Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 941

Chapter 941

Chapter 941

Chapter 941 I’ll Give You a Reward Tonight

The netizen who discovered it first thought they had read it wrong. After rubbing their glasses and refreshing the screen to look again, the post that had just been updated was still there. Yes, it was still there!

This netizen was so excited that they didn’t care about the content at all and only wanted to quickly tell everyone that Toby had updated his Facebook. He was someone who was inactive all year round, and his Facebook only had two posts since it was created, with one of those posts being a notification after creating a new account. Hence, it was surprising that he had suddenly posted again. When the netizen was spreading the news, their hands even trembled excitedly while they typed on the keyboard.

Their effort paid off. Soon, the entire internet knew that Toby had posted on his Facebook and it even began trending in the top five searches with the tag ‘Fuller Group’s President’s Facebook Post.’ Clearly, Toby’s popularity did not lose out to those so-called celebrities in the entertainment industry. Even as those celebrities watched as their searches were buried by Toby, they didn’t dare to get angry. After all, Toby was a powerful person, and he would always be on the top.

After Toby’s Facebook began trending, people finally began to pay attention to the content of his Facebook post. It was a short post, with only a brief sentence. ‘Don’t call me that. I’m not your husband. I’m only “Paradigm Co. Sonia’s” husband, and she’s the only one who can call me that. The rest of you should just forget about it. Please be noted!’

This was obviously a warning to everyone, but in the eyes of the netizens, not only did it not make them feel unhappy and uncomfortable, but they began excitedly praising Toby for being a good man. As a result, after being titled as the Nation’s Husband, Toby gained another hilarious title, ‘The Male Standard.’

At the same time, the people who envied Sonia increased. Everyone knew that the netizens only called Toby their husband as a joke and it couldn’t be true, and Toby himself must’ve also known this.

There were many male celebrities in the entertainment industry who were called husbands. Whether they were single, had girlfriends, or married, many would still call them that. The celebrities knew that it was just a joke as well, so they always readily accepted it. They had never come forward like Toby to warn against calling them their husbands, including their girlfriends and wives, because they knew it wasn’t true. However, even though he knew it was a joke, Toby still came forward to tell the netizens not to call him their husband, which was enough to prove how much he loved Sonia.

Even if he knew that Sonia might not care or get angry that the netizens called him by that name, he still cared about her feelings and was afraid that she would be unhappy, so he came forward to ask the netizens to stop and seriously stated that he didn’t like others to call him as their husband, and that he only wanted to hear Sonia call him that. How could a man who was so assertive, dedicated, and so attentive not touch the hearts of the netizens? In an instant, his popularity soared to unprecedented levels, making the celebrities in the entertainment industry extremely jealous.

In Paradigm Co., Sonia still had no idea about the craze Toby had caused on the internet as she was swamped with work at the moment, painstakingly processing the documents from her staff. It wasn’t until Daphne handed her the fund statement she had prepared and told her what happened that Sonia realized what Toby had done.

When she saw what Toby had posted, Sonia was extremely moved and joyful, and her eyes watered. “This guy…”

“Chairman Reed, President Fuller really treats you well,” Daphne said with an envious look as she stood across her desk.

Sonia nodded and clutched her phone tightly. “Yeah. After we got back together, he’s been nothing but kind to me.”

Now, he even warned the netizens on her behalf, which was not something he would have done in the past. But, it was adorable. It was so silly that it was adorable!

“Chairman Reed, President Fuller tagged you and even said all of those heart-fluttering words. Aren’t you going to reply to him?” Daphne urged excitedly as she looked at Sonia’s phone.

Sonia rolled her eyes at her. “You just want to snoop around our relationship, don’t you?”

“Hehe.” Daphne giggled embarrassedly. “You guessed it right, Chairman Reed.”

“Of course I did.” Sonia said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, “Even though you look like a strict and uptight headmaster, you’re just as lively as those young female graduates in the company who like to gossip around.”

Even though she usually wore a serious expression on her face, Daphne couldn’t help but blush as Sonia saw through her true personality.

Sonia flicked her hand. “All right, you can go and focus on your work. You’re affecting me too much by being here, and I don’t even know how to reply to him. If you want to know, you can just look on the internet yourself later.”

Daphne’s eyes brightened. “You’re right, Chairman Reed. In that case, I’ll be leaving first.”

“Go ahead.” Sonia waved her hand.

After Daphne turned around and left, Sonia turned on her phone again and looked at the post Toby had tagged her in, her red lips curling upward slightly.

To be honest, when she saw that the netizens were calling Toby their husband, she was surprised at first, but at the same time, she found it a little funny and even wanted to see what he looked like when he saw so many people calling him their husband. She didn’t know what his reaction would be like. As for her, she truly wasn’t jealous or unhappy. She knew that it was just a joke made by the netizens, and they weren’t taking it seriously. She wasn’t petty enough to start a fight with the netizens for a small issue like this.

However, she didn’t expect that Toby would take it seriously and explain that the netizens were not allowed to call him that way, and even state that he would not be their husband, while she was the only one who could call him that. His behavior truly moved her. Now, people on the internet were probably even more envious of her, especially those women whose husbands were also being named as the netizens’ husbands like her.

Thinking of this, Sonia couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. She then shared Toby’s post and typed a reply. ‘You’re smart. I’ll give you a reward when you come back later at night!’

The moment she sent the post, her face immediately flushed red as she turned her phone off while her heart raced. Her words were very bold and suggestive, and anyone who read it would know what the so-called reward was. It was the first time she hinted at something like this to Toby, and she had even done so for everyone to see. She had no choice either. After all, his behavior today made her feel extremely satisfied and happy. If he could do this, she thought that she should be bold and reward him sometimes, because he deserved it.

Toby had his notifications turned on for Sonia, so the moment she shared and replied to his post, his phone immediately rang, and he hurriedly picked up his phone to check. When he saw what she had posted, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression was in slight disbelief. This was really a reply from her. However, as he looked at the post, he quickly calmed down and laughed under his breath before replying ‘Okay’ under her comment section.

She had never been this bold, as he had always been the one to take the initiative in these areas. Given she was being proactive now, and announced to everyone that she would reward him at night all of a sudden, she was probably moved by his actions. Now, he was pleased and glad he made that post. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have gotten such a satisfactory reward.


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