Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 984

Chapter 984

Chapter 984

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Chapter 984

"Don't be sad. You still have me, right?" Toby said gently while looking at her.

Sonia was stunned. "You?"

Nodding, he replied, "In the future, I'll be right beside you to watch all the shooting stars."

This made her smile. "Didn't you say that shooting stars occur everyday? Does that mean we'll have to go to the mountain everyday to see it? That'll be so exhausting."

She's right...

Pursing his lips, he responded after a moment of silence, "Then, how about we watch it every so often?"

The man's sincere gaze made Sonia feel all warm inside as she found herself unable to reject him.

After all, Toby was satisfying her wish to witness shooting stars, for it was not him who wanted to see it.

"Alright." Sonia smiled and nodded.

He then handed the wineglass over to her. "Don't worry. Whatever regrets you have, I will rewrite those stories with you, so you'll never feel like you have any unfulfilled wishes."

"Okay." She accepted the glass and leaned against his shoulders.

Yet, the next moment, she thought of something and straightened herself before looking at the wine in her hand.

This made Toby curious as to why she suddenly withdrew herself away from him.

Holding the glass tightly, Sonia asked, "Toby Fuller, who permitted you to drink?"

"Eh?" He was drinking from his glass when the question cornered him.

Planning to consume it all at once, he could only change his plans as he took his one last sip before placing the glass down.

"Can I... not drink?" Toby looked at the woman with hesitation while still gripping the wineglass.

At that moment, there was a stern glare shot at him.

This made him feel like he had done something unforgivable and a sense of guilt welled up from within.

Since his wife was too fierce, he could only concede to her.

But, it's not shameful to be scared of your wife, since that means I love her. This was how Toby comforted himself in his head.

"Of course, you can't!" Sonia placed her glass onto the railing.

Due to the flat surface, one could put things that were not bulky on it and not have it fall as long as they were careful.

After placing her glass down, she snatched the wineglass from Toby and looked at him sternly. "Don't forget that consuming alcohol hurts your body. Besides, when you get drunk, you have a tendency to —"

She stopped at that point.

What she wanted to say was that if he got drunk, he might self-harm like what he did on his mother's death anniversary,

After a moment of thought, she realized that it was rather inappropriate to mention that and bring up his unhappy memories.

"Just don't drink. You promised Old Mrs. Fuller after all." Sonia then placed his wineglass on the railing.

Pursing his lips, the man did not speak while only staring at his woman.

A brief silence passed as he suddenly laughed and said, "I know what you're worried about. You can relax. It won't happen."

The cold breeze blew on Sonia's hair, making it a mess.

Gently smoothing out her hair for her, Toby continued, "The reason why I always drink so heavily on my mother's death anniversary was because I saw the scene of my mother's suicide, which casted a trauma within me. All these years, I believed that I was the reason why my mother couldn't break free and be with the one she loved. I thought I had pushed her to end her own life."

As the man brought the subject up first, Sonia was not scared that he might become sad again as she asked, "I see. Did you take my advice and hire a therapist then?"

Toby shook his head. "I didn't."

Scrunching her nose, she was about to get upset when he quickly explained, "I had planned to hire a doctor after the banquet, but it doesn't look like I'll be needing one anymore."

"Why?" She looked at the man, perplexed.

His smile suddenly became a lot more subtle as his gaze turned icy cold. "If I hadn't known that my mother was grooming me to be the substitute of Connor, I would have carried this guilt for the rest of my life and think that it was me who led my mother to her demise. But, after knowing about that fact, I realized how foolish I was to be carrying that guilt all these years. Mother didn't commit suicide because she couldn't leave the family; it was just because she could not accept the fact that Connor married someone else. What a comedy."

Hearing the man's rant, Sonia realized what he was trying to convey as she held the man's arm and said, "So, you're not gonna be traumatized by her death anymore? Does that mean that I won't see you sad on her death anniversary anymore?"

Toby touched her face. "Absolutely. She's not worth it!"

"That's great!" Sonia smiled. "Then, Old Mrs. Fuller won't have to worry about you anymore."

"Is she the only one?" He asked her with a smirk, "Aren't you worried too?"

She rolled her eyes. "Why ask something you already know the answer to?" Her shy answer filled the man with joy as he laughed.

Knowing why he was laughing, the embarrassed Sonia hit him lightly. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing! I am just delighted to see how adorable my wife is." Toby then lightly pinched her cheeks.

Yet, the woman only slapped his hands away. "Stop that."

I'm not a child with chubby cheeks! Gosh, I really don't understand why he likes doing that so much. My face has become so big!

"Alright, alright. I'll stop." Toby was still smiling.

Since she did not like it, he naturally refrained from doing it; it was not news that he had always been respectful of her.

"Now, can you return my glass?" Toby reached out and used his chin to motion the two wine glasses.

Crossing her arms, Sonia wriggled her finger. "Nope."

This made the man confused. "Why? I'll be fine. Besides, it's just a glass of red wine. It's not like I can get drunk from that."

"That's still a no-go." She was adamant on her stance. "Even if you don't get drunk, drinking is still bad for you. Besides, you've already drunk some earlier at the restaurant. Otherwise, why would I stop you?"

In actuality, she was not refraining him from drinking entirely but just the amount of consumption.

At the start, she was worried that if he drank too much, he might think of his mother and repeat the incident on her death anniversary.

Now that it was out of the equation, she was just worried that his overconsumption might harm his body.

Of course, one or two glasses were fine. However, he had been drinking a lot during dinner earlier, which explained why she was reluctant to let him drink right now.

"I didn't even have that much at the restaurant." Toby, who was still trying to persuade Sonia, pointed at the night sky and the busy city before whining, "Also, if we just enjoy the view, won't it be a little empty without some alcohol to go along with it? It's the ideal combo to be pairing wine with the night view."

Rolling her eyes, she rebuked, "I see through your tricks."

Smiling, the man did not reply.

In the end, she sighed as she still conceded to him.

How could she not, though? After all, he had fought for his chance twice already. It would be cold of her to keep rejecting him and ruining the atmosphere.

He's right too. If we just stand here and admire the view, it would be a bit boring. With a glass of wine in hand, the atmosphere will be different.

Thinking of this, Sonia stopped hesitating and took the wine glasses before handing Toby his. "Here. Just one glass! No more than that!"

"Okay." Finally, he nodded with a smile and took the glass. Shaking it, he raised his eyebrows. "Shall we toast to this?"

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