Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752 Wild Imaginations

Oh really? Did Toby buy Plan B? Sonia’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes staring at the paper bag like sharp blades as she wondered what was within.

However, Toby was still not aware of Sonia’s disturbed feelings due to her unobvious expression. Soon, he emptied the paper bag by taking every single item out of it, including some gauze, cotton wool, iodophor, and alcohol, which were mostly sterilization agents. Although there was nothing else besides those few things, Sonia skeptically reached for the bag to take a closer look and realized there was nothing else inside. After confirming the bag was empty, she heaved a sigh of relief.

In the meantime, Toby knitted his eyebrows when he noticed her relieved look. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Sonia smiled and shook her head, feeling a little guilty at the same time. Deep down, she reckoned she had wronged his kind intentions, thinking he had bought morning-after pills. “I’m sorry.” The lady suddenly apologized to the man.

“What’s with the sudden apology?” Toby frowned in confusion.

Sonia smiled without any intention of hiding her feelings. “I thought the medicine you told your men to buy was morning-after pills, so…” She didn’t finish her sentence because it was self-explanatory.

“Do you seriously think I’d let you take that kind of medicine?” Toby pursed his lips.

Sensing the anger in Toby’s tone, Sonia guiltily kept her head down. “Well, you can’t blame me for thinking that way. Of all the times you could ask them to go to the drugstore, you chose now, so how was I supposed to not misunderstand?”

“You!” Toby poked her forehead with his finger. “Why can’t you just have a little faith in me? Do you know I wish for you to get pregnant? Because then we’ll be able to register ourselves as legal spouses, so why would I let you take something like that? Furthermore, they are harmful to your health, and I would never do that unless I’m out of my mind.”

Sonia fixed her gaze on the man and gently tugged his sleeves. “I’m sorry. This is my bad. I didn’t know what your stance was about pregnancy, so I kind of got a little sensitive about that. Now that you’ve told me about your stance, I swear I’ll put a stop to my wild imaginations.”

It was then Toby finally relaxed his eyebrows and hugged her in his arms. “I should apologize to you as well. I should have told you how I felt about pregnancy, but I let your wild imaginations get the better of you because I didn’t do that. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. We’re both in the wrong, so why don’t we consider this even?” Sonia shook her head and gazed at the man.

Toby looked back at her with a smile, amused by her reaction. “Are you going to be upset if I disagree with you?”

“Of course.” Sonia jutted her chin.

Toby then gently bit her chin and replied, “Alright, I want you to be happy, so we’re even.”

“Hey! What’re you doing?” Sonia rubbed her chin, glaring at Toby, who laughed out loud happily and carried her in his arms.

Startled, Sonia wrapped her arms around the man’s neck while Toby carried her and walked toward the bedroom. Upon arrival, he put her down on the bed and set his eyes on the gel she was holding. “Would you like me to help you with it?”

“No, I don’t need your help. I can handle it myself.” Sonia was irritated, her face blushing in embarrassment.

Is he kidding me? How can I let him help me apply this gel… down there? We might have had the most intimate moment together, and he has certainly seen every part of me, but what happens now is another story. I mustn’t let him see or touch that part of me again! Who knows his urges could get the better of him anytime? I’d be at a disadvantage by then.

Despite knowing that Sonia would reject him, Toby still intentionally asked her that question to pull her leg. “Alright, do it yourself then. I’ll step outside now.” Toby fixed his clothes after putting her down and left the room.

“Hold on.” Sonia suddenly called out to Toby.

“What’s the matter?” Toby stopped in his tracks and looked back.

“Lie down on your belly.” Sonia patted the empty space beside her.

Toby raised his eyebrows with a smile. “What’s wrong? What’re you going to do to me?”

Upon hearing his question, Sonia rolled her eyes upward in response. “Can you stop thinking about those dirty thoughts, Toby? I wonder what else is on your mind.”

What is he expecting me to do to him? I’m sore from head to toe, so unless I’m going crazy, I’m not doing anything out of the ordinary to him.

Meanwhile, Toby knew he had crossed the line with his joke, so he rubbed his nose and faked a cough. “Okay. Okay, I’ll knock it off right now.”

“Good. Lie down on your belly then.” Sonia patted the space next to her once more.

Although Toby had no idea what Sonia wanted to do to him, he still listened to her and did as told. After all, he reckoned he should listen to Sonia, whom he had long treated as his wife. Thus, he obediently lay down on his belly, right where Sonia patted.

“Take off your shirt.” Sonia grabbed the iodophor and looked at Toby’s shirt. Due to the heater in the house, the man only wore a shirt without his vest. So when he heard the lady telling him to take off his shirt, his eyes brightened up with excitement.

However, when he looked back, he realized he had gotten carried away upon noticing what the lady was holding. It turned out that Sonia only wanted to apply the medicine to his back. At the thought of that, a regretful look flashed across Toby’s face before it disappeared. Then, he did as Sonia told and took off his shirt, revealing his upper body.

Thanks to Toby’s disciplined workout routine, the days he had spent in the gym had rewarded him with an attractive physique, which included his eight-pack abdomen that looked like a piece of chocolate bar.

While it was nice to touch, Sonia remembered that she had touched it more than once the night before. At the thought of that, she subconsciously shifted her gaze to Toby’s abdomen, but unfortunately, the man immediately lay down on his belly right after he took off his shirt, hiding his muscular abdomen. In that instant, she could only see the silhouette of his physique but not the muscles, let alone touch them. Alas!

As a regretful look flashed across Sonia’s face, she bitterly went ahead to sterilize the wounds on Toby’s back with the alcohol and the anti-inflammatory medicine. After all, she understood that the wounds

could lead to inflammation if they continued to be covered underneath the man’s shirt without medicine for a long period of time. “I’m going to put some medicine on your back now, so please bear with the pain.” Sonia turned around slightly, speaking to the man who was lying on the bed.

“I will. You may start now.” The man closed his eyes.

Sonia replied with an affirmative hum and began to do what she was going to do. Since the alcohol could irritate fresh wounds, Toby moaned and shivered in pain the moment it came into contact with his wound. At the same time, Sonia paused and peeked at Toby, realizing he hadn’t opened his eyes at all. In the meantime, he furrowed his eyebrows a lot tighter, with sweat covering his forehead.

Oh my gosh! It looks like this really hurts him a lot. Staring at the scratch marks all over his back, Sonia felt a pang of guilt because she was the one who inflicted those wounds on him.

Then, Sonia took a look at her own long fingernails, wondering whether she should find time to trim them instead of keeping them so that she wouldn’t hurt him with her scratches again. After a brief moment of contemplation, she decided to concentrate on treating Toby’s wound and put the idea at the back of her mind as she continued to sterilize the man’s wounds.

After more than ten minutes, the sterilization process was finally over. Then, when Sonia looked at Toby once again, she noticed his pale face, which implied how painful it was to him throughout the process. Thus, she sympathetically wiped the sweat on his face with her sleeves and said, “Alright, the sterilization is done, so I’m going to apply the gel on you now, and it won’t hurt anymore.”


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