Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

After all, they did not know that Mitch had taken a bribe to create false rumors about Sonia.

They had only thought that he did not want to miss this breaking news, but it turned out that he did it because he was ordered to do so.

The nature of his action was so much more terrible than posting about scandals for popularity.

They were sure that Toby was going to get back at their company in a much more ruthless way.

Word had it that someone influential was preparing to buy over Squirrel Media and perform a layoff before recruiting new employees. Internally, it was already confirmed that the influential person had arranged for someone to get in contact with Squirrel Media.

With that, it was probably true that Squirrel Media's owner would change and that a layoff would be done.

Now, they were most worried that their names were on the list of employees to be laid off.

Those people who were directly involved in the creation of the rumor, be it those who posted it, wrote the articles, or edited the photos were even more afraid of that. They hated Mitch for dragging them down the dirt road with him.

Even if Mitch was already taken away by Toby's man and sent to the police station, it was not enough to relieve the hatred they had for him.

They knew that there was nothing they could do in this situation. The only thing they hoped for was that Mitch would get thrown into prison and that they would not be laid off.

Sonia did not know that the employees of Squirrel Media were panicking right now as she was still following up with how things were going on the internet.

Seeing that the netizens were attacking Lore Communications and Squirrel Media together, her lips curved into a smile.

She did not think that it was wrong for her to gloat over other people's misfortune now. After all, she was the victim who had been cyberbullied first.

And these two companies were the main culprits.

Now, she was only exposing what they did. What she did was merely an eye for an eye.

Since the two companies dared to slander her this way without caring about her feelings or worrying if she might commit suicide because she could not take the criticisms from the netizens, that was enough to prove that they lacked conscience.

A good company and one with a conscience would not create a fake rumor of such just to reach their selfish goals.

No matter what, the two companies were getting their karma for their own irresponsible actions.

Moreover, they should be prepared to face the netizens' wrath one day since they liked using such dirty means to deal with other people.

Amidst her thoughts, she saw a netizen post a comment in surprise. 'Everyone! Let's move to President Fuller's feed! He posted a statement.'

'Really? I'll head over right now.'

'Me too!'

Soon, Sonia's bustling comment section, which would receive over a few hundred new comments per page refresh, became even more silent. When she refreshed the page, there were only a few dozen new comments.

That meant most of the netizens left for Toby's feed.

Earlier, some had already left to wait for Charles' post. She thought that those who stayed were her loyal fans.

She did not expect that most of them would leave as soon as Toby posted his statement, leaving only a few people behind. Hence, only a minority among the group that stayed was actually her loyal fans while the majority were Toby's fans.

That could be proven true because most of them left her profile as soon as Toby posted his statement. Sonia found this situation hilarious and looked over in his direction subconsciously.

Seeing her helpless look, he blinked and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm just jealous of you, President Fuller. You have so many fans." She held her chin and said as she looked into his eyes.

Yet, she felt that it was only right that he had a lot of fans. After all, he was charming, his build could be compared to one of a supermodel, he was so wealthy that the amount of money he had could not be fathomed by normal citizens, and finally, he exuded the aura of royalty.

However, Toby was confused upon hearing what Sonia said. "Fans? What fans?

That surprised her. "You don't know about it?"

Both of them had many shippers as well as individual fans on the Internet.

To put it simply, both of them were not celebrities, but the number of fans they had could be compared to that of a celebrity.

Even Sonia, who did not keep herself posted about the entertainment industry, knew about this.

She could not believe that he knew nothing about it.

Toby shook his head. "I don't."

She just stayed silent, knowing that he was telling the truth.

He really did not know that they had fans on the internet.

Well, it's okay then. It's fine if he doesn't know.

Since Toby cared even less about the entertainment news than she did, there was no use even if he knew about it.

He could not interact with his fans daily as those celebrities did anyway.

She could not imagine Toby doing that.

"It's fine if you don't know. It's not important anyway." Sonia waved her hand and then continued, "But as soon as you posted your statement, a lot of netizens went to your feed."

He shook his phone slightly. "I saw that."

"Let me see," she said.

He was about to pass his phone over to her, but she pushed his hand back. "It's okay. I'll use my own phone. Just continue with whatever you are doing."

She pointed to her own phone.

Seeing that she was unwilling to use his phone, he just muttered an okay in a slightly upset tone.

Toby was obviously disappointed that Sonia rejected him.

At the sight of that, she shook her head with a smile, but she had no intention to coax him at all.

She knew clearly that Toby was just pretending to be upset and that he wanted to make her change her mind with that pitiful look of his.

As for why she was so certain, that was because similar situations had happened before.

After getting tricked by him a few times, she learned her lesson.

She pretended that she did not realize what he was doing and just continued staring at her phone.

When Toby saw that Sonia was focusing her attention on her phone and spared no glances for him, he knew his plan had been exposed and that he failed. It caused his gaze to turn gruesome for a moment.

Naturally, Sonia realized what had happened in the background and had to squeeze her lips together to suppress her laughter, but she was still ignoring him.

Seeing that his new plan failed too, he only sighed before looking back down on his phone.

Yet, that did not stop him from exuding an aura that would make others know that he was upset.

The scene made Charles roll his eyes. How scheming. You deserve to fail!

Toby's statement was simple. Similar to Sonia's, it was all words and he did not show any evidence. No one would doubt whatever he said, nor did they dare to do so, though.

At first, Sonia was stunned when she read Toby's statement before she burst into laughter.

That was how his statement went. 'I am Toby Fuller, and I have understood the situation about the rumor online. It is ridiculous and nonsensical. I believe anyone with brains would not believe it. Other than that, my woman is not blind, and I trust that she would not cheat on me for a man who could not compare to me in all aspects. Hence, I will not let anyone who was involved in the creation of this rumor go so easily, and I will take legal action against them. Thanks.'

His serious words were enough to show everyone his determination to get the other party to pay for what they did.

However, that was not important to the netizens. What was important was that they were shocked and melted by his statement.

'Oh my God! I love the phrase, 'my woman is not blind, and I trust that she would not cheat on me for a man who could not compare to me in all aspects.' If someone else said that, I would only mock him for being overconfident and that he should take a look in the mirror. But when it's President Fuller, I did not think that he was being overly conceited. All I can think of is that he is a confident man.'

'Me too! I would think that any other man who said this is crazy. But when it came from President Fuller, it only melted my heart. Sure enough, he is the kind of man authors write about in books. The same words would not feel the same if anyone else were to say them. His words were so strong and dominant. I love it, and I must say that I'm once again envious of Miss Reed.'

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