Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Chapter 625

Chapter 625 Toby’s Flaunting

Forget it, Sonia thought at this point. I’ll allow him to stay since he’s so tired, but I’ll deal with him once he wakes up tomorrow.

Yes, that’s how kind she was!

After she removed her hand from Toby’s back, she rested it behind her head and closed her eyes once more.

Now that she knew she was being held down by a familiar person rather than a strange object, she relaxed enough to soon fall asleep again.

Moreover, after she fell asleep, she even subconsciously shrank back into his embrace, nuzzling the back of her head against his chest until she found a comfortable position before finally settling.

The night passed gradually.

The next morning, as dawn broke, Toby woke up and opened his eyes.

Although the room was still dim, he could more or less see now.

At this point, he lowered his head to look tenderly at the woman sound asleep in his arms.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had to get up and leave the room now, he wouldn’t go. Oh, how he wished he could stay there until she woke up in his arms and they could wash up and have breakfast together.

Even thinking about it now made him understand that those days would be glorious.

Yet, they couldn’t happen. At least, it wouldn’t happen right now.

He still had to resist!

After peering down at Sonia’s quietly sleeping visage, Toby lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her cheek before pulling back the covers to get out of bed and leave the room.

He left so silently that it was as if he never entered.

Yet, what he didn’t know was that he had already been discovered the previous night.

Right after leaving her room, he returned to the living room and lay on the couch as he had done so previously before making a call to Tom to have Tom deliver some clothes and breakfast.

Ever since Tom had figured out last night that Toby was staying at Sonia’s, he was already aware that Toby would contact him in the morning.

Thus, in order to wait for Toby’s phone call, he had taken the initiative to arise much earlier in the morning instead of sleeping in until his usual time for waking up.

Sure enough, not long after he woke up, the phone rang right on cue.

After making the call, Toby went to the bathroom to wash up.

When he emerged after finishing up, he found Sonia sitting on the couch and staring gravely at him.

Her heavy gaze made him feel inexplicably guilty.

While walking to the armchair opposite her, he slowed down before pouring her a cup of water and asked, “Why are you up so early?”

Instead of taking the proffered cup, Sonia crossed her arms and continued to glare at him with an air of wanting to get even.

And just like that, the sense of foreboding in Toby’s heart increased.

As his eyes flashed, he asked tentatively, “What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?”

She surely couldn’t have found out that he sneaked into her room last night, could she?

That was impossible! She was already asleep by the time he went in and by the time he exited her room, she was not yet awake. When he left, he even made sure to remove all traces of himself. As such, she couldn’t have known about his presence.

Hence, she had to be glaring at him for another reason!

The thought soothed Toby’s unease.

Yet, in the next second, Sonia’s words were enough to send the heart that he had calmed moments ago into his throat again.

Crossing her legs, Sonia gave the intentionally casual man in front of her a cold smile before asking slowly, “Did you go into my room last night?”

As his pupils shrank and his spine stiffened, his heart began to race.

So, she knew after all!

How could she have found out?

Lowering his gaze, Toby racked his brain for a way to gloss over the situation.

However, since Sonia could plainly read his intentions on his face, she couldn’t help rolling her eyes and saying, “Enough. Don’t try and search for a way to deny the accusation. I already found you in my bed last night when I woke up in the middle of the night.”

The words instantly made his expression change.

So, that was how she found out—she had woken up in the middle of the night.

It looked like he had no way of evading the truth any longer.

Even Toby had the decency to blush when his action of sneaking into her bed had been discovered. After glancing at her, he coughed lightly, “I’m sorry.”

Sonia uncrossed her legs. “Tell me why you sneaked into my room last night then.”

“I didn’t want to sleep on the couch,” Toby replied after sitting opposite her.

She raised her eyebrow. “So, because you didn’t want to sleep on the couch, you thought you could enter my room and take my bed from me?”

“I didn’t go and snatch your bed,” he answered earnestly, looking at her.

Narrowing her eyes at him, she asked, “Why else would you sneak into my room and sleep in my bed?”

“I. Wanted. To. Sleep. With. You,” he emphasized confidently, straightening up.

Sonia’s eyes widened. “You…”

She clearly hadn’t expected that his true aim was not to sleep in the bed but with her!

Instantly, she reddened with amusement and exasperation.

Then, Toby continued, “I knew you wouldn’t agree to it, so I—”

“So, you sneaked in.” Sonia looked at him in astonishment.

Pursing his lips, he mumbled, “That was the only way I could stay.”

A speechless Sonia stared at him as the corners of her mouth twitched.

Very well, he was changing her perception of him once again.

At first, she thought he was already showing some truly astonishing changes by becoming bolder in his speech.

However, it was only now that she knew it was nothing in comparison to sneaking into her room and climbing into her bed.

Who knew what even more shocking things he could do in the future?

Perhaps she wouldn’t even be surprised any longer by then.

“Are you mad at me, Sonia?” Toby asked, peeking at her with his head lowered.

In response, Sonia rubbed her temples and rolled her eyes at him. “What do you think?”

“I don’t think you’re mad,” he answered with a sparkle in his eyes.

She probed in doubt, “Why don’t you think so?”

With that, Toby’s lips curled into a smug smile. “If you were mad, why didn’t you kick me out of the room when you discovered me last night? You allowed me to stay instead, so you can’t be mad at me since you acquiesced to letting me stay.”

Sonia’s expression changed just like that. She never thought he would have guessed the truth.

Of course, that didn’t mean she wasn’t somewhat annoyed to have her thoughts read by him.

As she stood up, she pointed at the door and shouted with a red face, “Who acquiesced? I was only too lazy to move because I was exhausted! Stop making up stories for yourself and get lost!”

Then, she stalked back to her room and slammed the door after her.

Her behavior only made Toby chuckle.

After all, she told him to leave only for her to leave first.

Ding dong!

Right then, the doorbell in the entranceway rang.

Guessing that it was likely Tom, he smoothed his wrinkled pajamas and walked to the entranceway to open the door.

Sure enough, it was Tom standing outside.

There were two bags in his hands, but before he could pass them over, he couldn’t help exclaim in astonishment at Toby’s pajamas, “Did you buy a set of pajamas just to stay at Miss Reed’s place, President Fuller?”

Snorting at his assistant, Toby boasted without concealing the pride in his voice, “I didn’t buy them. Sonia bought them for me.”

Upon saying that, he gave Tom a side-eye.

The corners of Tom’s mouth twitched because for some reason, he felt that Toby was judging him for being single. Maybe I’m mistaken? President Fuller wouldn’t make fun of me like that.

Seeing Tom at the entranceway spacing out, Toby couldn’t help frowning as he asked, “Why are you dumbly standing there? Where are the things I asked for?”

Now that Tom returned to his senses, he passed the two bags over. “Here.”

Grunting in reply, Toby accepted the bags before slamming the door shut.


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