Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 868

Chapter 868

Chapter 868

Chapter 868 It Is Not Easy to Coax a Jealous Man

Sonia immediately took Toby’s advice seriously when she heard what he said and nodded in response. “Okay, don’t worry. I will.”

There was no way she would have met Connor before he did.

Toby had no idea how Connor was or whether he was a good or bad person.

So, for her safety, if he really reached out to her, she would have to tell Toby.

She shouldn’t try to act tough when it came to such a dangerous man, after all.

After that, the two stopped talking. Sonia quietly ate her breakfast with Toby by her side, who occasionally fed her food.

As he watched her cheeks swelling like a chipmunk while she ate, his gaze darkened, and he understood at this moment why people would rear pets.

“What are you thinking of?” She felt his gaze on him, and she turned to narrow her beautiful almond- shaped eyes and stared at the man suspiciously before adding, “I feel like you’re always having inappropriate thoughts.”

When he heard her somewhat accurate accusations, he froze before quickly pushing his thoughts aside and replying calmly, “What? You’re overthinking again. Quickly eat up, or it’ll go cold.”

This made Sonia roll her eyes.

What did he mean by it would go cold?

Her food was still piping hot.

Then, she noticed how Toby had immediately changed the subject after what she said.

Because of this, she knew that he was caught red-handed.

She knew that he must be having inappropriate thoughts about her as he stared her down, like a lion hunting down its prey.

After all, it wasn’t like Toby hadn’t acted on it before.

As Sonia thought about this, she felt her face turn red, and she quickly lowered her head a little to not let him discover what she was thinking at the moment.

Otherwise, he would take advantage of the situation and say that since she must have wanted it as she was thinking about it, thus, he might as well make it a reality.

In short, Toby would undoubtedly hop on this opportunity.

When she thought about the possibility of that happening, she let out a dry cough as she quickly shook her head to abandon those thoughts and focus on finishing her food.

After breakfast, the two went together to head to the police station.

Just as they were on their way over, Sonia received a call from Zane.

Since Tom had requested Zane to come and greet the officials in charge of Anya’s case, it was impossible to keep things a secret from Zane.

He would naturally want to know what had happened to Anya.

Because of that, he had decided to call Sonia to ask.

Toby, who was driving, was furious when he heard Zane’s call.

After all, it was Toby’s men who looked for Zane. As a matter of fact, Zane should ask Tom directly if he wanted to know more about what happened.

However, Zane did not do this. Instead, he bypassed Tom entirely and called Sonia.

It was evident that he was taking this opportunity to talk to her.

His intentions were not a secret to anyone.

If Sonia hadn’t stopped Toby, he would’ve reached out to grab her phone and disconnected the call himself.

Wasn’t Zane’s action of calling his woman in front of him an act of provocation?

Good job, Zane, you’ve successfully pushed my buttons! Toby’s eyes narrowed dangerously as his gaze turned cold.

It seemed like he would have to bring some troubles into Zane’s life to stop him from bothering someone else’s woman.

Toby drove the car gloomily while occasionally glancing at Sonia, who was on the phone, in the passenger seat.

Whenever he saw the phone in her hand, it made him wish that lightning would just strike it and blow it up.

All this while, she could naturally feel the displeasure of the man next to him. So, it wasn’t hard to tell that he was jealous.

Although she was a little annoyed, she found this whole situation hilarious.

It’s just a phone call. So why is he jealous? Whatever, I should start coaxing him before he blows up, Sonia thought to herself.

She shook her head in disbelief before saying a few quick words to Zane and hanging up.

When Toby saw her put her phone away, satisfaction was apparent in his eyes, but his face was still gloomy. “Are you done?”

“Yup,” Sonia answered and nodded.

When he heard this, he couldn’t help but pursed his lips and pressed on, “Why didn’t you talk a while longer?”

Toby’s jealous tone amused Sonia.

This man was already 31 years old, an age that was so close to the midway point of his life, and yet he was behaving like a jealous kid due to a measly phone call.

With this thought in mind, Sonia shook her head and laughed. “If I drag on a little longer, someone might explode.”

A trace of guilt flashed across his eyes as he could tell that she was talking about him, but his face remained indifferent as he mumbled, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Enough, stop pretending.” She patted his thigh helplessly. “It’s just a call, and I didn’t even say much. You heard everything. Why do you have to get so jealous? Get a hold of yourself,” she grumbled while holding back her laughter.

Her words made him pout. “You don’t care about me.”

“What?” She was stunned to hear this. “Did you just say I don’t care about you?”

“Yes.” He nodded seriously.

The corner of her mouth twitched as she replied, “When did I not care about you?”

“I told you not to answer his call, but you did it anyway. This means that you don’t care about me.” He glanced at her, and the look in his eyes was basically screaming, ‘I’m jealous! Make me feel better!’.

Sonia immediately held her head in her hand and whined, “Toby, you’re obviously finding fault in me when there’s nothing to find.”

Then, she glared at him. “How dare you say I don’t care about you! I’ve noticed how you’ve turned green with envy when I was on the phone. I wouldn’t have hung up the call so quickly if I wasn’t concerned about you and how you might burst from jealousy. I didn’t even get to thank Zane yet.”

“Why do you have to thank him?” Toby frowned at her answer.

She rolled her eyes at him and added, “You told Zane to check on the investigation with Anya. Since you don’t want to thank him, I’ll have to thank him for you. This is supposed to be your job, but you’re getting jealous instead.”

When he heard this, he became unreasonable and snorted coldly. “If Zane wants to know the details, he could’ve just called me. Instead, he chose to call you. Obviously, he has no good intentions, and you want me to thank him?!”

There’s no way he would ever thank that guy!

Zane should consider himself lucky that Toby wasn’t going after him!

Sonia was speechless when she saw Toby’s adamant face and shook her head. “What other intentions could he have?”

Finally, he stopped answering.

What could he say? Was he supposed to tell his lover that Zane was trying to hit on her?

He was about to burst into flames just thinking about it. How could he say it out loud?

When she noticed that he was quiet, she did not bother to pry further. Instead, she softly added, “Alright, you don’t have to be jealous anymore. I’m with you now. Nothing is going on between other men and me; it’s just small talk. I was even on loudspeaker and speaking in front of you. So there’s nothing to be jealous about. Besides, there are countless men in this world. Do I have to try and avoid all of them?”

The only way to stop her from engaging with men would be to lock her up.

But would he dare to do so?

Although Toby was a little less tense after hearing what Sonia said, he remained quiet.

As a matter of fact, he knew that nothing was going on between her and the other men.

It was just this particular person that she was talking to. That was because he knew that Zane had other intentions.

Toby wouldn’t have such a big reaction if Sonia were just talking to a random stranger.

From his silence, she had no idea what he was thinking. So, she assumed that he was still jealous, and she sighed before smiling. “Okay, now. Don’t be upset anymore. Look, I’m here to coax you! Once I realized you were jealous, I immediately hung up the phone with Zane. You’re pushing it too far if you continue to be upset. You’ll make me angry.”


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