Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Chapter 618

Chapter 618 Toby’s Excuse

Toby seemed to realize what Sonia had planned to do. A flicker of emotion appeared in his eyes before he lowered his head.

Then, she placed the towel on his head and gently dried his hair.

Sure enough, I was right. She was going to dry my hair.

A surge of joy warmed up his heart.

However, he quickly raised his head and grabbed her hand. “It’s okay. You should dry your own hair first. It’s not good to keep it damp for a long time.”

Sonia felt touched that he was worried about her getting a cold if she did not dry her hair soon enough.

She retracted her hand from his grip and shook her head. “I’m fine. My hair is not that wet—it can wait. Your hair is much wetter than mine, so you should dry yours first.”

When Toby had been shielding her from the rain earlier, the umbrella was mostly tilted to her side. As a result, his body and hair were damp from the rain.

Meanwhile, Sonia was only in the rain for a short moment. Since she had an umbrella above her most of the time, she wasn’t affected much by the rain.

Hence, compared to her, it was more important for Toby to dry himself first.

Seeing that Sonia had insisted on drying him first, he chuckled in a low voice. “Alright, alright. I’ll dry myself, but I can do it on my own.”

“Let me do it for you.” Sonia seriously looked at him. “You have done a lot for me all this time, so I’d like to do something for you in return. After all, I can’t let you do all the work while I sit around and do nothing. This is not fair to you.”

In a relationship, we should be understanding and learn how to give and take.

If there’s only one person giving all the time, the relationship won’t last long.

Since she had already decided to reconcile with him, she naturally wanted to be in this long-term relationship with him.

Hence, she knew that she should learn how to maintain their relationship.

After hearing her words, Toby’s eyes slightly widened as he looked dazed.

When Sonia saw this, she waved in front of him. “What are you thinking?”

Toby’s eyes flickered as he returned to his senses. With a brighter smile, he replied, “I’m fine. Sonia, I’m very happy to hear that.”

“Since you are happy about it, lower your head, please.” She rolled her eyes at him.

Toby hummed in agreement as he obediently lowered his head.

Sonia placed her hands on his head and continued to dry his hair.

Her movements were so gentle that he did not feel any discomfort at all and enjoyed the experience instead.

As he was unable to stop himself, he stretched out with his hand to hug her waist. Then, he leaned against her shoulders so that it would be easier for her to dry his head since she didn’t have to constantly lift her arms that might tire her out.

It was obvious that Sonia did not expect Toby to hug her. She paused her movements before shoving his shoulders. “Let me go. Don’t take advantage of this.”

I only offered to dry his hair, not for him to hug me. He better not think that I don’t know that he’s doing this on purpose.

Toby did not take her instructions and instead tightened his hug around her. As her fragrance entered his sense of smell, he spoke in a hoarse voice, “No, let me hug you for a while more. I’m getting light- headed.”

“You’re light-headed?” Sonia’s facial features immediately froze when she heard his excuse.

She stopped her movements and lifted his head so that she could touch his forehead to check whether he was having a fever.

However, Toby did not have a fever; it was simply an excuse for him to lay in her embrace.

Hence, he would not let her touch his forehead; otherwise, his lie would be exposed.

As he thought about this, Toby released his grip around her waist to grab her hands mid-air. He explained after a slight couch, “Alright, I’m feeling better now. I was feeling a little light-headed earlier, but it’s much better after a short while.”

“Oh?” Sonia’s eyes narrowed as she appraised her handsome face. Seeing the twinkle in his eyes, she understood that he was merely putting on a pretense earlier. This fellow!

She gritted her teeth.

Fine. He even dares to lie to take advantage of me now!

Feeling her tension, Toby knew that his lie was exposed and lowered his head on her shoulders with guilt as he did not dare to look at her.

Sonia had never seen him behave in such a way, so she felt amused and annoyed at the same time.

Forget it. It’s rare to see him in this way. I’ll let it slide this time, she thought after softening her stance.

However, in the next moment, she roughly dried his head.

Toby let out a groan of pain as he felt that his hair was almost uprooted by her.

He knew that she was taking revenge on his lie just now and deliberately torturing him.

However, he was not mad at her at all.

Instead, he was even happy about it because it showed that she was willing to tease him now. Based on this pace, it’s not going to take long for her to be intimate with me.

Thinking about this, Toby could not resist smiling.

Sonia’s slight annoyance did not last long. After messing around with his hair, she regained her calm self and continued to dry his hair in a normal manner.

Toby leaned against her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her waist as he enjoyed her service.

Perhaps it was too comfortable that he actually and gradually fell asleep on her shoulders.

When Sonia heard him snoring, she stopped and lowered her head to look at him.

Her facial features softened when she saw his closed eyes and heard his even breathing. He actually fell asleep.

“Daphne,” Sonia softly called to Daphne, who was driving, after placing the towel aside.

As Daphne was constantly monitoring the situation behind her, she understood the reason for Sonia’s soft voice.

Hence, she also replied in a voice slightly above a whisper, “Chairman Reed, what can I help with?”

“Turn up the heater.” Sonia eyed the navigation screen of the Maybach.

Toby had fallen asleep, but there was nothing in the car that could cover him. Hence, the heater had to be turned up; otherwise, he could easily catch a cold.

“Got it, Chairman.” Knowing that Sonia’s request was purely because of Toby, Daphne smiled and turned up the heater.

Soon, the temperature in the car increased.

To be honest, the high temperature was rather uncomfortable for people who were awake in the car.

Nevertheless, Sonia was willing to endure it for Toby’s sake.

At the same time, in order not to wake Toby up, she also didn’t call Tim and instead texted him to inform him about Jessica.

At this moment, Daphne suddenly remembered something important and glanced at the rearview mirror. “By the way, where are we going, Chairman Reed? Are we sending President Fuller back?”

Sonia shot a glance at Toby and shook her head. “No. We are going back to the Bayside Residence.”

I’ve promised to make a meal for him, so it’s better to go back to my place.

After hearing Sonia’s reply, Daphne smiled meaningfully as she nodded. “Got it.”

Sonia could tell that she had misunderstood them, but she did not explain herself, for there was no need to do so.

After all, Daphne must have guessed what her relationship with Toby was.

Since that was the case, there was no need for any further explanation as Daphne would have already seen Toby often visiting her and vice versa.

None of them spoke in the car until they arrived an hour later.

After Daphne parked the car and unbuckled her seat belt, she turned around to speak to Sonia. “Chairman Reed, do you need my help to carry President Fuller upstairs?”


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