knew that this fatso had to be cursing him inside, pouted. Curse me all you want. I'm going to quit anyway. I don't care if the woman will be able to keep the company afloat, I won't be staying here any longer.

Of course, since he had not quit yet, he did not voice this out. Otherwise, this fatso might tamper with my resignation application and not let me go.

"Mr. Adams, I'll get some tools to clean the floor." Noah bowed subtly and turned around.

Mitch stopped him. "Wait a minute; that can wait. Did you just say that Sonia Reed of Paradigm Co. just called?"

Sitting down, Mitch became quite solemn.

Now, he did look somewhat like a chief editor.

"Yes." Noah straightened himself.

Clenching the ice pack on his hand, Mitch asked, "She must have called for the scandal that was published. Maybe she's already onto us. What did she say?"

Noah looked up at him. "She asked us why we published this baseless scandal."

"That's it?" Mitch was in disbelief.

Shaking his head, Noah continued, "Of course not. Miss Reed also asked who made us do it."

This scared Mitch again as the fat on his face jiggled. "What? Did she really ask us that?"

"I swear by it." Noah nodded.

"How can that be?" He threw the ice pack aside and stood up to pace around the office table with a slightly hilarious expression; it displayed signs of worry, anxiety, and fear all at once.

While pacing around, he mumbled, "How did she know that we had someone instructing us?"

Noah, who saw that he was not looking at him, blatantly rolled his eyes at him. "Mr. Adams, Miss Reed is no fool. The news is fake and there aren't any cracks in their relationship. Us publishing this news when their relationship is so solid is just blatantly insulting them. And, what kind of small scale company like us would dare to offend President Fuller? Who knew, that was exactly what we did. This was no different than announcing to everybody that someone is backing us."

Mitch stopped walking, for his face turned pale. "I didn't think of this. What should we do now?"

Looking at Noah, he wore a panicked expression. "If we're only creating baseless rumors, that would still be fine; now that they know we did it for money, it would only get worse for us. If President Fuller really wants to target us, we won't even have the slightest chance of resisting. We're in deep trouble now!"

Noah was smirking inside. Now, you're afraid? Then, why did you do what you did?

Even though he was thinking of it, Noah did not dare to say it as he comforted Mitch, "What do you have to be afraid of, Mr. Adams? Didn't you say that you did it because the woman was a capable one? She said that she would be able to keep the company and you safe even when President Fuller is targeting us, didn't she? So, what do you have to be worried about?"

"Yeah, she did say that." Initially shocked, Mitch then laughed. "Oh my, I was frightened by your words earlier. This had completely slipped my mind. Yes, she did say that, so we don't have to worry about anything."

After that, Mitch sat back and let Noah pour him another cup of coffee.

Doing that, Noah set the cup in front of him as his eyes glimmered before he asked, "Mr. Adams, now that we don't have to worry about President Fuller, what about Miss Reed?"

Mitch sipped on the coffee before sneering, "We're not even worrying about the big guy, so why should we concern ourselves with the little wife? She's just some princess from a fallen family. She's nothing without President Fuller. Besides, she'll be even less of a threat when President Fuller breaks up with her."

Smiling, Noah kissed up to him. "You're right, Mr. Adams, but how are you so sure that they will break up?"

Mitch wiggled his plump finger while looking high and mighty. "This is something you don't know. You haven't been in a relationship, right? Men care about their reputation. Even though the scandal is fake, Sonia did enter the hotel with that random Charles. Now that the surveillance has been wiped, they can't prove their innocence entirely. Also, with how trending this news is right now and the help of our people spreading the rumors online, almost everybody believes that Sonia cheated on President Fuller. So, even if he believes that Sonia did not do that, doubts would start to form in his mind. When a man has these kinds of doubts, he will not be able to erase them as these thoughts will only encroach upon his mind. Even if they won't break up now, they will still do it sooner or later. Just sit back and watch."

"So, I see. You're really something else, Mr. Adams. You know so much." Noah gave him a thumbs up.

In a good mood, Mitch laughed heartily. "That's nothing. Since I've lived twenty years more than you, it's only natural that I know more than you. You'll know more of these wisdoms when you get to my age."

"I understand. I look up to you, Mr. Adams. You're my role model," Noah said proudly.

Mitch, who was slowly liking his words, started to admire him as well.

Seeing this, Noah knew that the time was opportune, so he asked, "Mr. Adams, I'm still curious about something. Who is this woman? How does she actually have the ability to save our company from President Fuller's attack? I've never heard of any lady from a prominent family that has such an influence."

Thanks to his non-stop praises earlier, Mitch's impression of Noah had improved a lot, so he did not bother to hide the truth from him this time.

Taking another sip of his coffee, he said, "If you really wanna know, I don't mind letting you in on that little secret."

"Okay." With bright eyes, Noah stuck his hands into his suit pants.

Ignoring his actions, Mitch placed his cup down and continued, "The reason why she can save our company from President Fuller is not because she has a prominent family backing her..."


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