Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

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Chapter 987

"No, that's not necessary.” Sonia quickly gestured no before he walked over. "I'm not crippled, so why would I need you to carry me over there?"

After she said that, she lowered her head and started to put on her shoes.

Toby stood still by her side and lifted his perfectly-shaped brows. "Are you sure that you don't need my help?"

“Yes, I am.” She was done putting on her shoes when she nodded at him.

He snorted. "Alright, I'll wait and see whether you're able to make it there by yourself."

Perhaps she was mistaken, but she seemed to detect a hint of mockery in his voice.

She lifted her head to look at him for a moment, but she could not tell from his expression, so she shook her slightly fuzzy head. "Why won't I be able to get there? Look carefully. I definitely can do it!"

As she said that, she stood up abruptly.

However, as soon as she rose to her feet, she felt her knees weaken and she immediately tumbled forward.

Instantly, her expression changed and she yelled out in fright.

As soon as Toby noticed that, he took a step forward calmly and reached out to hold her.

She fell into his arms and she could smell the minty scent on his body as well as his body warmth. Finally, she heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness I didn't land on the ground. If she had fallen directly headfirst to the ground, then it was quite likely that her teeth would be chipped.

"How are you feeling? Are you fine?" Toby carried her in his arms and placed her back on the edge of the bed.

Sonia sat down and shook her head with quite a startled look. "I'm fine."

"Do you realize now why I insisted on carrying you over?" He stood in front of her with his arms crossed and there was a teasing look on his face.

At this point, her face was bright red. "Did you know that this was going to happen from the start?"

Toby was non-committal; after all, he clearly knew how much he had gone overboard last night. Otherwise, she would not have left scratches and a bite mark on his body out of a frenzy. As such, he was aware of the state that she would be in the next morning, so he was prepared to take care of her. However, she was stubborn and refused his help by insisting to do things all by herself. In the end, she had to learn her lesson the hard way.

As Toby thought about that, he glanced at the stubborn woman and smiled resignedly. "Are you still sure that you don't need my help?"

Sonia pursed her lips tightly and finally opened up her arms. "Carry me." Whatever. I'll just relax, then. Her knees were weakened and she could not really move about, so there was no point in rejecting help since he insisted on serving her.

He noticed the nonchalant and indifferent stance that she maintained and there was a doting look that flashed across his eyes. He bent his back and carried her in his arms toward the direction of the bathroom.

He knew that she was the type to easily get bashful, so he did not offer to help her remove her clothes or stand guard outside the bathroom. He merely carried her into the bathroom and then confirmed that she was able to hold on to a surface and maintain her standing up stance before leaving the bathroom to wait for her outside.

Truth be told, as she looked at his retreating figure, she heaved a sigh of relief. She was worried that he would want to keep an eye on her as she relieved herself. After all, he was thick-skinned and those words were quite likely to come out of his mouth. Luckily for her, he did not do that.

She exhaled slightly and uncovered the toilet bowl to get down to business.

Meanwhile, Toby leaned against the wall next to the bathroom and waited patiently. As soon as he heard the sound of flushing from inside, he stood up straight immediately and opened the door to enter the bathroom.

"Are you done?" He stood by the entrance with one hand holding onto the door knob.

Sonia held onto the edge of the basin and came to stand in front of it. "No, I'm about to freshen up."

He nodded. "Alright then, take your time. I'll wait outside." After he said that, he let go of his grip on the doorknob and walked toward her. He decided to wait next to her this time instead of outside.

She ignored him as she was not going to use the throne this time and she was just freshening up, so she was not worried about him peeping. She did not mind it as long as he did not disrupt her by causing trouble.

Generally, women took longer to freshen up; after she was done with everything, half an hour had gone by.

Toby waited patiently without any complaints. Besides, he kept his eyes on her the whole time.

Sonia was applying some moisturizer on her face and she felt quite pressured under his intent stare. Finally, she could not contain herself and asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

Ever since she had started to freshen up, he had been staring at her intently until now without shifting his eyes at all.

"My wife's pretty, so I can't control myself from staring." Toby smiled and mentioned.

She harrumphed. "I can't be bothered with you."

In response, he chuckled and was about to voice out when the doorbell rang.

Without a choice, he frowned and turned around. "It must be our room service order. I'll go and take a look."

Sonia waved at him and gestured for him to hurry up.

If he continued to stay on and stare at her, she would feel shy even just wiping her face.

As such, he turned around, walked out, and opened the door.

It was not the waiter from the hotel that delivered their meal, but it was Tom instead.

Tom saw Toby and shifted his glasses before revealing a smile. "Good afternoon, President Fuller."

Toby responded coolly and grunted in reply.

Tom did not mind Toby's cold attitude. After all. Tom was used to this and he reckoned that it would be much more terrifying if Toby suddenly gave an enthusiastic response. Besides, Tom was Toby's subordinate, so he did not have any expectations that his boss would be friendly with him.

"President Fuller, this is the clothes for you and Miss Reed that you requested this morning." As Tom spoke, he handed over two bags to Toby. At the same time, he could not help chiding them in his mind. They've got their bed at home to enjoy, but why did they have to come to a hotel? They really do know how to have fun, huh? Of course, he only thought so in his mind as he did not dare to express his thought by words or his expression. If not, he might not be able to walk out of the front door of the hotel in one piece.

Come to think about it, he shuddered as he thought of this hotel.

The design of the place was rather odd; the entire place was painted ghastly pink and his heart nearly stopped at the sight of that. He had mustered up so much courage to actually step through the front doors of the hotel. After all, he was an upstanding member of society, usually dressed smartly in a suit. He reckoned that he should only be going into places like proper commercial office buildings from the manner of air he generally carried himself. This place here right now was just nonsense. If it was not because of his reluctance to disobey Toby, he would never have walked through the doors at all and he would just turn on his back and leave. This place was a disgrace for an elite like him.

Most importantly, I can't believe that President Fuller and Miss Reed came somewhere like this for some excitement! How did they even find this place? Didn't President Fuller feel the pressure when entering the place? Or is he actually fine with this odd hotel?

"Alright. Since you've delivered the items, then just wait for us in the car." Toby took the bags from Tom and sent Tom on his way.

Clearly, Tom did not wish to stay in this place any longer too, so as soon as he heard that, he nodded earnestly. "Alright, I'll leave right away." After Tom said that, he quickly turned around in a haste and headed in the direction of the elevator.

Tom had just taken a few steps forward when a guy dressed in a waiter's outfit wheeled a food cart and brushed past him. Finally, the waiter stopped in front of Toby. "Sir, here's your room service."

Toby lifted his chin slightly. "I'll wheel it into the room myself."

"Sure." The waiter was clearly used to this from their guests, so he did not reject Toby's request and readily left the food cart to the man.

Toby placed the two bags on the bottom layer of the food cart and then pulled the handle of the cart to drag it into the room before shutting the door after him.

As he pushed the cart toward the dining table in the room, Sonia's voice rang out from the left of the room.

He lifted his head and turned to look in that direction. Then, he saw her holding onto the wall as she walked out of the bathroom; she was slowly making her way toward him.

He quickly let go of the food cart and strode over to her with a stern look on his handsome face. "I told you to wait for me inside, didn't I? Why did you walk out on your own? You're no longer afraid of falling headfirst to the ground, huh?" He leaned forward and swept her into his arms.

She merely smiled in response. "I won't fall. I am holding onto something as I walk out. It took you a while to return and besides, I was freshening up, so I didn't want to remain in the bathroom. That's why I tried to make my way out by myself. Don't worry. Everything's fine."

“But, what if something had happened?” Toby lowered his head and looked at her solemnly. "There's no guarantee for things like this."


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