Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 960

Chapter 960

Chapter 960

Chapter 960 Give Me a Son

“It was prepared a long time ago. It’s just that I’ve kept it with me and had never taken it out before,” said Toby while he adjusted the necklace so that the ruby would be at the center of her collarbones. After he was satisfied with the arrangement, he withdrew his hand and nodded in satisfaction. “Looks good. I knew that the necklace I chose would be good.”

“It’s fine to compliment the necklace, but why did you have to compliment yourself as well?” Sonia laughed in amusement. Toby gently stroked her hair. “Since I have a good eye for beauty, it’s fine to be boastful about it.”

“Sure, sure. My man here has the best eye for beauty. Are you happy now?” Sonia laughed while shaking her head before she asked, “You said that you’ve prepared it a long time ago. Was it for the sake of matching my dress today?”

The ruby on the necklace was at least fifty carats, whereas the secondary small gemstones were around ten carats. Even the rest of the small ordinary diamonds were at one carat each.

For such a luxurious necklace, it was obvious that it was not intended for daily wear, but it was intended to be worn to match a dress for when one attended a formal event. Hence, it was natural to assume that it was unlikely for Toby to have prepared this necklace for Sonia to wear daily. The only possibility left that came to Sonia’s mind was for the necklace to match the dress she was wearing. After all, the dress was red in color, which was the same color as the ruby. No matter how you sliced it, it would be a perfect match.

Just as Sonia suspected, Toby nodded in affirmation. “Yes, I know you used to have many kinds of jewelry, but you sold them all for the sake of Paradigm Co. Now, the only pieces of jewelry you have now are just ordinary ones that wouldn’t be able to match the dress, so I took the liberty to prepare you this necklace.”

Sonia lowered her head while touching the necklace around her neck. “This is the second time you’ve given me jewelry. Is this a keepsake of your mother as well?”

The first time he gave her jewelry was for a dinner party as well. Just like Toby said, the only jewelry she had right now after she sold most of them for the sake of Paradigm Co. was mere ordinary ones that would most definitely not match the red dress she donned. She would be the laughingstock should she try matching the dress with the jewelry she had on hand. Hence, she had accepted the first time, but did eventually return the jewelry to him, as they still hadn’t made up at that point in time.

“Yes,” Toby answered. “It is my mother’s keepsake, though I would have to mention that it was not part of her dowry. My father had specifically bought this necklace for my mother when they got married. The Johann Family did prepare a dowry during my parents’ marriage, but most of the bulk was prepared by the Fuller Family. This necklace here was one of the ones my family prepared. The rest of them will be yours from now on.”

Listening to what Toby said, Sonia immediately rolled her eyes. “What nonsense are you spouting now? Why would they be mine?”

“You are my wife. Is it not proper for you to inherit the jewelry left by your mother-in-law?” He looked at her with a Duchenne smile. “Not to mention, these pieces of jewelry were originally given to my mother, as she was the daughter-in-law of the Fuller Family. In the future, you could give it to our daughter-in- law as well.”

First, Toby mentioned that his mother’s pieces of jewelry would be hers in the future. Then, he even talked about their son having a wife in the future. This man’s really getting ahead of himself. The next thing you know, he would start thinking about his child having grandchildren of their own, Sonia thought.

Giving a wry expression at the man, Sonia lowered the hand that was touching the necklace. “You’re getting carried away by the second. We’re not even married, yet you have already planned for your future son’s marriage. Not to mention, who would want to give birth to your son?” Why not a daughter? she thought grudgingly.

Toby had no idea what Sonia was thinking, so he held her shoulders with his two hands to turn her around. Looking at her directly, he said, “When we get married, we would naturally have children of our own. Plus, don’t you want to see what I was like as a child?”

Sonia was puzzled at Toby’s question. “As a child? Why are you suddenly talking about your childhood?”

Toby smiled. “Because when you give me a son, you’ll be able to see what I was like as a child, won’t you?”

Upon realizing what Toby meant, Sonia’s eyes widened with her face turned red before she pushed the man aside. “Who decided that a son would grow up just like their father? I mean, shouldn’t the daughters be the ones that would be like their fathers? Usually, the son would follow their mother, whereas the daughter would follow their father, right? Don’t tell me you’re the type of man to prefer a son over a daughter, and that you’ll only ever love your sons and not your daughters?”

Toby hurriedly shook his head. “Of course not. I’m not that type of man at all. Not to mention, I know very well that the gender of the child would be up to me to decide. If I were to prefer a son over a daughter, it would mean that I was looking down on myself.”

When Toby finished his explanation, Sonia’s expression softened with her eyes no longer narrowed. “Then why are you so obsessed over wanting a son?”

With a faint smile on his face, Toby explained, “That way, there would be two men protecting you. If we were to give birth to a daughter, then not only do I have to protect you, but I would also have to protect

my daughter. However, who I truly wish to protect is only you. After all, you are much, much more important than my children, so much so that I would not hesitate in sacrificing my children in order to keep you safe when push comes to shove.” To Toby, his children were not a necessity, only Sonia, and always Sonia.

Although Sonia thought that the man was slightly extreme, she was still moved by how sweet the man was, as that meant the man was only ever looking at her, and only her. “Regardless, we’re dropping the topic right now, since it’s still early to talk about it. You should know that I’m still in the middle of my treatment. It would be impossible for you to even catch a glimpse of your children for at least three years,” said Sonia while she ruffled the hair around her ears.

Gazing deeply into Sonia’s eyes, the man asked, “Does that mean you’ll be willing to have a child with me?”

With Sonia’s cheeks growing hot, she was afraid to look the man in the eye, but could still manage to stammer her thoughts, “If we really get married once more, then I guess it would only be natural to have children.”

Sonia’s answer implied that she was willing to have children with him. Not only for his sake, but her own as well. After all, the child would not only be Toby’s alone; it would be hers as well. Not to mention, she did like children as well, albeit the children should be the ones who she had willingly conceived.

Sonia felt guilty and complicated over the child she had aborted in the past. She felt guilty for giving up on the child and preventing the child from coming into this world, especially since it was the child between her and Toby. She felt complicated because that child was not conceived willingly. Currently, she felt affection for that unborn child, though even affection had its limitations.

Nonetheless, with the child gone now, there was no point in dwelling over these anymore. She wished nothing but for the unborn child to be reincarnated into another happy family, and to not come across

irresponsible parents like her and Toby again.

With such thoughts creeping up into her head, she suppressed the unpleasant feelings she felt and forced a smile. “Help me take the necklace off. I’ll wear it when it’s time for the event. It’s not proper to wear it now since it would make my neck sore with how heavy it is.” She then turned her back toward him.

Initially, Toby intended for Sonia to wear it up until the conclusion of the party. However, since she had complained that the necklace was too heavy, he held back his tongue and helped her take off the necklace. When he was trying to unhook the necklace, he suddenly said, “This ruby necklace wasn’t what I had originally prepared for you.”

“Hm?” Sonia turned her head to the side slightly and looked at the man who wore a serious expression from the corner of her eyes. “Then, what was the thing you originally prepared for me?”

Finally taking off the necklace, Toby placed it in her hand before he replied, “It was supposed to be a sky blue diamond necklace.”

“Blue diamond necklace?” Sonia repeatedly mumbled before a thought flashed through her mind, which prompted her to look at the man. “The blue fishtail dress that Anya had ruined!”


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