Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Chapter 400 Titus’s DNA Test Report

After Tom left, Toby lowered his gaze, deep in thought. Things have developed in a way that is out of my expectations. No one could’ve expected Sonia’s real identity to be Rina Gray. It’s all fated—Sonia is fated to suffer in the future. She will never assist the Reed Family in a perfect act of revenge, and she will never be able to fully recognize Titus and Julia as her parents. Furthermore, she can’t find out about the fact that she is Titus and Julia’s daughter now as she would be overwhelmed by the truth…

Meanwhile, Titus and Julia returned to their house after leaving the police station. Once they got home, the maid rushed over to them with a paper file folder in her hands. “Sir, Madam, someone just left this in our mailbox.”

“What is it?” Titus wore a look of confusion as he took the file folder from the maid. The maid shook her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t look inside.”

“Alright. You can leave now,” Julia uttered in a lethargic voice. The maid nodded and left to continue doing chores. On the other hand, Titus and Julia took a seat on the couch, and Julia poured some tea while Titus opened the file folder. “What is it?” Julia asked out of curiosity.

Titus shook his head. “I don’t know. I haven’t read it.” He pulled the papers out. Julia was quick to see the words written on the paper, and she read it out loud in a surprised tone. “A DNA test report… Who is this for?”

Titus didn’t say anything, but he had an uneasy feeling in his chest. He quickly flipped the pages of the DNA test report until he got to the very last page, where it indicated the names of the samples—‘Titus and Rina’!

“It’s for you and Rina.” Julia was shocked. “That’s odd. Why would someone send you the results for you and Rina’s DNA test? Who would do such a thing?”

Titus had yet to say anything, but his expression showed an abrupt change as he widened his eyes and sprang up to his feet. “How could this be?!”

“What is it?” Julia was utterly dumbfounded when she saw her husband acting so emotionally. She clearly had no idea what was going on. Titus’s hand was shaking as he tightened his grip on the DNA test report. “Rina… Rina’s not our daughter…”

“What?” Julia froze. She then stared at him as if he were a fool. “What nonsense are you saying, honey? How could Rina not be our daughter? You must be kidding.”

“I’m not kidding. It’s written over here.” Titus shoved the papers into Julia’s hands with a glum look on his face. Julia quickly took the papers and skimmed through it. She was shocked to find the words ‘alleged father is not biologically related to the sample’ written on the report. “How could this be possible?” Julia’s face turned pale, and she looked as if her soul had just left her body. She continued to mumble to herself. “How could this be? This can’t be it, right? Why isn’t Rina our biological daughter? It’s a lie, isn’t it, honey?”

Titus parted his lips and tried to respond to his wife, but no words came out when his gaze landed on the report in Julia’s hands. Julia grew impatient and furious when she saw her husband remaining silent. “Why are you acting that way, Titus? Do you think this is real? How could this be real? We don’t even know who sent this report over. What if it’s just someone who’s trying to prank us? Furthermore, when we first did the DNA test with Rina, we were all present for the results. We saw the results with our own eyes—Rina is our daughter. This report has to be fake.”

Titus seemed to calm down a little after hearing Julia’s words. “You’re right. I was being too rash.” Just like his wife mentioned, Rina had visited a hospital with Julia and Titus to get their DNA tests done, and the results had confirmed that Rina was their daughter.

Although the report they just received showed a different result, they didn’t know the sender of the report, so it was obvious that the report was fake, thus unreliable. Despite having that thought, Titus still felt a rather uneasy sensation in his chest. As a man, it didn’t matter whether he believed the offspring to be his or not—as long as someone questioned the validity of their biological relationship, the man would already feel uncertain about himself. A seed of doubt would be planted in him, and this seed would continue to sprout and grow larger.

At that thought, Titus clenched his fists before growling, “No way. I have to get to the bottom of this. Who would send such a thing to me?! How dare someone make fun of me like this?!”

Julia nodded to show her support. “That’s right. We should investigate this matter. The person who did this is so shameless! He or she is just trying to cause trouble in our family.”

“I’ll go out and check the CCTV cameras outside,” Titus uttered before he stepped out.

Meanwhile, Zane contacted Sonia and told her that he had sent the DNA test report over. At the moment, Sonia was munching on a snack that Wanda had prepared. Wanda’s desserts were so tasty that even someone like Sonia, who disliked sweet foods, became a fan of it. As she listened to Zane, Sonia lowered the half-eaten tiramisu dessert, then replied to him, “I got it. However, it’s not enough to just send them a DNA test report. They might not believe that the results are real.”

“I know. That’s why I’m going to send a few more items to them. This is just the start. Apart from that, I’m also preparing to bring the Careys over. When that happens, we’ll be able to witness some real drama unfolding before us.” Zane chuckled.

Sonia raised an eyebrow. “That’s pretty impressive. Well, I guess that’s good. Taylor wants to be Titus’s daughter so badly, right? It’s about time we remind her who her actual parents are.” Sonia had to admit her faults—she shouldn’t have found a replacement for Rina, and she shouldn’t have brought Taylor into

the picture at all. Sonia was the one who had lured Taylor’s greed out of its shell. Even though Sonia and Zane were responsible for this matter, Taylor was at fault as well.

In the past, Taylor had promised to work well with them, and she had willingly agreed to their terms. They hadn’t forced her to do anything. So, it was Taylor’s duty to obey their rules without being distracted by other desires. Yet, Taylor had failed to keep her end of the deal and attacked them instead. Naturally, they couldn’t let Taylor off so easily—they had to make her suffer in return and teach her a lesson. They wanted Taylor to know that they had the power to bring her into their circle, but that they also had the power to kick her out of it.

“That’s exactly my plan. Okay, I’m about to reach the Careys’ village. I’ll talk to you once I’m back.” Zane gazed at the village in front of him as he spoke into the phone.

“Okay. Stay safe,” Sonia replied. Once their call was over, Wanda came over with a glass of milk. “Have some milk, Miss Reed.”

“Thanks, Wanda.” Sonia beamed as she took the milk from Wanda.

Right then, the doorbell rang. Wanda turned to glance at the door. “I’ll get it, Miss Reed.”

“Okay. Thanks, Wanda.” Sonia nodded.

Wanda hurried over to open the door, and she found Charles standing outside with a bag of mangoes in his hand. There was some confusion on his handsome face when he saw Wanda. “Who are you?”

Wanda’s gaze flickered for a moment before she gave him a smile. “Hello, Mr. Lane. I’m Miss Reed’s caregiver.”

“Her caregiver?” Charles exclaimed in surprise. He hurried into the house to find Sonia on the couch. “Baby, did you find this caregiver on your own? What happened to the caregiver I arranged for you? Why

didn’t you use her instead?”

Sonia can’t see anything, so she probably can’t tell if she has gotten a good or bad caregiver. If that’s the case, why did she find a new caregiver for herself? Was the one that I hired not good enough? Charles wondered.

Sonia was about to take a sip of her milk, but her movements came to a halt when she heard what Charles said. She raised her head and stared in his direction puzzledly, then said, “What did you just say, Charles? Isn’t Wanda the caregiver you hired for me?”

“Me?” Charles pointed at himself before staring at Wanda. He quickly shook his head. “Of course not. The caregiver I hired was someone else.”

“It’s not her?” Sonia froze. So, Charles isn’t the one who hired Wanda. Where did Wanda come from, then? Sonia knitted her brows.

Charles, on the other hand, gave Wanda a sharp glare. He was about to ask for Wanda’s details when Wanda took the initiative to speak with a smile on her face.

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