Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

Chapter 862 Like in Purgatory

Toby didn’t care what she was thinking. After he walked into the room, he stood next to a few officers and stared at Anya coldly. ”Do you really not recognize this person?” he repeated.

She shook her head with her eyes closed. ”President Fuller, I’m telling the truth. I really don’t know this man, but I would like to know why you asked me to come to the police station late at night. What is your intention?”

”Ms. Steinfeld, you have been involved in a robbery and the malicious acts that resulted in personal property damage. The damage caused is estimated at about a few million, and this amount is sufficient to classify this matter as a criminal case,” one of the officers answered coldly as he looked at her.

She raised her head in dismay when she heard that. ”What? Robbery? I’m suspected of robbery?”

”That’s correct.” The police officers nodded.

Anya suddenly became agitated by the officer’s words. ”Cut the nonsense. I didn’t rob anyone! Who did I rob?”

”You robbed two of Ms. Reed’s gowns; she is President Fuller’s girlfriend. Based on the statement that Ms. Reed had provided, both of you were in the same designer shop this afternoon where an argument occurred. You attempted to grab the gown that Ms. Reed had reserved but failed to do so. Therefore, we have reason to suspect that you held a grudge against her, so when Ms. Reed left the shopping mall, you got someone to snatch the dress from her. That person is the man in this picture.”

”No, I’ve not done anything like that.” Anya was so anxious that her eyes turned red as she tried to defend herself. ”I don’t even know this person. I admit that I met with Ms. Reed in the designer shop, and

there was an argument, but I’ll never get someone to snatch the gown from her. I’m just a normal person, unlike Ms. Reed, who is the president of a corporation and the girlfriend of President Fuller. I don’t have the guts to snatch her things. Doing so would be akin to digging my own grave.”

”This…” The officer didn’t know what to say because she was right about one thing.

It was true that those who knew about Sonia’s identity would not do such a thing since doing so would be asking for trouble.

Usually, those who were in their right mind wouldn’t have done that.

Maybe it was really not her doing?

A gleam flashed across Anya’s eyes as she saw how the officers became hesitant about her committing the crime before she broke into a smile.

Soon after, her smile froze on her face when she heard something unbelievable.

It was because Toby had started talking, and his tone was as cold as always, making her tremble in fear. ”Even when you knew that Sonia was my girlfriend, you dared to provoke her and tried to break us up. And now you’re saying you don’t have the guts to hire someone to snatch her things?”

Immediately, her face turned pale. She stared at him and asked, ”President Fuller, you don’t believe me?”

”Who are you to me? Why should I believe in you?” he replied with narrowed eyes.

Anya stuttered, ”I-I-”

”That’s enough. You can stop with false claims. I have evidence that you’re the perpetrator of this crime.” Toby interrupted her impatiently.

As soon as Anya heard the word ‘evidence’, her face twisted in shock.

On the other hand, the officers were happy when they heard that.

One of the officers even asked in delight, ”President Fuller, you have evidence?”

Now that they had the evidence, the case could be solved quickly, which was good news for the officers.

Since this case involved the loss of personal properties worth millions, it would not be beneficial for the officers if they dragged out the case and left it unsolved for too long.

Anya, who was seated in her wheelchair, looked solemn when she heard the police officers’ conversation. A trace of panic could be seen in her eyes as she clenched her hands into fists under the table.

Toby has evidence? That’s impossible!

Anya doubted it, but she thought that there was such a possibility because he would not have said those words if he did not have the evidence.

Toby lowered his head and gazed at the straight-faced Anya. Then, he took his phone out and played a voice recording.

That was the recording of the man in the trial room confessing to his crime.

Toby recorded it for moments like this because he had expected Anya to deny her wrongdoings.

So, he took out the recording and played it for everyone to hear. It would save time and effort trying to get her into custody that way.

As Anya listened to the recording of the man and Sonia’s conversation, her expression turned pallid.

When the recording ended, Anya immediately screamed, ”That’s fake. I don’t even know that man. How could he say that I hired him? You guys must have bribed him to accuse me!”

A few of the officers kept quiet and frowned. Then, they stared at her while deep in thought.

Toby then pulled out a chair and sat down with his legs crossed. He expressionlessly questioned her, ”Accuse you? What makes you think that you are worth accusing?”

As her gaze flickered, she replied, ”Is it because I offended Ms. Reed at the designer shop, which is why you guys came up with the recording to scheme against me. You—”

”Use a few million to get revenge on you?” Toby interrupted.

Anya bit her lip when she heard that. ”Both of you are rich, so a few million is nothing to you…”

”A few million is indeed nothing to us, but we wouldn’t purposely use it to accuse you because you don’t deserve it!”

”You…” She looked at him with a twisted look on her face.

He actually said that she didn’t deserve it?

Toby didn’t have the right to say that to her since she was the one who saved his life!

However, Anya couldn’t reveal it, or else she would be exposed.

”Even though it’s just a few million, it was still the result of Sonia and I working our butts off to earn that amount of money. Therefore, you are not deserving of us to simply accuse you by wasting our hard- earned money. That would be an insult to us. Also, you mentioned that we are seeking revenge from you because you offended Sonia in the shop. Since you are aware that a minor fault might lead to

vengeance, in that case, our suspicion of you snatching Sonia’s gown to get revenge on her for not giving you what you wanted is valid.”

Anya was lost for words, and her facial expression turned grim when she heard his arguments against her.

Toby continued as he lifted the phone in his hand, ”You also mentioned that you don’t know this man. If that’s the case, how would he know your facial features? How could he have known that you were in a wheelchair? Does he possess any supernatural abilities? Of course, you can suspect that Sonia and I had colluded with him, but there were cameras in the interrogation room which had recorded our whole conversation. The answer to whether we have conspired with him could be revealed with the recording, but I can guarantee you that we did not.”

As he spoke, he gave one of the police officers a look.

With a nod, the officer replied, ”I’ll retrieve the recording.”

With that, he started tapping on the keyboard. The next moment, the video recording appeared on the big screen in the interview room.

The video was ten minutes long, which was the duration where Toby and Sonia were allowed to remain in the room.

Everyone was focusing on the video that was playing on the big screen.

Only Anya felt anxious as her face gradually started paling into a sickly shade.

Toby observed Anya’s reaction instead of watching the video.

As the video continued, his gaze darkened into a terrifying abyss when he noticed how distressed she was.

She could feel his gaze on her, and their eyes met when she looked up.

At that instant, she felt an invisible force seizing her soul, and it was suffocating.

Just that one glance was enough to show her a glimpse of purgatory.

He’s terrifying! Oh, God, he’s scary!

As she trembled, she quickly looked down as she feared to make any eye contact with him.


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