Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 777

Chapter 777

Chapter 777

Chapter 777 The Naggy Toby

Toby smirked and said, “Well, this amount of money doesn’t even matter to me, so it’s not wasted.”

Sonia rolled her eyes after hearing his reply. Fine, we’re back to the fact that you’re wealthy again, she thought.

She would have suspected he was bragging about his wealth if not for the fact that she understood what he really meant.

An amused Sonia was also rendered speechless at the same time. “Okay, I know that you’re rich. Go to your meeting now. Look, even Tom has left.”

Toby hummed in acknowledgment. “Alright, I’ll head over then. You should stay here. If you don’t feel like taking a nap, you can walk around all the departments, or look for any secretary to have a chat with you. You can also ask the secretary to bring you more food and drinks if you want more,” he reminded her.

After hearing him nag, she couldn’t help but stop him and interrupt, “I know. I will make myself at home here. You seem to have forgotten what I’ve just said: that you don’t need to arrange everything for me. You were so persistent that I almost thought you were possessed. The Toby I knew was not like this.”

Nevertheless, Toby pursed his lips and looked at her. “I’m still worried about you.”

“What are you worrying about? I’m not a child. Just go.” Sonia grinned while getting out of his arms. Then, she turned him around and pushed him toward the exit of the office.

And of course, he cooperated with her and walked forward. If not, she wouldn’t have been able to push him in light of his sturdy build.

This playful scene was nothing more than a sweet game between the couple where one would make a fuss while the other pampered her by satisfying her every whim.

She pushed him out of the office, then took out a decorative handkerchief from his front pocket.

Toby didn’t understand her purpose for doing so, but the next second, he saw Sonia waving the handkerchief while saying, “Just go to your meeting. Don’t make them wait any longer. I’ll be waiting in the office for you to return.”

She promised to accompany him to work today and she naturally wouldn’t leave.

When Toby saw what she was doing, he couldn’t help but laugh lightly. He could tell she was waving him off.

This was the first time he had seen such a way of saying goodbye and he liked it.

As long as it was Sonia sending him off, he would like it—in whatever way it was done.

“I’ll be back soon.” He nodded and walked away.

However, he had only taken a few steps before he came to a halt.

Sonia stopped waving her hand upon seeing him stop in his tracks. “Why? Did you forget anything?” She tilted her head and asked.

“Yes, indeed,” Toby replied with a nod. Then, he turned around and walked toward her. With only a few steps, he was already standing in front of her.

While she was still looking at him in doubt, he hugged her waist with one hand and used the other hand to raise her chin. Without waiting for her to react, he lowered his head and kissed her red lips.

Sonia was stunned by what he was doing.

When she finally realized what was happening, Toby had already released her, but his hands had remained on his waist and chin.

“Is this what you meant when you said you’d forgotten something?” she asked, with blinking eyes and flushed face while glaring at him at the same time.

Stroking her lips gently, Toby replied with his hoarse and sexy voice, “Yes.”

Sonia blushed even more after hearing his positive response.

He had stopped his steps abruptly earlier and looking from behind him, she could sense his solemnity. When she asked whether he had forgotten anything, his response seemed to indicate that there were some serious issues.

She was under the impression that he had forgotten something important at that time, and she couldn’t help but be nervous too.

Who knew…

He came back just to kiss her!

It was enough to make Sonia feel somewhat annoyed and amused. “Since you’ve done what was forgotten earlier, you can leave now.”

Oh my, she thought. She had been urging him to leave several times and up until now, he was still here.

If this had continued, she was concerned that she would be labeled a vixen if the shareholders of the Fuller Group discovered that she was the reason why he was late for the meeting.

“I’ll leave now then,” Toby replied with his Adam’s apple moving up and down before he took his hand off her waist.

Despite his words, the hand that held her chin did not move an inch. In fact, his eyes seemed to have darkened as he fixed his gaze on her.

Seeing him in this manner, Sonia had a bad feeling. Don’t tell me this guy is going to do something more, she murmured in her heart.

And she was right.

While she was still guessing what he was going to do next, Toby suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips again.

It was a quick peck this time, but its force seemed to be greater than the previous one.

Sonia could even feel a slight tingling pain on her lips and thereafter smacked him. “You bit me? Are you a dog?”

He did give her a peck, but just as he was about to be done, he bit her lips. Or else, she wouldn’t have felt the sting.

Her lips would most likely swell after a while.

However, Sonia’s smack was not something to be easily dismissed too. Toby had also felt pain at the place where she smacked him, but he was not bothered by it. Instead, he laughed as he watched her whine.

Obviously, he was pleased with what he had done!

“Okay, I’ll really leave now.” Releasing her chin, Toby ruffled her hair before turning around to walk toward the elevators.

Sonia touched her hair where he had just ruffled it as she watched him leave.

She could feel that her hair was tangled as a result of his rubbing earlier. “Toby Fuller, you…” she yelled.

Yet, before she could even finish her sentence, Toby had already disappeared into the lift.

As if he sensed her impending rage, he leaped into the elevator as quickly as he could, appearing to be fleeing from something.

“This jerk. He just wants to annoy me.” Seeing what he did, Sonia laughed and her anger disappeared in an instant.

She then continued to grumble while tidying her hair.

After she was done, she turned to walk back to Toby’s office.

His office was huge as it was double the size of hers, which made the place look more like a luxury residence.

There was a resting room and a gym; as if those weren’t lavish enough, he even had a projection room and a swimming pool here.

For the past 6 years, Sonia had never visited the Fuller Group, let alone Toby’s office. That was why she totally had no idea of how his office was.

She had been here twice in her capacity as the chairman of Paradigm Co. after their divorce, but the only place she had been to was the office lobby and she did not step foot in any other places.

Now, she could fully make use of this opportunity to walk around.

After she walked around his office, her only thought was, This guy really knows how to enjoy life.

Her own office was already considered luxurious, but it definitely paled in comparison to his, as if hers were a straw house and his a villa.

After taking a look around, she sat on the couch and drank a sip of black tea before pulling out her phone to make a call to Daphne.

The call was answered within seconds. “Chairman Reed, is President Fuller alright?”

Daphne immediately asked about Toby.

This was because Sonia had told her earlier in the morning that Toby met with an accident and that she wouldn’t be heading into work today to accompany him.

So, it was obvious that Daphne had to ask about President Fuller when Sonia called.

Since they were friends, she had to express her concern about Sonia’s boyfriend; if not, she would appear as uncaring.

Hearing Daphne’s question, Sonia shook her head and answered with a smile, “He’s fine now, and he has been discharged. I’m now in his office.”

“Great.” Daphne felt relieved. “Congrats, Chairman Reed. Good to hear that President Fuller is fine.”

“Thank you.” Sonia gladly accepted Daphne’s congratulations and proceeded to inquire about the company matters. “By the way, I’ve asked you to stand in for me to check on the factory’s renovation. How are things going?”

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