Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Toby’s Cufflink

The call was from Teddy. He called to tell her about Melody’s confession. Even though Sonia had already guessed that Melody was the accomplice last night, hearing the confirmation still stoked the flames of fury within her. Melody is a dunce! She’s going to ruin everything for all of us! Her own family’s going to be dragged into this if the public finds out she’s Tina’s accomplice!

“Miss Reed? Miss Reed?” Teddy was worried that Sonia wasn’t talking, so he asked, “Are you still there, Miss Reed?”

“I am.” She snapped out of it and took a deep breath to hold her rage down. “Mr. Olsen, did Melody tell you where Tina went?”

“No.” Teddy shook his head. “She said they went their own ways after the switcheroo was done. Not even she knows where Tina is right now.”

“Are you sure she didn’t lie?” Sonia frowned.

Teddy answered, “We’ve used a lie detector on her, and she didn’t lie. She doesn’t know where Tina is.”

Sonia bit her lip. If Melody doesn’t know where Tina is, that means that woman must be hiding somewhere right now. Question is, where is she hiding?

As if knowing what Sonia was thinking, Teddy said again, “Don’t worry, Miss Reed. My boss has approved and issued an arrest warrant for Tina. I believe we’ll recapture her soon.”

“I trust that you will do your job, Mr. Olsen.” Sonia forced a smile. Then she asked him a few things about Melody before hanging up. Sonia tossed her phone aside and sat on the bed, starting to think about how she got back the night before.

She remembered falling asleep in Toby’s car, but she couldn’t recall how she came back to her home, much less ending up on her own bed. Obviously, she didn’t come back on her own, since she had no habit of sleepwalking. Toby must have taken me back, but his arm is still hurt, so how on earth did he manage?

She was still trying to figure it out, but the sound of the doorbell ringing broke her train of thoughts. She frowned and went out of her bedroom. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, babe,” Charles said, his voice slightly muffled by the door in his way.

Sonia smiled and opened the door. “What brings you here?”

“Tina’s suicide. What else?” Charles came in and changed into a pair of slippers.

Sonia closed the door. “Tina’s case? I thought I told you last night—”

After he changed into the slippers, Charles stood up and looked at her solemnly. “What I’m about to tell you is going to be a shock, babe. You have to promise me you will stay calm after hearing it.”

Sonia nodded. “I promise. What is it?”

“Right. Here’s the news.” Charles looked visibly upset as he told her the news, “Tina’s not dead. She’s not the one who jumped off the building last night.”

Sonia was surprised he knew that. “How did you know about that?” Did the police make this public already? Impossible. They wouldn’t do that. Their rep would take a hit if they did, and the public would start to worry. They would never tell anyone about it.

“I heard the guys talking about it,” Charles answered.

“The guys?” Sonia frowned.

Charles grunted. “Yeah. The whole circle knows about Tina’s suicide, then this morning, someone told us the one who died was Tina’s stand-in instead of her. It got me worried, so I snooped around and found out that the rumor’s real. Melody helped her escape.”

The police might have kept the news under wraps, but it was easy for those in the upper society to find out. However, they must never tell anyone about it either. “You seem calm, babe. Isn’t this shocking to you?” Charles asked curiously. He realized Sonia didn’t look shocked at all. Instead, she was frowning pensively.

Sonia told him the truth. “Because I got the news last night.”

“You got the news last night?” Charles raised his voice.

Sonia nodded. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me last night then?” Charles felt sad to be left out.

Sonia massaged her temples. “I wanted to, but I was under a confidentiality clause. Besides, I would have told you in due time, but then you went and found out about the truth yourself.”

“Fine. I forgive you, but babe, we don’t know where Tina is hiding right now. I’m sure she’ll get back at you, so be careful until she’s arrested, alright?” Charles said, sounding worried.

Sonia chuckled. “I know, don’t worry about it. Have a seat and give me a moment. I’ll wash up and get changed.”

“Okay.” Charles waved her away.

Sonia went back to her room to get changed, but she paused for a moment when she saw the accessories hanging on the table. Then, she realized she had forgotten to give them back to Toby. I’ll just take them with me and ask someone to send it back to him later.

After she changed, she bent over to take the accessories, but she saw something from the corner of her eye, and it petrified her. That is… Sonia quickly put the accessories down and picked up the glinting curio lying on the sheets.

“A cufflink!” Sonia held it up and took a look. She could tell that it belonged on a man’s suit, and it was made out of an expensive blue diamond. The only person she knew who could afford a blue diamond cufflink was none other than Toby. So this is his cufflink. But why is it lying on the bed? And in the middle of it too.

If he dropped this by accident, it would have fallen onto the ground, not the bed. But now it’s in the middle of it. Her eyes widened in shock, and she gripped the cufflink tightly as a ludicrous idea hit her. Did he actually stay for the night?

The mere possibility of that happening spurred her to check the bed. When she saw the caved-in pillow, her face turned red. That pervert!

Sonia was sure Toby didn’t leave the night before. He had stayed here and even slept beside her. He’s getting ahead of himself. I only said I wouldn’t reject his advances. I know I said I’d give him a chance, but that doesn’t mean he can sleep with me anytime he wants.

Sonia might look angry, but she didn’t feel the least bit furious. In fact, she thought it was amusing. Give him an inch, and he’ll take a mile. Toby embodies that adage, huh?

“Did you get breakfast, babe?” Charles asked her, his voice echoing a little.

Sonia put the accessory down and went to the door. “No, I didn’t.” She opened the door.

“You didn’t? Then where did this come from?” Charles opened the bag.

Sonia put the accessory into a box and went to take a look at the mysterious breakfast. Once she saw it, she realized what was going on. Sonia was about to answer, but Charles said, “Hey, there’s a slip of

paper here too.”

A slip of paper? Sonia was stunned, but only for a moment. She quickly put the box down and went over to snatch the paper away from Charles. “You can’t read this.” She knew who bought the breakfast for her. It’s Toby, alright. He must have left this for me. She didn’t know what he had written. If it’s some mushy stuff, it’d be awkward if Charles reads it.


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