Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 948

Chapter 948

Chapter 948

Chapter 948 The Date of Our Wedding Has Been Decided

Thanks to the difference in their status, he dared not blow up in front of this guy, nor could he afford to do so. “Sonia, President Fuller, since we’re clocking out at the same time, you don’t mind me taking the same elevator, right? he asked. Despite his question, he entered the elevator right away without waiting for Sonia and Toby’s reply.

As soon as he entered, the elevator door slowly closed. Now it was too late to say they minded him taking the elevator and to ask him to get out.

Toby looked as black as thunder. Sonia didn’t look very pleased either, but she said nothing. After all, this elevator wasn’t hers alone. It was for exclusive use by senior management, so Asher had the right to use it. It’s not the end of the world. I’ll just put up with it.

It was so quiet inside the elevator that only the sounds of shallow breathing and the elevator operating could be heard. For a time, Asher sensed some pressure.

Of course, the pressure wasn’t coming from Sonia. Although she had been running the company for nearly half a year, she was still young, after all. In terms of vigor, she was far from being a match for Asher, who had been in business for decades. Therefore, there was no way Sonia could put pressure on him; only the reverse was possible.

There are only the three of us in the elevator. Since Sonia can’t put pressure on me, the only one who can do so is none other than Toby. At the thought of this, Asher turned slightly to glance at Toby, who was standing next to Sonia while putting his arm around her waist in a protective posture. Inwardly, he sighed with feeling. This guy is young, but the commanding aura that’s emanating from him overpowers me, an old man who has been a businessman for decades. How can old people like us stand this?

Just as he was thinking, Toby suddenly turned his gaze to him with cold, expressionless eyes. “What are you looking at?”

Seeing the look in his eyes, Asher shuddered all over, and his face paled somewhat. However, as a sly old fox, he composed himself and concealed his fears soon afterward. He replied with a forced smile, “I’m just looking at how lovey-dovey you and Sonia still are. You two are such an object of envy on the internet today.”

“A wonderful relationship is supposed to be envied,” Toby replied while withdrawing his gaze impassively.

Sonia smiled without saying a word.

Asher lowered his eyes. “You’re right, President Fuller. But no matter how you put it, I’m considered a family friend of Sonia. Her father and I had been friends for many years. Now that her father has passed away, it’s only natural that as his friends, we should look after her on his behalf.”

Toby frowned. “So? What are you trying to say?”

Sonia also looked at Asher without concealing the sarcasm in her eyes. This guy is really funny. When he fights for power and money, he wishes I could die so that he could scramble for what I have. Whenever he sees me, he’s never nice to me. He never respected my position as chairman of the company, let alone treated me as his family friend for real, she thought. If it weren’t for Asher’s early contributions to Paradigm Co. as well as his age, she wouldn’t have put up with his attitude. Instead, she would’ve let him know what it meant to be respectful toward the company’s chairman. Right now, however, because of Toby’s presence, he shamelessly assumed an air of seniority and called himself a family friend, saying as kindly as he could that he would look after her. If she hadn’t known that he was pretending, she’d probably have been fooled by him. Well, he’s quite a good actor, after all.

How could Asher not tell that Sonia was mocking him for his hypocrisy at this moment? Pinching his palms in secret, he pretended that he didn’t notice anything and continued to look at Toby with a smile. He replied, “I just wanted to say that you and Sonia have gotten back together for some time, and everyone knows that you two are very affectionate toward each other. I was just wondering when you two are gonna get married—or rather, do you intend to get married?”

The instant he said so, Sonia narrowed her eyes and looked at him with sarcasm as well as a hint of suspicion. Why is this old geezer asking about these things?

“You’re asking if we intend to get married?” Toby’s lips curled slightly.

Asher nodded. “Yeah. You two are already a couple, after all, so it’s time to think about this. Don’t you think so, President Fuller?”

“Ha!” Toby laughed before lowering his eyes to look at Sonia. “You don’t have to worry about this, President Dafoe. We intend to get married, of course, and the date of our wedding has been decided. I definitely won’t forget to invite you to our wedding by then.”

Asher’s expression instantly froze. He was just sounding Toby out, but he didn’t expect the latter to really have the intention of marrying Sonia. Not only that, but even the date of their wedding had been decided. For a moment, he felt quite restless, as Toby’s desire to marry Sonia was definitely not a good thing for him. He was intent on having Paradigm Co. to himself. Now that Sonia and Toby were a couple, his chances of success were very slim. Won’t I have no chance of having Paradigm Co. to myself once they get married? If Sonia gives Paradigm Co. to Toby on impulse and has it merged with the Fuller Group after they get married, won’t I end up with nothing?

He was incredibly anxious, whereas Sonia was inwardly surprised. She stared wide-eyed at the man next to her with a look in her eyes that clearly asked him when the date of their wedding had been decided.

Toby merely gave her a smile without answering her. However, his smile vanished soon afterward, and a hint of chilliness flashed across his eyes for an instant as he looked expressionlessly at Asher, who was lowering his head in thought. “President Dafoe, why didn’t you say anything when I said that I intended to marry Sonia? Weren’t you the one who asked the question? You fell silent when I answered your question. Not only that, but you didn’t even smile. What’s wrong? Do you not want me to marry Little Leaf?”

Asher blanched at once. He broke out in a cold sweat, and his heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest. Immediately, he shook his head and replied, “No, no, no! Of course not! I’m a family friend of Sonia as well as her father’s friend. I treat her as my daughter, so how can I possibly not wish you two to get married? I’m only too happy to know that you two are getting married.” God only knew how reluctant he was to say these things. He couldn’t admit that he didn’t want them to get married. Their marriage wouldn’t do him any good, but he couldn’t let this man know such a thing, or nobody knew how this guy was going to deal with him. Therefore, he could only say so against his conscience and put up with it even when Sonia rolled her eyes at him.

“Is that so? Good that you’re happy with it. I’ll definitely have the invitation sent to you by then, so be sure to attend our wedding,” Toby said while putting his arm around Sonia’s shoulders.

Asher’s smile looked increasingly strained. “That’s of course. I-I’ll definitely attend your wedding.”

“Good to hear that.” Toby looked at him with emotionless eyes. “President Dafoe, you’re indeed a good family friend; you care so much about Little Leaf. Don’t worry. Even after our wedding, I’ll treat her as well as I do now so that she’ll be happy forever.”

I’d rather you treated her badly and made her suffer! thought Asher viciously. Of course, he couldn’t show the slightest hint of malice. Instead, he could only reply with a smile, “Now that you’ve said so, I can finally put my mind at rest. Sonia’s such a poor thing, after all.” After darting a look at Sonia, he let out another sigh, looking as though he pitied her.

Sonia nearly threw up in disgust. At the same time, she was furious.


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